General basics of handball technique and tactics | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Физическая культура и спорт

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №43 (490) октябрь 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 25.10.2023

Статья просмотрена: 20 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Гарягдиев, Гуванч. General basics of handball technique and tactics / Гуванч Гарягдиев. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 43 (490). — С. 287-288. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

Keywords: handball game, handball techniques and tactics.

In my article first of all I want tell about the history of handball, the game of handball was invented in 1898 by Holger Nilsen, a teacher at the ladies' gymnasium in Ordrup, Denmark. He created this game in his training classes, he formed a team of 7 people on each side, played them on a small field and named this game «Handball». At that time, Josen Hlenka, a school teacher in Czechoslovakia, created a similar game. He named her «Cheska Hazena». The 11×11 handball game originated in 1917–1919. At that time, the rules were developed by the teachers Heiser and Schales in Berlin. The first dimensions of the handball court were 40x40 meters, the width of the gate was 2 meters, and the height was 2.10 meters. The size of the ball was 68–70 centimeters. Since then, they have created new rules for the game of handball. The size of the field and the gate was increased to 5x2.5 meters. In 1923, the rules of "3 steps» and «three seconds» were introduced into handball.

This had an impact on the development of the handball game. In 1926, at the congress held in The Hague, a special team was created by the International Athletics Sports Federation for the purpose of mastering the game. In 1928, the International Handball Federation was established in Amsterdam. Initially, 11 states joined this federation. After 2 years, the number of member states has increased to 20 states. Currently, the International Handball Federation includes 73 countries. In 1946, a new International Handball Federation was established. The newly formed federation was to host the 2nd World Handball Championship in 1948 in France. 12 countries participated in this tournament, and the Swedish national team took the first place. In 1949, the Hungarian team won the first place in the 2nd World Women's Championship held in Budapest. After that, the World Handball Championship is held every 4 years. In 1952 and 1956, the 3rd and 4th world championships were won by the GFR team. In the 3rd and 4th world championships held in 1956 and 1960, the Romanian national team won first place among women. In 1959, 26 countries became members of the International Handball Federation.

General fundamentals of handball technique and tactics.

Classification of tactics. Technique of play: Handball techniques are performed with and without the ball. Handball technique is a set of various special techniques used in the game to achieve the goal. Technical methods are the means of creating a handball game. Achieving high sports results largely depends on how well handball players master these various tools, how skillfully and effectively they use them in various situations during the game, when players of the opposing team offer resistance, and often fatigue increases. Good knowledge of handball playing techniques is an integral part of the comprehensive training and development of a handball player in all aspects.

Over more than a century of development of the game, certain changes have occurred in the handball technique. The main directions of this development are as follows: instead of the previously common 11x11 game, there are now intense, constantly high-speed players.

Attack and defense differ in playing technique. Catching, passing, carrying and throwing the ball are offensive techniques. Defense uses play techniques of blocking the path of the ball, catching it, rebounding it and goalkeeper.

The actions of the attacker and defender on the field, as well as deceptive moves, form the basis of the playing technique. Initial state — determines standing, preparation and movement. Standing high and standing low are two different things; the situation dictates which position to stand. In modern endball, standing in a high position (legs slightly bent) is held shoulder-width apart, the body is slightly tilted forward, and the arms are held in a bent position.

The player who moves faster and more efficiently on the field will receive more benefits. That is why every player must be able to start quickly, change direction while running, stop and jump, freely walk forward with his back, walk sideways.

Classification of attack and defense techniques.

Attacking technique: The striker in possession of the ball tries with his whole body to score the ball into the opponent’s goal. He will be able to overcome the resistance of his opponents only by using special methods.

This part of the game technique includes catching, catching, carrying and handling the ball, feints and blocking.

Catch the ball. This is a technique that allows you to control the ball. The ball can be caught with one or two hands. When holding the ball with both hands, the paws of the hands are brought together, forming a funnel-shaped depression; after the fingers touch the ball, the hands are bent to reduce the speed of the flying ball.

Catching the ball with one hand is very difficult. In this case, the hook and the subsequent handshake often form a continuous action.

To successfully move with the ball, you need to catch it correctly. The ball is well controlled if the player catches it with both hands. But the ball can be caught with one hand from above or with an open palm. Only in this case should you not hold the ball tightly, as this will lead to stiffening of the joints of your hands.

Passing the ball is the main technique. The ball is passed in different ways, especially through the head and, more often than others, with the claws. The execution of the passing technique also differs in the method of throwing the ball.

Passing the ball from above with your arms bent at the elbows is the main way of passing the ball in handball.

In more recent times, passing the ball behind the back, behind the head, between the legs has become increasingly important. The ball is passed as a result of the active work of the paws. The ball passed with the help of paws benefits in accuracy and speed.

Carry the ball by hitting it on the ground. This technique is performed while standing still, more often while walking or running, and is considered one of the main methods of movement for a handball player. You can walk while hitting the ball off the ground in different ways: higher and lower. In this method, the handball player throws the ball as it bounces off the field and meets it with widely spaced fingers. He bends his arm, passes the ball a little higher, then sharply pushes it back into the field at a certain angle. The legs should be bent, the torso should be slightly bent, and the head should be kept straight. The most common way is to throw the ball with a top arm motion. As a result of swinging your arms, the position of throwing the ball changes. The ball can be thrown from the back of the head, over the shoulder or from the side. This is determined by the nature of the situation and the effectiveness of the technology.

An overhand throw while moving is performed in three different situations: shooting after cross steps, shooting without cross steps, and stopping. After the interception, the player can run up and throw the ball or use the three-step rule. If the player wants to throw the ball with his right hand, he takes the first step with his left foot, in this case, when taking the second step, he places the inside of the palm of that foot towards the side from which he started. run. In this case, the hand holding the ball straightens, moves to the back of the head, and the side of the body is directed towards the goal. After the leg opposite the hand with the ball has rested, the throwing movement begins; in this case, the body weight is transferred forward, turns towards the target, and the hand holding the ball bends and begins to move with acceleration forward.


  1. Pavlov Sh.K. Handball. Textbook. T., 1993.
  2. Podgotovka handborlistov: Uchebnoye posobiye /Abdurakhmanov F. A., Livitsky A. N. T., 1992.
  3. Rivkin A. A., Seytkhalilov E. A. Methody kompleksnoy otsenki irovnya physical, technical and functional preparation of handball skills. T., 1998.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): GFR.

Ключевые слова

handball game, handball techniques and tactics

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