Transformation of the fairy-tale worldview in the translation of the Grimm brothers' fairy tales into Russian | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №44 (491) ноябрь 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 07.11.2023

Статья просмотрена: 16 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Кулдошева, Ш. Б. Transformation of the fairy-tale worldview in the translation of the Grimm brothers' fairy tales into Russian / Ш. Б. Кулдошева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 44 (491). — С. 383-385. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

The captivating and enchanting fairy tales penned by the Grimm Brothers have become an integral part of our literary heritage. Not only have these tales entertained generations of readers worldwide, but they also hold significant cultural and historical value. Their stories transport readers to mystical realms filled with magic, heroism, and life lessons. Such popularity has sparked the interest of translators, who strive to recreate the original charm and essence of the Grimm Brothers' tales in different languages. This article delves into the specifics of translating the fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm, illuminating how these renditions impact the bewitching world portrayed in their stories.

Keywords: linguoculturology, folklore traditions, fairy-tale worldview, translation of fairy-tale text, intercultural communication.

Увлекательные и чарующие сказки, написанные братьями Гримм, стали неотъемлемой частью литературного наследия. Эти сказки не только развлекали поколения читателей по всему миру, но и представляют значительную культурную и историческую ценность. Их истории переносят читателей в мистические царства, наполненные магией, героизмом и жизненными уроками. Такая популярность вызвала интерес переводчиков, которые стремятся воссоздать оригинальное очарование и суть сказок братьев Гримм на разных языках. В данной статье рассматриваются особенности перевода сказок братьев Гримм, рассказывается о том, как эти переводы влияют на чарующий мир, изображенный в их историях.

Ключевые слова: лингвокультурология, фольклорные традиции, сказочное мировоззрение, перевод сказочного текста, межкультурная коммуникация.

Fairy tales have always held a special place in our hearts, captivating readers of all ages with their enchanting mix of whimsy, moral lessons, and timeless characters. Among the countless authors who have contributed to this magical genre, few have left a more indelible mark than the Brothers Grimm.

Jacob Ludwig Carl Grimm and Wilhelm Carl Grimm, commonly known as the Brothers Grimm, were German folklorists, linguists, and authors who lived in the 19th century. Collecting and preserving tales passed down through generations, their exquisitely crafted fairy tales have become an integral part of our global cultural heritage.

The Grimm Brothers' fairy tales serve as a bridge connecting different cultures and generations. Translations make these tales accessible to a wider audience, enabling individuals from various linguistic backgrounds to experience the rich folklore and timeless morals encapsulated in these stories. The act of translating the Grimm Brothers' tales into Russian is vital in preserving their cultural legacy and sharing their magic with Russian-speaking readers.

One of the remarkable aspects of the Brothers Grimm fairy tales is their ability to transform ordinary events and characters into extraordinary circumstances. From whimsical talking animals to magical spells and unexpected turns of fate, these tales transport readers into a realm where anything is possible. These stories not only stir our imaginations but also provide an escape from the mundane realities of everyday life.

Translating fairy tales involves more than just transferring the words from one language to another. It is a nuanced process that requires the translator to capture and convey not only the story but also the cultural context and unique spirit behind the original work. In the case of the Grimm brothers' tales, translators must be particularly mindful of maintaining the essence of German folklore, ensuring that the tales continue to resonate with readers across the globe.

One of the primary challenges in translating the Grimm Brothers' fairy tales into Russian lies in capturing and preserving their cultural nuances. Russian culture, with its unique folklore and literary traditions, presents both opportunities and obstacles for translators. To ensure the tales resonate with Russian readers, translators must meticulously adapt references, idioms, and symbols while maintaining the narrative flow and integrity of the original tales.

Deeply rooted in German folklore, the Brothers Grimm drew inspiration from the rich tapestry of folk tales that originated in the German-speaking regions of Europe. Their collection spans from the well-known classics like «Cinderella», «Snow White», and «Sleeping Beauty» to lesser-known gems like «Rumpelstiltskin», «The Pied Piper of Hamelin», and «Hansel and Gretel». These stories are often imbued with German cultural elements, making them not only captivating but also a reflection of the era in which they thrived.

One significant challenge in translating Grimm's tales lies in striking a balance between consistency and adaptation. The original collection saw multiple editions, with the brothers refining, adjusting, and adding tales over time. Translators need to consider these variations and decide which version to adopt. Some translators opt for the earliest edition, while others incorporate elements from later versions or even combine tales to create a more cohesive narrative. This balance between honoring the original and adapting the tales for contemporary readership is vital to the success of the translated works.

