Using games in learning | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №46 (493) ноябрь 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 17.11.2023

Статья просмотрена: 159 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Салах, Абдаллах С А. Using games in learning / Абдаллах С А Салах. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 46 (493). — С. 411-414. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).


Education (in pedagogy) is a purposeful pedagogical process of organizing and stimulating active educational and cognitive activity of students to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities, develop creative abilities and moral ethical views. Training is a type of educational activity in which the quantity and quality of the elements of knowledge and skills of the student are brought by the teacher (teacher) to the proper level (average, reference, possible), which constitutes the purpose of training.

Several theorists have considered the game as a form of learning. Children experiment with the world around them, learn the rules and learn to interact through the game. Lev Vygotsky agrees that play is crucial for the development of children, as they attach importance to their environment by playing educational games.

However, for Vygotsky, the game is the first form of language learning and communication, as well as the stage at which the child begins to understand the rules and symbols. This has led to the view that learning in organisms is always associated with semiosis and is often associated with representative systems/activities.

To improve the effectiveness of teaching the development of educational technologies, a technological approach to learning provides useful and accurate management technological process.

The game is a unique phenomenon of universal culture, its source and peak. None of the types of human activity allows him to demonstrate such self-forgetfulness, sincerity, ease, and does not allow him to expose his psychophysiological and intellectual resources in the way that a game does. In the game, a person completely immerses himself in the role assigned to him and reveals all his potential.

The main features of the technology in learning are:

— the totality (combination, connection) of any components; — logic, sequence of components;

— methods, techniques, actions, operations;

— guarantee of the result.

Aim of article : introducing readers the advantages and opportunities associated with practice games during learning process for students and inspiring them to consider games as an effective contrivance.


  1. Explaining the concept of «using games in learning "
  2. Comparison between traditional learning and learning through electronic games.
  3. Focusing on Importance of using games.
  4. Features of electronic games.
  5. Description of how students can introduce on new cultures through learning by electronic games.
  6. Examples of electronic games.

Materials: this article based on «the Effectiveness of Educational Games on Scientific Concepts Acquisition in First Grade Students in Science «The Effect of Game-Based Learning on Students Learning Performance in Science Learning» and «James Paul Gee».

Methods: The concept of «innovation» in learning through games:

The concept of «innovation» in learning through games refers to the use of game elements and principles in the educational process in order to increase students' motivation, activity and effectiveness. A playful approach to learning helps create an interesting and engaging environment where students can actively participate, experiment, make decisions and master new knowledge and skills.

Traditional education and education through electronic games are two different teaching methods. Comparison between them:

Traditional education. Advantages:

It focuses on theoretical knowledge and provides a strong scientific base.

Direct interaction takes place between the teacher and students, allowing for individual guidance and providing the necessary guidance. It encourages communication and social interaction between students, teachers, and students with each other. [1]

It allows students to develop collaboration and group problem solving skills.

It includes a variety of activities such as quarterly discussions, projects, and practical experiments. Disadvantages:

It relies heavily on lectures and repetition, which can make it boring for some students.

The specific time for each subject may be limited, which may affect the elaboration and depth of concepts.

There may be pressure on the teacher to accommodate all students at the same pace and style. The need for textbooks and traditional resources may increase education costs.

Education through electronic games. Advantages:

It combines education and entertainment, further encouraging students and keeping their attention. It provides interactive and tangible learning experiences that help students develop skills and solve problems.


Games have an important role in learning process because they encourage students. Games offer interactive approach to study subjects and develop different skills.

Importance of using games:

  1. Games create motivation and emotional engagement for students which leads to understand educational courses faster and better.
  2. Games develop collaboration and teamwork skills. Many educational games depend on collaboration between participants which helps to develop communication, leading and time management skills.
  3. We can use games to be interactive instrument to teach specific materials like mathematics, sciences and foreign languages.
  4. Students through games can do brainstorming to create new ideas together.
  5. Errors as Part of the Process In games, errors are seen as part of learning. Students can experiment and make mistakes and learn from them without Fear of failure.
  6. Instant feedback: Many educational games provide instant feedback that helps students better understand their mistakes and improve their skills. [2]

Game innovations in learning may include the following elements:

Game Scenarios Create educational scenarios or plots similar to game missions in which students complete certain tasks, solve puzzles, or overcome obstacles.

Information and communication technologies of games:

It refers to the use of computer systems, software, and networks to develop, distribute, and play video games. It plays a major role in the development and evolution of the gaming industry. Here are some of the main aspects of ICT games:

Graphics and visualization ICT games incorporate various techniques to create realistic graphics and visual effects. This includes developing 2D and 3D models, compositing, lighting animation and special effects. Sound and Music: ICT games provide the soundtrack to the game. This includes creating sound effects, music, and dialogue recordings, as well as incorporating them into the game environment.

Artificial Intelligence: ICT games use artificial intelligence algorithms and techniques to create virtual characters with different behaviours and intellectual abilities. This allows you to create realistic opponents or allies in games. [3]

Network technologies many modern games use network technologies for multiplayer game modes and online interaction. This allows two students to play together, compete, or collaborate in virtual worlds.

Virtual and Augmented Reality: ICT gaming also includes game development using virtual and augmented reality. This allows students to immerse themselves in virtual worlds or interact with virtual objects in the real world.

Management and interfaces ICT Games is engaged in the development of convenient and efficient interfaces for managing the gameplay. This may include the use of gamepads, keyboards, mice, touch screens, voice control, and other technologies.

