The role of Magtymguly in Turkmen literature | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №42 (489) октябрь 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 22.10.2023

Статья просмотрена: 13 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Хансахедова, М. Б. The role of Magtymguly in Turkmen literature / М. Б. Хансахедова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 42 (489). — С. 324-326. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

Keywords: humanity, courage, wisdom, patriotism, morality.

Magtymguly Pyragy is one of our poets who has done great services in the improvement and enrichment of Turkmen classic literature and human consciousness, and who has created the miracle of humanitarianism and patriotism that guides the Turkmen society to perfection. The literary legacy of Magtymguly Pyragy, who created a historical revolution in the artistic thinking of the 18th century Turkmen society, has been studied to a certain extent by the science of studying Turkmen literature, the science of studying the Turkmen language, and the science of studying Turkmen culture, history, social and political life, and philosophy. is studied. This is evidenced by candidature and doctoral dissertations written on the basis of Magtymguly's creativity, that is, directly dedicated to the literary heritage of the poet and related to various fields of science.

However, dozens of candidate's and doctoral dissertations related to various branches of science and related to the Turkmen life of the 18th century did not escape Magtymguly's literary heritage. However, many dissertations and monographs should be written in order to assimilate the creativity of this great poet and philosopher in the scientific context. Because in order to study the rich Magtymguly and his diverse heritage according to the requirements of today's time, thorough scientific and research work should be done. As far as we understand, these works should begin with the scientific study of the first sources — the manuscripts. Until now, we have not paid enough attention to the first sources-manuscripts in the study of our past poets, their literary heritage, including Magtymguly, his advanced philosophical ideas, his artistic skills, and the influence he had on the future development of Turkmen literature. In fact, manuscripts are of great importance as primary sources for studying the past literature, science and culture of nations.

They have a literary-artistic, social-political or practical content, and they spread ideas, characters, knowledge, in general, the spiritual values created by the past generations, and the experiences gathered in life. At the same time, manuscripts are a weapon of political struggle, a key to scientific research and cultural development. That is why any country that approaches the study of its past on a scientific basis, any people that seriously wants to get involved in the spiritual world of their ancestors, look at manuscripts — mirrors that reflect the past with great interest. They are concerned with collecting, preserving and studying them. Because the study of any spiritual heritage of the past without manuscripts will not produce the expected scientific results. Abu Rayhan Biruni, a great sage of the East, says: «Letter is a form of communication that is more reliable than others. «If there were no eternal monuments of China, then how would we know the legends created by the nations».

For various reasons, the Turkmen people began publishing books later, in the first quarter of the 20th century. Until this time, the Turkmen people received scientific knowledge mainly through manuscripts. It is probably impossible to study the cultural level and spiritual world of the Turkmen people over the centuries without manuscripts. This is also the case with regard to the past Turkmen literary heritage, including Magtymguly, the champion of Eastern poetry, who became a spiritual pillar of Turkmen with his creativity. Scholars interested in Eastern literature, especially Turkmen scholars, emphasized this in their work.

However, the scientific works written by Turkmen and foreign scientists related to Magtymguly were mainly based on the poet's publications during the Soviet period. In rare cases, Magtymguly Tashkent, Bukhara, Astrakhan editions were put into scientific circulation. That is why the demands of the readers and the scientific community for the critical text, textological analysis of Magtymguly's works, scientific analyzes written on the basis of primary sources — manuscripts are legitimate. From here, there is a need to start the study of Magtymguly's literary heritage from mastering his manuscripts, that is, collecting and systematizing them, analyzing them in a scientific context.

As a result, the poet's life, literary heritage, and place in the field of literature will be determined. First, we need to clarify one thing. Scholars who deal with Magtymguly's creations, including us, do not mean his handwritten manuscripts — autographs or divans made by his own hands. Until now, the scientific community has not been able to capture Magtymguly's authorship — a manuscript written by his own hand or a divan. Not even a single line has been discovered which proves that it is the poet's letter. Professor K. Atayev, based on the inscription «Hazä kitab molla Mahdumkuly» («Shu kitab molla Magtymgulyky») of the manuscripts stored in the folder 8507 of the Institute of Oriental Studies named after Biruny, Uzbekistan, says that this manuscript belongs to Magtymguly, and that the inscription was written by Magtymguly himself.

To this day, this hypothesis remains a hypothesis, and no one has yet tried to clarify it, prove or disprove it. This manuscript is a collection of various works related to Islam, which consists of 12 works in total. The period in which the works were copied and the scribes are also different. The name Magtymguly was also misspelled. In our opinion, there is no reason to associate this manuscript with the name of the poet. When scholars studying Magtymguly use the phrases «the poet's manuscripts» and «Magtymguly's divans», they are referring to the manuscripts containing Magtymguly's poems, copied to a greater or lesser extent by different people at different times, in different places.

According to our calculations based on the above principle, the number of divans of the poet stored only in the treasury of the Institute of National Manuscripts of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan is close to 80. Magtymguly's works are also found in about 50 anthologies. Apart from that, about 200 manuscripts have poems related to Magtymgul written at the beginning, middle, end, and edges of the texts. Also, parts of the poet's divans have been preserved. In addition to these, the poet's manuscripts are found in the manuscript treasures of Tashkent, St. Petersburg, Baku, London, Budapest, Dresden.

Magtymguly's manuscripts are spread all over the world. Shahir's works are widely known, especially among Iranian and Afghan Turkmen. Determining the distribution and size of Magtymguly divans is one of the important tasks of Magtymguly science. This work will help to determine the distribution and size of Magtymguly's manuscripts to a certain extent. Also, the study of the ways of the literary heritage of the poet to our days was considered in this work. As you know, some of our poets of the past created works with only literary pseudonyms, others used several literary pseudonyms, and some used personal names in their works along with literary pseudonyms.


  1. Magtymguly Pyragy's poetic world and world languages. — A: Turkmen State Publishing Service, 2014
  2. Annagurban Asyrov. Commentary on Magtymguly manuscripts. — 2014y.

Ключевые слова

patriotism, morality, humanity, courage, wisdom
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