Interactive methods of learning foreign languages | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №48 (495) декабрь 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 05.12.2023

Статья просмотрена: 6 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Есенова, М. Р. Interactive methods of learning foreign languages / М. Р. Есенова, Г. И. Башимовна. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 48 (495). — С. 176-178. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

Keywords: foreign language, different methods.

Teaching foreign languages of our time an interactive methodology to the learning experience of the tasks set before the teachers and technology, multimedia media widely requires installation.

Interactive learning is dialogic learning, it takes place in the relationship between the teacher and the student, using a mutually active, effective method of teaching done Here, the work of the students is in the classroom. It is designed to achieve active engagement. In such a class, the didactic material taught to the students is fundamental to understand what they know and think they have ample opportunities to express their opinion.

State education of vocational training. According to the standards, the implementation of the principle of developing the skills of young people is the development of professional skills of students with an extracurricular activity lessons during the course in harmony active and interactive forms of transmission role-plays, analysis of concrete situations, psychological and other trainings) are widespread should be considered for use.

According to the scholars, learning through teaching in active forms of learning is the student's learning by receiving and storing information has a positive effect on retention. At the same time and when the fields of professional training in higher education are selected and a special program is prepared, first of all, the labor market based on their requirements. They are from the student:

– to master practical work skills and experience;

– to think creatively;

– to work in a professional labor group;

– to adopt professional business management solutions;

– It consists in the fact that the ability to be active and hardworking is required.

Higher education institutions are new to the educational process. The standard is to achieve adequate strategic goals in the student's professional practice high performance results required for.

Education should promote the development and realization of young people's skills. When lessons are taught, they are taught identify effective technologies and methods is necessary. Key to achieving learning outcomes not only increasing the number of practical (seminar) lessons, but also the professional skills acquired and in order to develop their skills interactive methods of teaching, as well as students their development should be monitored by. Active classes have the following features differs from:

– Forced activation of the student's thinking at the teacher's request. This is the essence of this feature what the student likes (or doesn't like) the content however, the teacher's teaching, giving thought-provoking tasks in class, etc. because it is active.

– In and out of class for long periods of time the student's activeness when assigned tasks for extra didactic purposes and when they work independently. Otherwise in other words, the activity is short-lived and momentary that the student's work is always in a continuous state throughout the academic years.

Today, foreign languages are taught in secondary schools, special and higher education institutions. With the development of our epoch, the most modern methods of teaching lessons are implemented. Development of the digital network, use of modern technologies has become the main direction of the course. Nowadays, multimedia boards and computers are actively used in classes. English language classes are held in lingaphone and students' speaking skills are improved. Repetition is also very useful in language teaching. In this method, the teacher points out where the students made a mistake by highlighting the part of the sentence that is wrong. For example, if they say «Yesterday I ate an apple», the teacher emphasizes that the word «eat» should be used in the past tense by saying «Yesterday I»... or the teacher can repeat the sentence in the correct form. It is also important that students repeat the correct form of the word. Some students' mistakes can be corrected while they are speaking. But you should give them a chance to complete the sentence. If you interrupt at every mistake, the student will not be able to concentrate and therefore will not be able to learn. When he misses the word he needs to say, it will remind him of the right word. But if he doesn't want to, you have to give him an opportunity to complete the sentence. After the student finishes the sentence, his mistakes can be explained and corrected: Student: I stood up late. Teacher: Oh, you agree! (in a questioning tone). Student: Yes, I go to plate, then I eat big breakfast. Teacher: You have a big breakfast (at a mother). Student: Yes, I had a big breakfast, then I went to the park. Teacher: So, you went to the park. While the students are speaking in English, the teacher draws a chart on the blackboard and points out different grammatical errors. This table can show the errors of both individual students and the entire class. Students can be divided into two groups and one group can speak and the other group can mark the mistakes. This method provides an opportunity to examine the educational level of both groups. It is also necessary to use writing method in language teaching.

Students should write the wrong words and phrases on the board. Each student looks at his or her own speech and realizes where he or she went wrong. You can also underline the wrong words. It is helpful to repeat both in writing and orally so that students can then explain those mistakes. Modern practice of teaching foreign languages ​​reveals that oral reading in lessons has a great effect on students. Ensuring students' writing and speaking according to grammar requirements depends on the pedagogical experience and ability of language teachers. A teacher who cares about the development of students' free speech should not forget to give students an understanding of the grammatical structure and vocabulary of the language, because the idea that speech and grammar are inextricably linked should be instilled in the student's mind. That's why teachers make extensive use of modern technologies to improve students' language skills and ensure their multilingualism. Advanced technologies offer new ways of teaching language to young people, increasing their language skills, and developing speech culture. Literally multimedia, computer equipment is essential for teachers to fully utilize their expertise in practice. As a result of such activities, students' desire to learn the language is increasing. This indicates that the lesson was successfully completed.

In the world, science and technology are developing at an unprecedented rate. As a result, the education and training of young people also requires development. This, in turn, means that teachers must also be constantly learning and always looking for new methods. That is why there is great concern about the professional development and exchange of experience of language teachers in our country. Conducting special refresher courses and exchange of experience of language teachers has a positive effect on the quality of teaching a foreign language.


  1. Herreid K. F., Schiller N. Case studies and the flipped classroom // Journal of College Science Teaching. — 2013. — No. 42.
  2. .Dudley-Evans T., Maggie Jo St. John. ESP development. Multidisciplinary approach. Cambridge University Press, 1998
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ESP.

Ключевые слова

foreign language, different methods

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