Organization of distance learning of English on the basis of modern technologies | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Люлина, М. В. Organization of distance learning of English on the basis of modern technologies / М. В. Люлина, М. И. Смирнова, А. Р. Абдрахманова, Д. Д. Чотчаева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 47 (494). — С. 181-183. — URL: (дата обращения: 19.10.2024).

Recently, we can observe the growth of modern technologies. They are used in different spheres of our life. But it is education that accounts for the largest percentage. More and more often people began to use distance technologies to obtain new knowledge. Therefore, this article will consider the concept of distance learning .

Distance learning is a form of learning in which there is interaction between the teacher and students, which takes place at a distance. Often, it contains all the components necessary for the learning process (content, objectives, forms, means). Distance learning is realized with the help of Internet technologies, modern platforms and certain principles. When used correctly and skillfully, modern technologies can provide the transfer of new information more effectively than traditional means of learning. New technologies such as multimedia boards, various applications, 3D technologies, interfaces and many others will make the educational process for children much more interesting. Students will master not only the language, but will also master new remote control platforms, for use in the future, in which modern technologies will be indispensable.

When studying English, when mastering various types of speech and non-speech activities, there is a tendency to use modern information technologies that will allow students to fully master the necessary skills. The growth of English language learners in Russia has increased dramatically, so English is now the most popular language. In many schools it is compulsory and requires an exam. With the pandemic turning point in the world, English actively began to be studied remotely. This has become a new experiment in language learning.

The peculiarity of the English language is that its main goal to a greater extent is not only the mastering of linguistic competence, but also the mastering of communicative competence. Unlike other subjects, foreign language is a more practical discipline that requires constant application of knowledge in speech and its transfer into a distance format initially caused certain difficulties. Despite the complexity of distance learning organization, with the right approach it preserves all the components inherent in traditional learning (content, objectives, means of learning, methods) and also increases students' motivation to learn English. With a serious approach of the teacher to the organization and planning of classes, distance learning can become the most effective form of language learning.

Therefore, we think it is important to emphasize the following sections — grammar, vocabulary, writing and show what modern tools can be used by learners and teachers in the distance learning format.

An integral part of any learning is grammar. Grammar has a special place in learning English. It has three main stages: familiarization and consolidation, practicing and application in practice. The effectiveness of understanding this aspect lies more in theory and then in practice, which helps to further apply grammatical structures in speech. At this stage, learning grammar in the distance format is not as well developed as in the traditional format, but it is actively used in language learning. The emphasis in learning is more on practice rather than theory. The material is not quite clear and complex, but the practical part contains all the necessary elements to consolidate this section. In distance learning, you can use many resources to practice the grammar material, while the theory part is left to the teacher.

The next section studied in the distance format is vocabulary. Unlike grammar, it has been given the attention it deserves. Studying lexical material through modern technologies has become very popular and effective. Now it is not just reading words from the textbook, but a full-fledged analysis of each of its parts, many variations of memorizing new words through unusual associations, displayed in good quality on various sites.

The use of ICT in learning vocabulary material has made life easier for many students. Now children do not have to spend hours looking for a word in paper dictionaries, they just take a picture of it and enter it into various applications that give them any translation options and the use of words in different contexts. It is also worth noting that in traditional teaching without the use of the Internet and modern technologies, children would have to wait for a meeting with a teacher to ask a question related to vocabulary. Today, thanks to modern technologies, a child only needs to write a word on the Internet and he/she will be able to find a lot of ideas for memorizing new words and applying them in practice.

Last but not the least, writing is considered to be the most important section. The written part of English includes all the knowledge acquired in grammar, vocabulary and listening. There are many programs for practicing the written part in English. A child can choose a lot of interesting topics to express his thoughts by writing. He is given the opportunity to participate in online discussions with children from different countries, to express his opinion on this or that problem. But the big disadvantage of practicing the written part in the distance mode is that often children do not write words by hand, but type them, which does not allow you to fully get the skills that are implied in the study of the written part of the English language. For this reason, traditional teaching is ideal in learning this aspect of the language, because it is in traditional teaching that children can practice writing each letter, which helps them to write well and correctly and memorize words.