Over the years, numerous Russian translators have worked tirelessly to adapt the Grimm Brothers' tales, carefully balancing the need for linguistic accuracy while staying true to the essence of the original stories. Translators such as Alexander Afanasyev and Ivan Bilibin have played pivotal roles in bringing these tales to life in Russian literature. Their adaptations often incorporated elements of traditional Russian folklore, imbuing the tales with a unique flavor that resonates deeply with Russian readers.

The linguistic and cultural discrepancies between the origin of the tales and the target language can pose difficulties for translators. Adapting poetic rhythms, vivid descriptions, and intricate wordplay, while maintaining the narrative integrity, requires immense skill. Philosophical and moral subtleties present within the tales must also be carefully translated to convey the intended messages without losing their impact.

Beyond their captivating narratives, the Brothers Grimm fairy tales are renowned for their moral lessons. Often addressing real-world issues such as loyalty, bravery, and perseverance, these tales provide valuable guidance on navigating life's challenges. Central themes of good versus evil, justice prevailing, and the rewards of kindness and empathy are interwoven throughout their stories, teaching generations of readers important life lessons.

While fairy tales are ageless, it is the enduring popularity of the Brothers Grimm that truly stands the test of time. Their stories have been translated into over 160 languages, captivating readers worldwide. This widespread appeal is due both to the universal themes explored in their tales and the vivid characters they created. Moreover, the Brothers Grimm's influence can be seen in countless adaptations, from Disney's animated classics to contemporary reinterpretations in novels, movies, and stage productions.

The translation and adaptation of the Grimm Brothers' fairy tales have made a significant impact on Russian literature and cultural heritage. The tales have delighted and captivated Russian readers of all ages for generations. Moreover, their influence extends beyond literature, permeating various artistic fields such as theater, cinema, and visual arts, contributing to the rich tapestry of Russian cultural heritage.

One cannot ignore the controversies surrounding the Grimm brothers' tales, particularly in terms of their gender roles, violence, and dark themes. Translators have been at the forefront of adapting these tales to create more socially conscious and inclusive narratives. This necessitates assessing and revising the content as deemed appropriate for modern audiences. The translators' role extends beyond linguistic tasks, as they must ensure cultural sensitivity and address harmful stereotypes or antiquated portrayals present in the original texts.

The translation of the Grimm Brothers' fairy tales into Russian has been a labor of love for countless translators. Their dedication has allowed Russian-speaking audiences to experience the charm and magic of these timeless stories. By delicately balancing linguistic accuracy, cultural adaptation, and narrative integrity, translators have successfully brought the essence of the Grimm Brothers' tales more intimately to Russian readers. As the tales continue to inspire imagination, shape moral understanding, and foster cultural exchange, their translations remain essential, ensuring their enduring legacy in the land of Russian literature and folklore.

In conclusion, translating the fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm is a delicate art that requires translators to preserve the essence of the original while adapting it for a global audience. Facing challenges such as maintaining consistency, conveying linguistic accuracies, and adapting to diverse cultural settings, translators play a crucial role in bringing these enchanting stories to life for readers around the world. By addressing controversies and promoting cultural sensitivity, translators ensure that the Grimm brothers' tales remain relevant and captivating for generations to come.

Whether it's the captivating narratives, the transformative power of their tales, or the moral lessons they impart, the Brothers Grimm fairy tales continue to captivate and inspire readers worldwide. Their timeless stories have become an integral part of our global cultural heritage, transcending language and cultural barriers. As we rediscover the enchanting world of the Brothers Grimm, we are reminded of the enduring power of storytelling and the timeless magic of fairy tales.


  1. Beasts in a Pit // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 498.
  2. Greenall, S. «Intercultural Communication». ELT Journal 50, no. 2 (April 1, 1996): 168–70.
  3. Gebrüder Grimm. Братья Гримм Märchen. Сказки [Text] / Gebrüder Grimm. Братья Гримм. — München: ImWerdenVerlag, 2007. — 114 с.
  4. Lin, C.-H., Warschauer, M., Blake, R. (2016). Language learning through social networks: Perceptions and reality. Language Learning & Technology, 20 (1): 124–147. [Electronic resource]. DOI: Maksl et al., 2018 — Maksl, A., Craft, S., Ashley, S. et al
  5. Renner, Jasmine, and Yi Lin. «Intercultural Communication Competence and Intercultural Communication Apprehension among Chinese Students Studying in the USA». Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2012.
  6. The Fox, the Hare, and the Cock // Russian Fairy Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 191–192.Beasts in a Pit // Russian Folk Tales / Transl. by N. Guterman; ill. by A. Alexeieff; Folkloristic Commentary by R. Jacobson. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1975. P. 498.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): DOI, ELT, USA.

Ключевые слова

intercultural communication, linguoculturology, folklore traditions, fairy-tale worldview, translation of fairy-tale text

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