Stable competitiveness of a trademark in the economy of Turkmenistan | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Экономика и управление

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №43 (490) октябрь 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 25.10.2023

Статья просмотрена: < 10 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Чариева, О. И. Stable competitiveness of a trademark in the economy of Turkmenistan / О. И. Чариева, М. Э. Атаева, Б. Х. Тувакова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 43 (490). — С. 63-64. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

Keywords: stable competitiveness, provision of quality

Today, the matter of competitiveness and reasonableness of the ways of its strengthening is important. The trademark and especially the support of its image so important for reputation of a product and an enterprise is one of the priority factors of provision of stable competitiveness in the international and national economies spheres. The consumer value of a product is not its market cost. It is because the consumer properties referred to the product attractiveness complement the product by ensuring the provision of quality, packaging, creating the image and brand, organizing pre-sale and after-sale services, forming general consumer satisfaction from purchase and use of this product. Thus, the overall value of a commodity and its extrinsic properties should involve the factor of consumer value of a commodity and demand for it, as well as the opportunity of acquisition of main properties of a commodity such as its price, quality, service life, appearance, packaging, image and trademark. Competitiveness is an internal and external position of an enterprise, which demonstrates its readiness and compliance with the requirements of the competitive market. A trademark is the assemblage of various views and thoughts in consciousness of people concerning the product brand of the manufacturer. Trademark is one of the most significant ways for the competitiveness of a product and an enterprise in general. The competitiveness of a trademark is achieved by observance of a number of principles that assist to keep competitiveness of a commodity in the international market in the conditions of strong competition, i.e. by forming the buyers’ loyalty to the brand, achieving the immensity and efficiency of its spread at the market, creating its unique, exclusive and distinctive qualities compared to other trademarks. Consequently, a competitive trademark forms a sound basis for efficiency of the products and the enterprise in whole, while acquiring logically sound position in the environment of competition. Further development of a trademark is the important aspect of its competitiveness.

There are a number of well-known trademark potentials:

— financial potential;

— market potential;

— personnel potential;

— competitive potentials;

— innovative potentials;

— intellectual potential.

Trademark’s competitiveness potentials help to use all the characteristic features of a trademark in a competition, strengthen its marketing potential, gain huge advantage from buyers and use them for trademark development, making it a key to innovation and intellectual possibilities, creating in this way a basis for stable competitiveness. However, using of a trademark as a key component for sustainable competitiveness and promotion has a number of drawbacks, particularly the creation and further development of a trademark requires significant resources, evaluation of a trademark (advertising expenditures), etc.

In the process of creating a brand image it is necessary to implement three aspects of solutions: In order to make the image of a trademark more profitable and successful within the current market relations, it is necessary to use various methods to create stable world view, opinion with respect to the trademark producers and advertisers:

— satisfaction of buyers’ demands

— usage of cultural symbols;

— optimal ratio of price and quality of the product;

— relationship between the buyer’s personal characteristics and the buyer’s choice It is necessary to constantly and continuously develop and implement creative solutions on the image and appearance of the trademark.

The beautiful, bright image of the trademark undoubtedly promotes competitiveness of a commodity, and also promotes:

— recognition of the goods;

— quality of the goods;

— stable and flexible protection from unfair competition.

Effective profile of a trademark provides for an exclusive image of it through successful communication. Thus the stable advantage in shopping environment is achieved and ensures the leading positions of an enterprise in a competitive battle. The peculiarities of a trademark image, i.e. the presence of an original unique features compared to competitive brands, the presence of trademark values and associations, are the key to sustainable competitiveness. The competitiveness of a product, enterprise and trademark depends directly on the reputation of this brand. This means the prestige of a trademark is important enough. A buyer knows and is permanently interested in a trademark. Consequently, successful image and competitiveness of a certain trademark is formed by the advertising company:

— effectiveness of the product display strategy and marketing of it;

— formation of positive consciousness;

— high-level customer satisfaction;

— high-level consumption and purchase consistency;

— reduction of consumer risks;

— the ratio of price and quality;

— the buyers’ confidence.

Effective profile of a trademark provides for an exclusive image of it through successful communication. Thus the stable advantage in shopping environment is achieved and ensures the leading positions of an enterprise in a competitive battle. The peculiarities of a trademark image, i.e. the presence of an original unique features compared to competitive brands, the presence of trademark values and associations, are the key to sustainable competitiveness.

The competitiveness of a product, enterprise and trademark depends directly on the reputation of this brand. This means the prestige of a trademark is important enough. A buyer knows and is permanently interested in a trademark. Consequently, successful image and competitiveness of a certain trademark is formed by the advertising company:

— effectiveness of the product display strategy and marketing of it;

— formation of positive consciousness;

— high-level customer satisfaction;

— high-level consumption and purchase consistency;

— reduction of consumer risks;

— the ratio of price and quality;

— the buyers’ confidence

The effective image of a trademark is the beginning of formation of competitiveness of the product and the enterprise. Successful integration of all of the abovementioned methods, solutions, measures, as well as the implementation of the strategy on realization of the trademark allow create and keep the long-term competitive advantage of the trademark. The comprehensive measures are taken in Turkmenistan to diversify the national economy, to industrialize it, develop the market relations and produce export-oriented national goods. Honorable President of Turkmenistan underlines consecutively the necessity of renewal and change of organizational approaches to the trade and industry, to provision of efficiency of the national goods advertisement, as well as to regulation and improvement of export-import operations. The necessary conditions have been created in the country for sustainable development. Many interstate business groups and committees have been established to build up cooperation in such important areas as active attraction and effective use of investments, introduction of innovative technologies and promotion of the goods to the world markets.


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  2. «Conception for Digital Economy Development in Turkmenistan in 2019–2025», approved by the Decree of President of Turkmenistan of November 30, 2018
  3. Zagorna T. O. «Managing a trademark competitiveness potential» — Donetsk, 2004
  4. Mishustina T. S. / «Role of a trademark in an enterprise competitiveness management». Bulletin of International Nobel Economic Forum, Dnepropetrovsk, 2011

Ключевые слова

stable competitiveness, provision of quality

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