Thus, it can be concluded that distance learning and the use of modern technologies can be applied to every aspect of a language, while respecting the proper selection of material. Then learning will be not only effective but also interesting for children, because the result of the educational process largely depends on the interest of students.

Today there are many sites and applications for distance learning English. In this article, the most popular of them will be analyzed in detail.

The first site «Wordwall» is a board where teachers and students can create their own materials for learning any language. The main convenience is that you can make individual material and practice the topics you need. The site has all the features you need to create the perfect set of exercises to reinforce the topics you've learned. Most often it is used by teachers for a more interesting educational process. In addition, the resource has a large number of ready-made assignments on any topic, which saves users' time.

The next application is Duolinguo. It is suitable for the initial stages of learning Chinese. This application allows you to memorize both single words and word combinations. It helps to train absolutely all sections of the language. Both mobile and computer versions are available. Language learning starts from the very basics, which allows students to use the application at the initial stages and as additional material to the main training in educational institutions. Another advantage of this program is that it has been developed with the participation of a native speaker, so there is no doubt about the quality and relevance of the material provided. This application is suitable for both beginners and advanced levels, because it provides step-by-step language learning at different levels. However, the user cannot move from one topic that he does not know well to another. He will first have to study the entire previous section and take a test. Overall, the app has more advantages than disadvantages. The free version provides quite a lot of opportunities to study. But if the user does not have enough of this material and assignments, he can purchase the paid version, where even more assignments are presented.

The last application is Lingvo English Dictionary. This application is suitable for memorizing words, phrases, individual constructions. Words and phrases in this application are divided by topics, which simplifies the search for a particular word. Also a significant advantage is that for each word there are all translation options and many examples of using the word in sentences. The application searches for grammatical constructions that are also used in different sentences, and with the help of these examples, users understand in which cases to use this or that grammar.

Thus, distance learning and modern technology provide more opportunities for learning a foreign language. As for the students, they are very happy and interested in using modern technologies in learning a foreign language.

Having sorted out all the nuances associated with distance learning of English based on modern technologies, we can highlight a number of advantages it possesses:

  1. Economical. This kind of learning saves not only money but also time. Learners do not need to spend a lot of time traveling to the educational institution, they can receive it from anywhere in the world. And if the training is asynchronous the learner can filter the material and choose what is important to him, thus saving time. It is also about saving money, as the distance learning format is often cheaper than receiving education in educational institutions.
  2. Relevance. Statistics show that students prefer distance learning more because it actively uses modern technology, useful websites, interesting platforms that they can apply in English learning. People find these methods more interesting and effective.
  3. Language practice. With this kind of learning, you can practice the language with more people. Practicing the language with a native speaker is much easier to do remotely than in traditional learning. This is due to the fact that not all institutions have native speaker teachers, and in order to practice the language well, learners will have to travel to the country of the target language. As for distance learning, you can practice the language from the comfort of your own home. This can be done either paid or free of charge using some of the apps that have been mentioned above.
  4. Availability. The training is suitable for all categories of people, making it universally accessible. It is designed for both normal children and children with disabilities. Therefore, children with physical pathologies can study with children without pathologies and not feel deprived.
  5. Individualization. Allows students to choose an individualized lesson plan based on their needs. Allows students to choose a convenient time and method for reviewing the material.

Undoubtedly, the distance learning format continues its development and will soon reach a new level. Teaching English with the help of modern technologies makes the educational process more interesting and effective. In order for distance learning to be of maximum benefit, the teacher and students should be well versed in modern technology. With proper, pre-planned lesson delivery, it will yield positive results. Distance learning English allows children not only to master the language, but also to master new modern technologies, without which the existence of modern man is impossible.

To summarize, we can conclude that distance learning is one of the modern and effective ways of learning a foreign language, and with the right construction of such lessons, the results that students will achieve will not make you wait long.


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Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ICT.

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