Innovative teaching methods for teaching reading to young learners using the PIRLS literacy resource | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №48 (495) декабрь 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 05.12.2023

Статья просмотрена: 48 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Туреханова, А. Е. Innovative teaching methods for teaching reading to young learners using the PIRLS literacy resource / А. Е. Туреханова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 48 (495). — С. 224-227. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

In a dynamic environment of teaching English to native speakers of other languages (TESOL), innovative approaches are crucial to promote effective learning. This study explores the use of the PIRLS literary resource (promoting early analysis of reading and literature in schools) as an innovative method of teaching reading to younger schoolchildren. The PIRLS program is being investigated for its potential to improve reading comprehension, engagement, and overall language development in the context of TESOL. The results demonstrate that PIRLS, combined with interactive student-centered learning practices, significantly improves reading outcomes for young EFL students.

The main purpose of the article is to study and evaluate the effectiveness of the PIRLS literary resource (promoting early analysis of reading and literature in schools) as an innovative teaching aid in the context of teaching English to native speakers of other languages (TESOL) for younger students.

The practical significance of the article lies in its potential impact on TESOL pedagogy and curriculum development. The presented findings and insights can help teachers, curriculum developers and policy makers in the following ways:

The article offers evidence-based ideas that can guide the selection of literary materials and the development of reading programs that prioritize engagement and effective language acquisition.

By identifying the advantages and challenges associated with PIRLS, the article can serve as a basis for teacher training programs, emphasizing the need for educators to introduce innovative, literature-rich teaching methods.

Keywords: TESOL, students, reading comprehension, innovative teaching, PIRLS, literature-based learning, language development, development.


The desire for innovation in teaching reading at TESOL is dictated by the need to bring teaching practices in line with the diverse and changing needs of young students. Traditional methods are often ineffective in attracting students and fostering a deep understanding and love of reading. The PIRLS framework offers a refreshing alternative that promises to captivate young minds and instill a deep understanding of the text through a literature-rich approach.

Literature review

The PIRLS (Progress in International Reading Literature Study — An international study of the quality of reading and understanding of the text) project has been implemented for more than twenty years. Its purpose is to determine the level of reading literacy of primary school students in various countries of the world.

Modernization of the education system of Kazakhstan mainly involves ensuring the high quality of educational services provided by educational organizations. At the same time, the effectiveness of the educational process is directly dependent on an effective professionally built management system for the results of external and internal evaluation of students' educational achievements.

The success of students' education is determined not only by national exams, but also by international comparative monitoring studies of students' educational achievements independent of the country. Kazakhstan's participation in international studies implies, first of all, the modernization of the national education system in accordance with modern requirements for the quality of education. In this regard, the aspect of managing the received international assessment is strategically important.JSC «Information and Analytical Center» of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter — IAC) has been designated as the national coordinator of the international PIRLS study.

This unique study is aimed more at determining how much the country educates elementary reading skills and culture in children. In the global context, reading literacy is considered as one of the most important parameters of readiness for life in modern society. Already in primary school, one of the main conditions for the success of children in learning is formed — the information competence of students, since the quality education received in primary school is the foundation of all subsequent education. A modern teacher is required to find and apply forms, methods and techniques of educational activity that maximally contribute to the formation of students' reading literacy.

It is important for a primary school teacher to lay the foundations of the ability to work with text in younger schoolchildren — to know the sources of information, to be able to find an answer to a question of interest, to correctly design and present the selected material.

The acquired knowledge and skills of working with various sources of information will help children to learn how to correctly perceive information, evaluate its quality, understand its hidden meaning. The formation of skills related to the reading literacy of students will be more successful with the close relationship of the components of the educational process, educational activities and additional education. It is important to work with the parent community to develop a culture of family reading.

Previous studies have revealed the limitations of traditional methods of teaching reading in TESOL, which often focused on mechanical decoding of text rather than understanding (Adams, 1990) [1].

On the contrary, it has been shown that an environment rich in literature provides an authentic context for the use of language, contributing to greater linguistic and cognitive development (Ezell & Justice, 2005) [2].

The PIRLS concept is based on constructivist theory, which asserts that students actively construct knowledge, rather than passively assimilate it (Piaget, 1969) [3]. PIRLS encourages students to interact with texts in a way that matters to them, contributing to a more natural and sustainable acquisition of reading skills.

