Pedagogical methods of teaching foreign languages | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Овлягулыев, Меретгулы. Pedagogical methods of teaching foreign languages / Меретгулы Овлягулыев, Г. А. Солтанмырадов, Ч. Г. Векилова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 46 (493). — С. 400-402. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

Keywords: pedagogical method, teaching foreign language.

During the Revival of the new epoch of a Powerful state, the activation of economic, political and cultural cooperation with foreign countries, the successful implementation of exchange programs in the fields of science and education, the deepening of international relations creates wide opportunities for the modernization of foreign language teaching in the country. Necessary conditions for improving teaching of foreign languages have been created in the country. To teach foreign languages from an early age, this subject is included in the curricula of all levels of the education system as a special subject. Innovative training programs on foreign languages for preschool institutions and general education schools were prepared and implemented in the curriculum.

In the city of Ashgabat and regional centers, there are specialized schools providing general education taught in foreign languages in several subjects. The scope of these educational institutions is constantly expanding. Educational kits (consisting of curricula, programs, manuals, including electronic manuals) have been prepared for foreign language preschool institutions and elementary school students and teachers. For them, training programs, textbooks and manuals were published based on modern approaches with the continuous introduction of new practices. In order to improve the teaching of foreign languages in the country's educational institutions, to improve the quality of education, to modernize educational programs and to prepare excellent textbooks, as well as to establish methodological support for teachers, in accordance with bilateral agreements concluded with international organizations, as well as intergovernmental and interagency agreements. Foreign experts and methodical teachers are regularly invited to work in educational institutions.

Experienced linguists note that four goals are taken into account when teaching foreign languages in the country — practical, educational, educational, and improvement. All of them are inseparably connected with each other and the practical purpose is more important in language teaching.

Practice objective. It means that the learner or student can use the language they are learning as a means of communication in life. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to understand the meaning of the concept of «language proficiency». This means understanding the words expressed in the foreign language being studied and being able to express one's thoughts through that language. In other words, they must be able to understand information given without a dictionary, understand complex information with the help of a dictionary, and interpret spoken and written information in the language they are learning.

By achieving practical goals, the teacher makes a significant contribution to the education of students. In teaching any language, writing is the primary means of teaching language and promotes learning and spoken language development. The ability of young people to learn a language is improved by developing their skills and abilities to work independently, to use the acquired knowledge creatively in different situations. In this case, the use of information literature, independent study of the text, translation work, audio-video recordings, the capabilities of computer technologies, and others are highly effective. In general, the practical goal of teaching is to make students able to speak the foreign languages they are learning, to be able to use it anywhere.

Educational purpose. The educational purpose of learning a foreign language consists of two areas, one of which is to form the language learner's understanding of the language, and the other is to help expand the outlook and horizons of young people. By comparing the native language and literature with the foreign language studied in the first field, the language is studied on the basis of its common characteristics. Speaking skills are skills and understanding of language resources. Young people are able to determine the structural features of the language based on what they have learned from their mother tongue and other subjects. These encourage the development of young people's thinking skills, mental work, intellectual awareness, language and culture.

A communicative approach to teaching involves the development of skills in identifying ideas to be expressed. In some cases (when studying through a book), there is a need to develop the skills to engage with the information being studied, to understand the ideas expressed by the author, and to be able to accurately evaluate the content of what is read. The second educational direction of learning a foreign language ensures that young people are familiar with the cultural values, history, geography, science, art, and economy of the countries where the language is being studied. By studying the creativity of famous people of the countries where the language is being studied, young people gain an understanding of the lifestyle, historical events, cultural monuments, and nature of those nations. Reading the works of classical and modern writers of foreign countries helps the youth to deepen their knowledge.

An educational goal. Based on the educational and developmental goals of teaching foreign languages to young people, teachers consider the formation of their speaking skills and abilities, as well as the development of their outlook, thinking, intellectual awareness, moral and aesthetic qualities. The characteristic features of the activities carried out on the development of language knowledge and speaking skills are aimed at educating young people as perfect individuals. It is important that young people who learn the means of learning a foreign language (vocabulary, grammatical and phonetic structure) through spoken language are able to act and speak independently. One of the main tasks of foreign language teachers is to encourage students to work on their own learning.

Children and young people who learn languages develop positive qualities such as motivation, orderliness, determination, courage, determination and activity. Thus, a foreign language, with its content, teaching methods and means, is of particular importance in educating young people to love the Fatherland, friendship, honesty, humanity and humanitarianism.

A goal of improvement. It is noted that the name of this goal was formed as a result of imitation of the method within the framework of the concept of «Improvement Method», which is popular in pedagogy. In the 80s of the last century, this term was introduced into methodological science as the fourth goal under the name «Improvement goal of foreign language teaching». The concept of improvement associated with the name of this goal is in keeping with the times. During the Revival of the new era of stable state, raising the mental, emotional, character, and moral qualities that form the identity of the Turkmen society to a perfect level is the main task of improving foreign language teaching. The importance of educating students in self-confidence through foreign language lessons for the fulfillment of their inner feelings and dreams in the development of personality has been scientifically proven in the methodology of foreign language teaching.

As a result, internal feelings (passion) for learning a foreign language are strengthened and the study period becomes full of meaning. As noted by psychologists and pedagogues, if students are taught to overcome the difficulties encountered in speech during the educational period, it is possible to achieve the formation of a self-confident, healthy minded person with a broad worldview who strives for perfection. The goal of improving teaching is to successfully solve the tasks that stimulate the improvement of intellectual and emotional feelings of students, and this goal has become one of the goals of teaching foreign languages. All of the above language teaching goals include modern education and training for young people, as well as refresher training that reinforces everything they learn with practice.


  1. “Bilim” magazine2/2002y.

Ключевые слова

teaching foreign language, pedagogical method

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