Terms and ways to learn them | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №48 (495) декабрь 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 05.12.2023

Статья просмотрена: 1 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Гельдимурадова, С. Г. Terms and ways to learn them / С. Г. Гельдимурадова, А. А. Таганова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 48 (495). — С. 160-162. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/495/108553/ (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

Keywords: terminology, economic terms, original meaning.

Terminology plays a very important role in linguistics and it always remains a problem that attracts the attention of scholars.

Before defining what economic terms are and discussing them, it is necessary to review the ideas about the concept of «term». Before the normal solution of the problems related to the development of the term of the language and its regulation, it is necessary to clarify the original meaning and characteristics of the concepts such as «terminology», «terminology» and «nomenclature». Misrepresentation of the meaning of that or any other member of the term system, i.e. the word 'term', can lead to errors.

In recent years, a large number of dictionaries, textbooks and monographs reflecting the modern development of the country's science, culture, and national economy have been published. «Terminological lexicon of Turkmen language», «Dictionary of military terms of Turkmen language», «Problems of Turkmen language terminology», «Professional lexicon of Turkmen language», «Jewelry lexicon of Turkmen language», «Jewelry lexicon of Turkmen language» and other scientific works by Turkmen linguists the publication of departmental dictionaries and textbooks testifies to the standardization of terms of the Turkmen language, their scientific improvement and development. In particular, during the years of independence, many national terms such as program, benefit, document, lease, businessman, industrialist, insurance, business trip, investor, contractor, broker, warranty period, broker, license, calculator, etc. enriched the vocabulary. Car, autopilot, and high-speed Internet are also actively used in our language.

A term is a word or phrase that corresponds to and represents a concept in a scientific or other field. The concept of a term is limited, as all terms are made up of words, but not just any word can be a term. As signs that characterize the term and distinguish it from words in common use, the following can be known mainly:

– the term becomes ambiguous;

– it is precise, acts as the name of a scientific concept and is beyond emotionality, expressiveness, modality;

– the term is neutral in form;

– the term is used in most languages with the same meaning in the system of that or other scientific field.

It is well known that terminology is important in many scientific works and textbooks. Because terms only serve their purpose when they are meaningful. At that time, it helps professionals working in a specific field of science and technology, especially medicine, mathematics, chemistry, physics, computer technology, finance, economics, and digital education system, to understand each other easily and quickly.

Some of the terms are used outside the boundaries of one language system and influence the formation of terms in other languages. Unlike other words, these terms are used interchangeably in related fields of science and technology. For example, the term computer is now used as the name of the same concept in English, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Tatar, Turkmen and other languages. Such a feature of scientific and technical terms serves as the basis for their international standardization.

A person cannot be forced to use a word or other word in a conversation. When talking about a term, unlike words in common language, it is important that its construction and use are always under control. How this or that term performs its service should be paid attention to in radio and television broadcasts, in the media, because without it, experts cannot exchange ideas in scientific language and understand each other like students. Taking into account the characteristics of scientific and technical terms that are different from words in use, the term can be described as follows: A term is a term that is neutral in form, meaning the name of a concept or a thing that serves a special purpose, in one or another field of science. is a word or phrase that is somehow related to All members of the term are connected to each other on the basis of syntagm (a syntactic unit consisting of several words) and paradigm (a set of word changes, a pattern of a certain word group).

Words belonging to a branch of science and serving that branch form a system of terms. Each term in that system has its own role and performs a specific service. The suitability of a term for specific information and scientific concepts is determined by its accuracy, brevity, comprehensibility and systematicity. These requirements usually apply to both an individual term and a whole set of terms.

Uses scientific concepts with the help of terms, which serve as tools for scientific thinking. The claim to the accuracy of the term comes from the fact that it uses scientific concepts, that it serves as a tool of scientific thought. This requirement is met by the following conditions:

– properly selected use of the signs of the concept defined by the term:

– the correct selection of the parts used in making the name:

– observance of the normal combination of those parts and components in the formation of the term.

Here are some tips to help you create short, actionable keywords:

– to remove parts of the term without harming its content:

– replacing one syntactic structure with another:

– abbreviating phrases.

External linguistic conditions had a great influence on the creation and integration of economic terms, and through those influences, the system of terms of the national language was formed, developed and improved on the basis of internal linguistic regularity. This development continues its development at a strong pace even today, and it is connected with the introduction of innovations and new technologies.

For example, terms related to the digital education system, which helps to enrich the vocabulary of the language, are used more often in all spheres of social life, that is, in television and radio broadcasts, in the lessons taught in secondary, special and higher education schools in the province, and in specialized special and higher education schools. Although these terms appear together in the text with ordinary words, they differ from them mainly by the same meaning and one aspect of the form, they consist of words or phrases and denote scientific concepts. The following terms related to the digital system are actively used in classes held in secondary, special and higher education schools: «Cloud» technology, portal, electronic document, electronic document circulation, electronic education, electronic database, electronic database, electronic service, electronic digital signature, electronic education. book (handbook), electronic copy, database, information bank, access to information, informatization, information communication system, information environment, information-communication technology, information society, information system, multimedia technology, information processing center (MGIM), information security, artificial intelligence, machine learning, cognitive technologies, neurotechnologies, quantum technologies, e-learning, distance learning.


  1. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Towards new heights of development. Selected Works. Volume 10. — Ashgabat: Turkmen State Publishing Service, 2017
  2. Garryev G., Garryev O., Meredova G., Arykova B. Some concepts used in the digital education system. — Ashgabat: «Ylim», 2020.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): MGIM.

Ключевые слова

economic terms, terminology, original meaning

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