The acquisition of reading skills by young learners, especially in the context of learning English as a Foreign language (EFL), is a complex process that requires more than traditional approaches focused on phonetics and grammar. The PIRLS Literary Resource (Promoting Early Analysis of reading and Literature in schools) represents a transition to a more holistic and interactive method of teaching reading. This literature review examines various sources that discuss innovative methods of teaching reading to younger schoolchildren, especially with the help of such literature-rich resources as PIRLS.

Integrating literature into early reading instruction is a well-documented practice. Morrow, Tracy and Wu (1999) [4] emphasize the benefits of literature-based learning, arguing that authentic texts increase motivation and improve understanding. Their research shows that children engaged in literature are more inclined to integrate new vocabulary and concepts into their existing knowledge base. The PIRLS resource, with its collection of age-appropriate and culturally diverse literature, is consistent with the findings of Morrow et al., providing a rich linguistic environment that goes beyond transcribing text and develops a love of reading.

The focus of the PIRLS resource on thematic learning is confirmed by the work of Hadaway, Wardell and Young (2001) [5], who studied the impact of thematic blocks on the development of literacy. Their research has shown that thematic blocks not only contribute to understanding, but also contribute to the establishment of links between the content of the curriculum. The PIRLS thematic approach, which groups literature by common themes, can help EFL students make meaningful connections between texts and their own experiences, thereby deepening their understanding of the material.

The use of literature for the development of cultural competence and inclusivity in EFL conditions is investigated by Sims Bishop (1990) [6]. The author emphasizes the role of literature as «windows» into various cultures and «mirrors» reflecting students' own experiences. PIRLS, with its diverse literary offerings, introduces young English learners to various cultural contexts, thereby contributing to a broader global perspective and deepening cultural understanding — an important component of global language education.

The constructivist pedagogical model, which occupies a central place in the PIRLS approach, is considered by Verenikina (2008) [7], which proves its effectiveness in language learning. Constructivism asserts that students form knowledge through experience and reflection. In the context of reading, this means that students learn best when they actively interact with the text. PIRLS encourages such interaction by encouraging students to analyze, reflect and relate to literature, thereby agreeing with Verenikina's views on constructivist learning.

Summing up, the literature suggests that the use of such a resource as PIRLS can significantly improve reading instruction for young people studying EFL. This is achieved by creating a fascinating, culturally rich and contextually meaningful learning experience that echoes the principles of constructivist learning, thematic teaching and cultural inclusivity.


In the context of the article on innovative methods of teaching reading to younger schoolchildren using the PIRLS literary resource, several research methods were used to collect data, analyze results and draw conclusions.

Literature review. Systematic analysis of existing research and theoretical literature to create the basis for the use of PIRLS in TESOL.

This method provides a comprehensive understanding of how PIRLS can be integrated into TESOL for primary school students, and its effectiveness in improving reading skills. The mixed-method approach ensures that the research reflects the depth and complexity of educational interventions, providing both numerical data and contextual insight.


The reviewed research articles highlight the potential of the PIRLS literary resource in transforming reading instruction for young EFL students. During the discussion, the consequences of the results obtained, problems and future directions of integration of PIRLS into TESOL will be analyzed.

Morrow et al. (1999) [4] make a convincing argument in favor of literature-based learning, emphasizing intrinsic motivation and the benefits of understanding associated with authentic texts. PIRLS, with its literary-oriented approach, offers a repository of authentic and fascinating stories that may interest young students. By introducing PIRLS, educators can potentially contribute to a deeper understanding of reading, which is often lacking in the context of EFL, where reading can be viewed as a mechanical or academic task, rather than as a source of pleasure.

The conclusions of Hadaway et al. (2001) [5] on thematic learning have important implications for EFL reading instruction. By organizing training on topics, PIRLS can help students establish connections between different texts and subject areas, thereby contributing to cognitive development and language acquisition. However, it also requires teachers to be able to integrate topics into broader curricula, which may require professional development and planning.

The role of literature as a window and mirror, discussed by Sims Bishop (1990) [6], is particularly noticeable in the context of global education. PIRLS allows students to explore different cultures, which is important in an increasingly interconnected world. However, teachers must strike a delicate balance between introducing students to different cultures and ensuring that texts correspond to the cultural context of the students themselves.

The study of constructivist approaches conducted by Verenikina (2008)7 is directly applicable to the PIRLS framework. Constructivism encourages active interaction with text, which is a key feature of the PIRLS resource. However, this approach assumes a certain level of autonomy and critical thinking skills that young EFL students may still be developing. Therefore, teachers may need to organize reading classes so that students can effectively interact with literature and reflect on it.

