Some aspects of language learning | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Гафурова, М. А. Some aspects of language learning / М. А. Гафурова, Д. Б. Бадырова, А. В. Жапарова, Я. Н. Назаров. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 42 (489). — С. 86-88. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

Keywords : lexicology, structure, linguistic.

Language can be studied and language can be learned. Practical language learning is associated with specific linguistic disciplines, the main ones are phonetics, grammar and lexicology. These disciplines describe language as a code, as a system of signs that has a certain structure. Cognition of language presupposes the study of its nature and essence, the disclosure and definition of the phenomenon language as a direct given of human.

In some foreign trends in linguistics, the opinion is expressed that linguistics should be a science par excellence or even purely empirical. This opinion is due to the following positivist attitude to reality: our knowledge is always incomplete and relative, theories are subjective, so we need know only the facts to the extent available to us.

The study of specific aspects of language is carried out within the framework of linguistic disciplines. Knowledge of language, understanding of what language is, what are the patterns of its assimilation, functioning and evolution, impossible within the framework of linguistics alone. The disclosure and definition of the phenomenon of language are associated with deep theoretical and truly philosophical comprehension of reality. That is why, within the framework of general linguistics, the theory of linguistics and the philosophy of language are combined.

Since language is a means of communication, as well as thinking and constructing of the human world in general, its function can again be characterized only with the help of language. We are talking about the most complex semiotic system, which in many respects is superior to other systems, before all in that it is adapted to life in history, and therefore the change to which it must react may go beyond the boundaries of existing experience. Thus, language, among other things, is a manifestation of the openness of our peace in relation to what is new to us, what is not here yet.

Linguistics is closely related to literary studies. The union of linguistics and literary criticism gave birth to philology. Linguistics is also related to psychology. The psychological direction in linguistics studies mental and other psychological processes and their reflection in speech, in the categories of language.

Such a variety of connections with such diverse sciences — social, natural, technical — complicates the question of the place of linguistics among other sciences.

XIX century the formation of linguistics took place as an independent branch of science, but its close connection with philosophy, logic and psychology has been preserved. The greatest linguists — the founders of scientific linguistics — are at the same time philosophers: Grimm, Humboldt, Wundt, and philosophers are involved in the development linguistic problems, for example, Chernyshevsky. This enriched the science of language, but at the same time made it difficult scientific research, since the boundaries of the subject of science remained ill-defined. Linguistics was dissolved in related disciplines. Looking for new ones

For research methods, structuralisms turned to the exact sciences: physics and mathematics. They developed a new research system, in many ways similar to physical and mathematical methods. Place of linguistics according to some modern foreign scientists, should be among the exact sciences. Strengthening this view is also facilitated by the ever-growing connection between linguistics and technical sciences (information theory, cybernetics), thanks to which only joint efforts are being made to solve practical problems of our time: television, radiotelegraphy, machine translation.

Formal logic is the science of forms of thinking regarding their structure. She describes the 'protozoa' methods of thinking used in the knowledge of reality, formulates the rules for deriving one 'sudden from others. But she is distracted from the issues of the emergence and development of mental categories. Dialectical logic studies various forms thinking in their development and dependence. Both Logic is inextricably linked with linguistics.

After all, thinking is carried out with the help of language, “penetrate” thinking is possible only through language, and, conversely, the content of language is a person’s thought. Therefore, in fact, a linguist and a logician study the same thing the same phenomenon is human language, but they concentrate their attention on different sides of it.

The logician tries to reveal the laws of thinking through language. He is interested in the form, the structure of thought. Linguist studies the laws of language; he is interested in the laws of thinking only to the extent that they affect the structure language.

A new branch of logic is mathematical logic that represents all provisions formally logic in the form of mathematical formulas. Its methods are used in the construction of electronic computers, the many functions of which include translation. Therefore, let us briefly dwell on the principles of mathematical logic. To express logical relations, use symbolic signs, for example, plus (+) matches conjunction or, the multiplication sign (dot) corresponds to union. A simple statement is denoted by some letter, the same statement with negation — the same letter howl, but with a dash at the top. For example: It’s raining A Bought a ticket B It’s not raining A Didn’t buy a ticket B. A true statement is denoted by 1, and false zero 0. If the statement «it is raining» is true, it is true A •= 1.

If it is false, since there is no rain, then A = 0. A general rule can be derived from this: if A = 1, then A = 0. And, conversely, if A = 0, then A = 1, that is, if it is true that “it is raining,” then it is false that “it is not raining.” And vice versa. The following two points are also obvious. A + A = 1 and A — A = 0. Recall that + ' replaces the conjunction or, and the multiplication sign replaces the conjunction. In the form of a formula, you can convey a rather complex

statement. For example, “I will definitely go to a football match if I get a ticket or I’m invited buddy and if it doesn’t rain.”

Let’s agree on what letters we will use to denote from: sensible simple statements.

I'll go to the match M_

If I get ticket B

If a friend invites you

If it doesn't rain D

The formula will look like this:

M = (B + P) — D.

We have given the simplest examples. Using mathematical logic, you can put it into brief formulas the most complex logical problems and provide computers with precise instructions for action. Without knowledge of the laws of mathematical logic, scientists and engineers would not be able to create electronic counting and solving mechanisms.

Despite all the connections and influences, linguistics remains an independent science with its own subject and your research boundaries. It is thanks to its independence; it can interact with other scientific disciplines without dissolving into them.


  1. Danilenko, V. P. On terminological word formation / V. P. Danilenko // VYa — 1973. — No. 4.
  2. Danilenko, V. P. On the place of scientific terminology in the lexical system of the language / V. P. Danilenko // VYa — 1976. — No. 4.
  3. Danilenko, V. P. Russian terminology: Experience of linguistic description / V. P. Danilenko. — M.: “Nauka”, 1977. — 246 p.

Ключевые слова

structure, linguistic, lexicology
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