Formation of emotional security of the educational environment: psychological and pedagogical aspects | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №42 (489) октябрь 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 24.10.2023

Статья просмотрена: 22 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Имангалиева, С. С. Formation of emotional security of the educational environment: psychological and pedagogical aspects / С. С. Имангалиева, Аида Зинуркызы. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 42 (489). — С. 101-103. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

The article is devoted to the formation of a healthy and psychologically safe educational environment for students of secondary schools and institutions of additional education. The article raises the problem of ensuring the emotional security of the educational environment. An emotionally safe educational environment is considered as an environment that promotes the subject's experience of genuine positive or neutral emotions (depending on the context of the situation) and minimizes the effect of genuine negative emotions. Genuine emotions are understood as such emotional experiences that manifest themselves at the physiological level, changing the biochemical composition of the body's environment. The purpose of the article is to investigate the reduction of negative emotions and an increase in the number of positive emotions that affect the well-being of a modern student in the educational process.

Keywords: emotional safety, safe educational environment, educational process, psychological safety, psychosomatics, healthy lifestyle.

In modern psychology, the emotional security of the educational environment is understood as a state of it that is free from any appearance of psychological violence, which satisfies a person's needs for personal and confidential communication, and which creates a referentially significant environment for the subjects of the educational process, and, most importantly, ensures the formation of mental health in all involved participants [1]. Only a psychologically safe educational environment ensures the formation of a harmonious student personality.

The educational environment is a part of a person's life, social environment. Educational institutions as a social institution of society are subjects of security, and the importance of studying the emotional security of the individual in the educational environment is determined by the fact that educational institutions, including the younger generation, adults and family, are able to build their local (private) security system both through training and education, and through solving development problems. Overcrowded classrooms, where it can be difficult to maintain a focus on learning and the teacher does not have time to pay attention to the maximum number of students; lack of care of teachers in the presence of strict discipline; rejection of other cultures; alienation and bias towards the student from peers and/or teachers; tension in interpersonal relationships and non—compliance with requirements are characteristics that reduce the ability of educational the environment (educational institutions in particular) should be safe.

The same characteristics as a friendly atmosphere; high expectations from the work of students without bias, the same ways of evaluating students; a high level of involvement in the educational environment and the learning process, as well as the involvement of parents; training in social interaction skills — increase the safety of the educational environment and its protective function [2].

As part of the emotional and psychological security of the educational environment, three classical components can be distinguished: cognitive, behavioral and emotional, as it is done in the methodology of I. A. Baeva. «Psychological safety of the educational environment of the school» [3]. Behavioral in this case is a volitional component, namely the ability of the subject to control his behavior. The cognitive (rational) component is the subject's knowledge and ideas that the school develops his personality, intelligence, and abilities. Emotional security can include an emotional component. It represents the emotions experienced by the subject of the educational environment in relation to the educational process and the educational institution. The emotional component can be distinguished in other concepts of psychological security of the educational environment, as well as in the concepts of security of other environments [4].

Risk factors in the educational environment can be: insufficient provision of teaching staff, material and technical base, low activity of students and teachers, lack of formation of social and practical skills, skills and experience, the level of education and culture, personal and psychological characteristics of participants in the educational process, lack of formation of ideas and prevention of mental and physical health. The combination of these factors poses a threat to the educational environment and the development of the personality of its participants.

One of the significant psychological dangers in the educational environment is the dissatisfaction of an important basic need for personal and confidential communication, and as a result — a tendency to destructive behavior, a negative attitude towards educational institutions and mental and physical health disorders. Potentially dangerous in the process of a student's development are: the transition from preschool childhood to school life, the beginning of primary school and the transition from primary to high school. The danger is that under unfavorable conditions, the stage of adaptation to a new learning situation is painful and can be delayed.