Stimulate imagination and creativity:

Electronic games are an ideal environment to stimulate imagination and enhance creativity among students. The world of electronic games provides scenarios full of challenges, adventures and extraordinary events that stimulate the imagination of students and encourage them to think creatively and imagine new solutions to the problems posed. [4]

One of the main reasons for stimulating imagination and creativity in electronic games is the careful design of game worlds and characters. In many games, fantasy worlds are created full of great details and visual elements, which arouses the curiosity of students and stimulates their imagination to explore those worlds and discover what is in them. Moreover, iconic characters in electronic games provide powerful models of creativity and creative thinking. Students can get attached to game characters and imagine their adventures and supernatural abilities, which enhances their imagination and drives them to think of new and innovative ideas. On the other hand, electronic games enhance experience and personal interaction, which is a key factor for developing imagination and creativity. In the game environment, individuals are able to try out new roles and skills, discover their potential and achieve unexpected achievements. Students can try out different approaches and strategies and test their limits, encouraging them to innovate and explore new ways to interact with the game and solve the challenges at hand. In addition, online games provide a safe environment for trial, exploration and error. In the course of the game, participants can try new ideas without fear of failure or criticism. This boosts confidence in creative abilities and encourages students to explore new and different areas of innovation.

Develop mental and strategic skills:

Electronic games contribute to developing and improving the planning, analysis and strategic decision-making skills of students. By presenting complex challenges and problems that require strategic thinking, electronic games enhance students' abilities to analyse, plan ahead, and use logic and critical thinking in making decisions.

By interacting with the game and solving the problems at hand, students learn how to analyze complex situations and evaluate the options available to them. Students must make strategic decisions based on logical thinking and constantly evaluating available information. These basic mental skills grow and improve with playing electronic games.

Moreover, e-gaming needs to use strategic skills to succeed in the game. Students should plan future steps and choose appropriate strategies to overcome challenges and achieve goals. This strategic thinking strengthens students in other areas of their lives, such as career planning, time management, and achieving success in daily tasks.

Enhance motor and coordination skills:

Electronic games contribute to enhancing the motor and coordination skills of students. Through their interaction with the control interface and the tools needed for the game, students learn to precisely control movements and respond quickly to the challenges posed.

Students coordinate their movements accurately and use the required motor skills to interact with the game effectively. These skills can include controlling hands and eyes, and handling control buttons and knobs quickly and accurately.

Moreover, electronic games include realistic action games (such as sports and fitness games) that motivate students to participate in physical activity. These games require students to perform realistic physical movements to interact with the game, which contributes to enhancing motor and coordination skills and improving their fitness. [5]

Promote social and cultural interaction:

Electronic games play an important role in promoting social and cultural interaction among students. By playing multiplayer and participating in multiplayer online games, students learn how to interact with others from different backgrounds and cultures.

Electronic games provide a platform for networking and social interaction. The game can bring together students from different parts of the world and provide them with an opportunity to communicate, get to know each other and share experiences. Students learn how to collaborate and interact effectively with others and develop communication skills and cross-cultural understanding.

Moreover, electronic games sometimes include various cultural and historical elements. By exploring these elements, the culture of students expands and increases their knowledge of the world.

Electronic games can be an educational tool that provides information and understanding about different cultures and different histories.

Examples of games:

There are many perfect games that can be useful and promote children's development in various fields. Here are some examples of games that are perfect for kids:

  1. Minecraft: This game promotes creativity and creative thinking. Kids are encouraged to build and explore virtual worlds, solve puzzles, and collaborate with others. It also enhances management, planning and logic skills.
  2. Lego: Lego sets are an excellent learning tool for developing fine motor and creative skills for kids. Children can build models and buildings using small pieces. This promotes logical thinking and innovation.
  3. Educational games: There are many educational games available on smartphones and tablets that help children learn numbers, colors, letters, words, and vocabulary in fun and interactive ways.


The utilization of games in learning has proven to be a valuable and effective educational tool. Games have the unique ability to engage learners actively, foster critical thinking, and enhance problem-solving skills in an enjoyable and immersive manner. By incorporating elements such as competition, rewards, and interactivity, games create a stimulating learning environment that motivates students to actively participate and retain knowledge. [6]

One of the significant benefits of using games in learning is their ability to make complex concepts more accessible and understandable. Through interactive simulations and virtual environments, games enable students to explore and experiment with concepts in a hands-on way, leading to a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Games also provide immediate feedback, allowing learners to identify their mistakes, learn from them, and improve their performance.

Moreover, the gamification of learning experiences enhances student engagement and motivation. By incorporating elements such as levels, achievements, and leaderboards, games tap into the natural inclination for competition and recognition, encouraging students to strive for success. This, in turn, boosts their willingness to invest time and effort into the learning process, ultimately leading to improved learning outcomes.

Furthermore, games promote collaboration and social interaction among learners. Many educational games are designed with multiplayer features, enabling students to work together, communicate, and solve problems as a team. This collaborative aspect not only enhances interpersonal skills but also cultivates a sense of camaraderie and fosters a positive learning environment.

However, it is important to acknowledge that games should be used in conjunction with other teaching methods and should not replace traditional forms of instruction entirely. While games offer numerous benefits, they are most effective when integrated into a well-rounded and comprehensive curriculum.

Enhance memory and long-term learning: some research indicates that games can contribute to improved memory and long-term learning. By engaging students with content and repeating interactions in the course of a game, the fixation of information in memory can be enhanced.


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  5. Abhishek Padaya, Hadi Chbaklo. Innovation & Integration of Video Games in Education . URL: https:// Video_Games_in _Education
  6. Mohammad Hasan Al-Tarawneh. The Effectiveness of Educational Games on Scientific Concepts Acquisition in First Grade Students in Science.URL:
  7. Eric Zhi Feng Liu.The Effect of Game-Based Learning on Students’ Learning Performance in Science Learning.URL: \
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ICT.

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