Interpersonal communication within the framework of the advertising process | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Маркетинг, реклама и PR

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №45 (492) ноябрь 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 11.11.2023

Статья просмотрена: 5 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Агафонова, А. В. Interpersonal communication within the framework of the advertising process / А. В. Агафонова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 45 (492). — С. 184-185. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

The article considers interpersonal communication as part of the advertising process.

Keywords: advertising, communication, interpersonal communication, communication skills, interaction, target audience.

В статье рассматривается межличностное общение как часть рекламного процесса.

Ключевые слова: реклама, коммуникация, межличностное общение, взаимодействие, целевая аудитория.


In today's life advertisement has become a big part of our world. Its influence on the public shouldn't be underestimated and must be taken into account to the best of our abilities. A well realized advertisement campaign can create a need for certain products or services and make people have a desire to purchase them. One of the most effective methods of persuading people to make a purchase is to do so through engaging in an interpersonal communication.

Concept of advertising

Advertising is a phenomenon included in various spheres of modern society. It is used in the formation of demand and sales promotion, in the promotion of goods and services on the market, in socio-political activities. Advertising affects both the consciousness and behavior of an individual, and the processes of interpersonal and intergroup interaction [3].

There are two main types of advertising: product and prestigious advertising. Product advertising generates and stimulates demand for a product. Prestigious advertising represents the advantages that distinguish the company from competitors [7].

A sociological approach to the study of advertising requires considering advertising as one of the forms of human communications. The formation of the relationship, an attempt to establish channels of communication between the advertiser and his audience are its essence [4].

Advertising and interpersonal communication

The ability to build interpersonal communication is a prerequisite for the professionalism of a specialist in the field of advertising. Communicative qualities are among the most important qualities for an advertiser, along with creativity and intelligence [6]. Interpersonal communication between two individuals in a situation of promoting goods or services of one person to another is considered business communication. In business communication, the subject of communication is activity (business), and the communication partner always acts as a person, significant for another [5].

Advertisement cannot stand without the interpersonal communication skill as it refers to the promotion and persuasion of the target audience towards a brand. There are two types of interpersonal communication in advertising: verbal communication — client service and communication skill; non-verbal communication — influence of content on target audience [1].

In advertising communication, interpersonal communication is more often used in the «personal» or «direct» sale of a product, when the promoter pushes forward a product or service during an oral conversation. It naturally has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, in a face-to-face meeting, an advertiser can customize their presentation or dialogue to meet the needs of the buyer, as well as quickly change the presentation of advertising material or dialogue, based on the reaction of the consumer. Each individual is constantly in the process of communication, and a PR specialist in the process of PR communication has a certain influence on his partner, influencing his behavior, state, actions, thoughts, feelings, ideas, relationships. Of course, both the forms and the degree, types, and effectiveness of this kind of influence vary greatly depending on many situational factors and characteristics of the subject — the initiator and the object — the addressee of PR communication and influence. Nevertheless, it is communication that is the most traditional context and way of both establishing interpersonal relationships and exerting influence [2].


All in all, advertising in its essence is a process of informing the population about a product or service, appealing to a potential consumer in order to form and maintain demand for them. Advertising can be considered as one of the types of information transfer, and therefore, as one of the forms of human communication, the formation of relationships, contact with a potential consumer.

In a situation of personal communication between a potential client and a promoter, interpersonal communication between two individuals is business communication.

Advertising through interpersonal communication has its advantages and disadvantages. Advantages can be considered:

— a memorable promotion of a product or service and, as a result, an increase in the likelihood of a consumer making a purchase;

— the sales agent overcoming the customer's objections to the proposed product or service, as he is more competent and informed about the qualities or characteristics of the product.

Disadvantages of interpersonal advertising communication include:

— high staff costs that may not pay off for the advertiser;

— the risk that the sales agent may not be professional and will only push away from the purchase and leave a bad impression on the consumer about the product and the image of the organization.

The ability to carry out interpersonal communications is a prerequisite for the professionalism of a specialist in the field of advertising. Communication skills are among the most important qualities for an advertiser, along with creativity and intelligence. Understanding how to engage into a successful and fruitful conversation with a possible client, is essential when creating an interest for the brand.


  1. Advertising and interpersonal communication. — Text: electronic // Time & Space: official website. — URL: (date accessed: 05.07.2023).
  2. Communication as a context and a way of psychological influence in PR and promotion advertising. — Text: electronic // website. — URL: (date accessed: 12.07.2023).
  3. Kovaleva A. V. Advertising as an object of sociological analysis // Sociology in the modern world: science, education, creativity. Barnaul, 2009. № 3. Pp. 23–28. — Text: direct.
  4. Lecture 4. Advertising in the theories of symbolic interactionism, communication and social exchange. — Text: electronic // Moodle: website. — URL: (date accessed: 05.07.2023).
  5. Panfilova A. P. Business communication in professional activity: study guide / A. P. Panfilov. — St. Petersburg: Znanie, IVESEP, 2005. 495 p. — Text: direct.
  6. Sinchurina M. G. Features of interpersonal relations of specialists in the field of advertising // Bulletin of the Irkutsk State University. Series: psychology. Irkutsk, 2014. Vol. 9. Pp. 68–73. — Text: direct.
  7. Tarabanovskaya S. V. Advertising as a form of marketing communication // Trends in the development of science and education. Samara, 2019. № 56–5. Pp. 104–107. — Text: direct.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): URL, IVESEP, межличностное общение.

Ключевые слова

communication, advertising, Interaction, communication skills, target audience, interpersonal communication

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