L. A. Regush considers the dangers and threats to the health of students in the educational environment to be the discrepancy between the level of requirements of the educational subject to the capabilities of the student, the difficulties of contact between the student and the teacher in educational activities, the passive position of students in the learning process, the lack of integration between different subjects and the difficulties of students in successfully completing homework. All this may be the result of learning focused not on the individual as a priority of learning, education and development, but on the transfer of knowledge. The lack of psychological security in the interpersonal relationships between teachers and students eventually leads students to unwillingness to ask for help and to isolation.

During the review of educational institutions in Kazakhstan, an oral survey was conducted-a study of what emotional security is for students. According to many students, especially for students with low academic performance, the question of what is emotional security was answered: equal communication of teachers with all students (advanced students, students with average academic performance, students with low academic performance). One of the most pressing problems today is the attitude of teachers to students with social inequality. For example, in most cases, teachers communicate well only with students who study well, give them motivation to improve further and give dominant attention to these students. It turns out that there are often situations when teachers scold and demotivate students with low academic performance, referring to the fact that they perceive the educational material poorly. Many students paid special attention to the topic of emotional security in the educational center.

The most important conditions of the educational environment that create and ensure psychological safety are:

– friendly relationships (include trust in each other, attention and respect, psychological support, concern for the safety of each member of the team, etc.);

– discipline.

If an educational institution adheres to strict discipline, it begins to be regarded by students as a prison, and teachers as guards and bosses. Students begin to behave like prisoners, and violence is a way for them to express themselves and attract attention. Discipline by teachers and administration is often equated with punishment. However, the discipline consists of preventive and preventive measures and is aimed at organizing the behavior of students, and not only at management and punishment.

The leading goals of students ' behavior — to feel their involvement in the life of the school and to take a place in this community — are embodied in three particular goals:

– to feel their worthiness in educational activities (intellectual worthiness);

– build and maintain acceptable relationships with the teacher and students (communicative competence);

– to contribute to the life of the class and the educational institution (consistency in activity).

The interest of children and youth in learning (the desire to attend classes and study, listen to the teacher) arises in the presence of personality-oriented learning and friendly relationships (individual approach and informal communication with teachers, classmates, mutual assistance and support), as well as loads corresponding to the age and intellectual capabilities of students.

Responsibility and involvement in the processes taking place in the educational environment should be distributed evenly among all its participants: teachers, students and their parents, administration [5].

In conclusion, teachers and educators are obliged to pay their close and constant attention to strengthening the cohesion of students in the team, to foster feelings of unity, equality and fraternity, which also contributes to the formation of a healthy emotional mood among students. The positive side of emotional security (joy, delight, admiration), on the contrary, contributes to ensuring the health of the individual, mental and physical. The most important and priority task of modern schools and organizations of additional education for children is to create an educational environment that is comfortable and safe for them. Special attention should be paid to the importance of preserving and enhancing the mental and physical health of schoolchildren. The educational environment should be filled with activities that can cause real positive emotions in children.


  1. Рубцов В. В., Баева И. А. Психологическая безопасность образовательной среды как условие психосоциального благополучия школьника. //Безопасность образовательной среды: Сборник статей / Ответственный редактор и составитель Г. М. Коджаспирова.-М., Экон-Информ, 2008.
  2. Jonevee B. Amparo, Emotional Security on Teaching Effectiveness, University of the Philippines Visayas, 2018
  3. Баева И. А., Семикин В. В. Безопасность образовательной среды, психологическая культура и психическое здоровье школьников // Известия РГПУ им. А. И. Герцена. 2005. № 12.
  4. Шарагин В. И., Иванов В. С. Диагностика мотивационной сферы студентов как путь определения психологических проблем мотивации учебной деятельности. // Психология обучения. 2018. № 6. С. 14–26.
  5. Безрукова, Г. В. Здоровая и безопасная среда образования для учащихся общеобразовательных учреждений / Г. В. Безрукова, Л. А. Безруков. — Текст: непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2021. — № 44 (386). — С. 243–245. — URL:
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): образовательная среда, URL.

Ключевые слова

educational process, healthy lifestyle, emotional safety, safe educational environment, psychological safety, psychosomatics

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