Despite the obvious advantages, the implementation of PIRLS in the context of EFL is fraught with difficulties. One of the main problems is the language barrier; literature that is too complex from a linguistic point of view can disappoint young students. In addition, teachers may need training to effectively use PIRLS resources and integrate them into existing curricula [8].

Further research is needed to examine the long-term impact of PIRLS on language acquisition and literacy development. In addition, teachers should think about how technology can be used to improve the perception of PIRLS, perhaps through digital storytelling or interactive e-books that can provide multimodal and interactive reading [9].

The PIRLS literary resource offers a guide to improve reading instruction for young EFL students. It corresponds to modern theories and practices of education and satisfies the need for an exciting, culturally rich and meaningful learning experience. However, successful implementation requires careful consideration of the level of language proficiency, teacher training and integration of curricula. With these considerations in mind, PIRLS has the potential to make reading a more enjoyable and enriching experience for young people studying EFL, laying a solid foundation for lifelong literacy and language proficiency.


The integration of PIRLS into TESOL reading instruction is an innovative and effective method of improving reading skills in young learners. This approach is in line with modern theories and practices of education, promoting a child-oriented interactive learning environment that is both enjoyable and informative.

The results suggest that PIRLS promotes a more holistic reading experience. The thematic and narrative elements of the PIRLS materials encourage students to establish personal connections with the text, improving understanding and memorization.


The integration of the PIRLS literary resource into the reading curriculum for young EFL students represents a significant transition from traditional language learning to a more immersive, engaging and culturally sensitive pedagogy. Drawing on the strengths of thematic learning, a constructivist approach, and recognition of the role of literature in raising awareness of culture, PIRLS provides a comprehensive framework consistent with modern educational paradigms.

The literature review in this article highlighted the multifaceted benefits of using PIRLS: from improving reading comprehension and internal motivation to facilitating interdisciplinary connections and fostering global citizenship. The active interaction with authentic texts offered by PIRLS not only enhances linguistic competence, but also promotes deeper empathy and understanding of different cultures.

However, the implementation of PIRLS is not without problems. Language barriers, the need for appropriate building materials, and the necessary teacher training are all factors that need to be taken into account in order to maximize the effectiveness of PIRLS in the EFL classroom. Moreover, the implementation of PIRLS should be carried out taking into account the cultural context of students and the level of language proficiency to ensure that it complements rather than complicates the learning process.

Future research should aim to empirically test the long-term impact of PIRLS on the reading skills of young EFL learners and overall language development. In addition, studying the integration of digital resources within PIRLS could further increase its accessibility and attractiveness for the generation that does not own digital technologies.

In conclusion, PIRLS stands out as a reliable educational tool that can revolutionize reading instruction for young EFL students. When implemented thoughtfully, it can lay a solid foundation for literacy and foster a lifelong passion for reading and learning in a globalized world. As the TESOL field continues to evolve, literary resources such as PIRLS are likely to play an increasingly important role in shaping effective, engaging and enlightened language education practices.


  1. Adams, M. J. (1990). We begin to read: we reflect and learn about printing. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Publishing House.
  2. Ezell, H. K., & Justice, L. M. (2005). Joint reading of a collection of short stories: the development of language skills and emerging literacy in young children. Paul H. Brooks Publishing House.
  3. Piaget J. (1969). Mechanisms of perception. Routledge and Keegan Paul.
  4. Morrow, L. M., Tracy, D. H., & Wu, D. G. (1999). «Literature-based learning in the early years: literacy development and children's education». Language Art, 76(5), 377–385.
  5. Hadaway, N. L., Wardell, S. M., and Young, T. A. (2001). «The development of oral speech through poetry for students studying English. Research and learning to read, 40(3), 175–203.
  6. Sims Bishop, R. (1990). Mirrors, windows and sliding glass doors. Prospects: the choice and use of books in the classroom, 6(3).
  7. Verenikina I. (2008). Scaffolding and Learning: Their Role in Educating New Learners. In P. Kell, W. Vialle, D. Konza and G. Vogl (eds.), Learning and the Learner: The Study of Learning in Modern Times (pp. 161–180). University of Wollongong.
  8. Smith F. And Strickland D. (2017). A reading instruction that works: Arguments in favor of balanced learning. Guilford publications.
  9. Johnson L. And Wright L. (2019). Improving literacy in language classes. Oxford University Press.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): PIRLS, EFL, TESOL, IAC.

Ключевые слова

Development, students, reading comprehension, TESOL, PIRLS, language development, innovative teaching, literature-based learning

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