The market mechanism of labor remuneration | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Экономика и управление

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №34 (481) август 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 26.08.2023

Статья просмотрена: 8 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Ильмурадова, О. Д. The market mechanism of labor remuneration / О. Д. Ильмурадова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 34 (481). — С. 49-51. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

Keywords: labor productivity, reduction of labor, social labor market and labor.

Increasing labor productivity is always one of the key issues for economic growth. Today, the importance of labor productivity is increasing. This is explained by the diversity of ownership and widespread competition in the transition to a market economy. Labor productivity refers to the efficiency of the production process. Labor productivity is a measure of the amount of output produced over a period of time. They distinguish between direct and indirect indicators of labor productivity. A direct indicator of labor productivity is the increase in the amount of output produced in a given period of time. The countermeasure of labor productivity is the reduction of labor time spent on producing a given unit of output. In other words, the counter-indicator of productivity is called the labor consumption of the product.

When studying labor productivity, they distinguish between live and social labor productivity. Live labor productivity refers to the output per worker in an enterprise. An indicator of social labor productivity is the size of the national income per worker involved in production.

In the context of the transition to a market economy, the increase in labor productivity is the only source of economic growth. The main ways to increase the amount of output and national income are the increase in labor productivity or the increase in the number of employees.

Increasing the number of employees and increasing production efficiency is limited to a certain extent. Therefore, increasing labor productivity is considered a viable way to increase output and national income. In scientific practice, they also distinguish between the concepts of labor productivity and labor productivity. The productive power of labor refers to the amount of output that can be produced under certain conditions of production. Labor productivity shows the actual amount of output produced. Differentiating between labor productivity and labor productivity makes it possible to highlight and justify opportunities for improving labor productivity. In every society, the average labor tension arises according to the conditions of production. Normal labor tension is one of the important conditions for increasing labor productivity.

Too low or too high labor tension is not good for society. When labor tension is high, there are negative results in the creation and utilization of labor power. Their energy spent in the labor process is not restored in time. Too low labor tension is often the result of poor organization of labor and production. This, in turn, leads to overstaffing, underutilization of the workforce, and low productivity. Increasing labor productivity is one of the important economic, political, social and cultural conditions for the development of society. Also, labor productivity is determined by the increase in the amount of products produced, the saving of time spent, and the increase in the material and living standards of the people. This is clear, while increasing labor productivity requires addressing social, economic and organizational issues.

Labor productivity, on the one hand, is an indicator of the development of the productive forces and the result. The increase and improvement of the means of production, the increase in the cultural and technical level of employees, and the increase in their level of professionalism lead to the development of labor productivity. On the other hand, labor productivity is a source of growth of productive forces and affects the strengthening of the material and technical base of production. The increase in labor productivity leads to the development of industry, agriculture, the expansion of the service sector, and is going as a result, the harmonious development of the economy.

Labor productivity indicators represent labor efficiency. It also includes all products produced at a given time. Forces affecting the growth of labor productivity they come into play in certain situations. Such situations depend on the natural, material, technical, economic and organizational characteristics of production. In the context of the transition to a market economy, there is a need to know the reasons for the increase or decrease in labor productivity. The forces that affect the increase in labor productivity are understood as the reasons that lead to changes in its level. They can be divided into several groups:

  1. It depends on the development and use of the means of production available material and technical forces;
  2. Organizational forces associated with the conduct of production;
  3. Socioeconomic forces related to proper and full use of labor force;
  4. Management powers related to production and personnel management;
  5. Socio-psychological forces associated with a person's role in social production.

There are various ways of categorizing the forces that affect labor productivity. The practical importance of categorizing the forces that affect labor productivity is that it helps to identify and properly use their existing opportunities. The forces affecting labor productivity are interrelated. One of the main forces affecting labor productivity is the development of scientific and technological progress. The main directions of the impact of scientific and technical progress on labor productivity are as follows:

  1. Mechanization and automation of production;
  2. Introducing new techniques and technologies into production;
  3. Improvement of technology based on used equipment;
  4. Changing the technical characteristics of the product;
  5. Improving the use of raw materials, materials, fuel, energy;
  6. Use more efficient forms of raw materials, materials, fuels and energy.

The socio-economic forces of increasing labor productivity include increasing the cultural, technical and professional level of employees. The management forces affecting the improvement of labor productivity include the improvement of production management, the development of economic tools, and the improvement of organizational structures in production management.

Today, the importance of socio-psychological forces, which reflect the connection of the worker with the equipment and with each other, is increasing. The socio-economic forces of increasing labor productivity include improving working conditions, raising the standard of living of the population, developing the service system, improving the socio-psychological climate in the enterprise, belongs to organizing employees' regular use of free time from work, etc.

When studying labor productivity, the main task is to identify its development opportunities, to use them fully and correctly. In contrast to the forces affecting labor productivity, growth opportunities exist but remain untapped for some reason understood.


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  2. Bakiyev I. B. and others. Labor economics and market. Study guide. Ashgabat, 2001.
  3. Uvdiyev T. O., Penayev G. M., Labor in industry normalization Ashgabat, 1993

Ключевые слова

labor productivity, reduction of labor, social labor market and labor

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