The scientific basis of innovative methods of teaching English language | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Векилова, Ч. Г. The scientific basis of innovative methods of teaching English language / Ч. Г. Векилова, Огулгозел Назарова, Н. Д. Гараева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 48 (495). — С. 150-152. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

Keywords: innovative, method, case study, teaching, foreign language.

The development of a market economy determines the growing demand in the labor market for workers with developed professional skills, capable of solving various complex problems in production, capable of learning and improving. Today's modern society requires a person to flexibly use existing knowledge, find solutions to problems that arise in unfamiliar situations, recognize problematic questions and answer them, and also improve independently.

The content and structure of curricula, programs and textbooks, as well as teaching methods and styles, should provide students with theoretical knowledge and promote the development of these skills.

In today's ever-changing market economy, strategic skills such as independent learning, problem solving, and analytical judgment are required to adapt to change.

Nowadays, young people need to have the skills to solve various complex problems, analyze and analyze the situation, and draw logical conclusions based on the analysis. Because in our country, the current development of our country depends on the youth to strengthen their economic power. Critical thinking and analysis should be developed in students already during their studies. Critical thinking is approaching any problem with curiosity, examining it, analyzing it, and drawing conclusions. This reasoning means having an idea about a certain issue and justifying it with various logical reasons. Through critical thinking, a student is able to examine different points of view and draw conclusions based on them. Through critical thinking, the formal learning process becomes effective and independent.

The conditions necessary for the development of this type of thinking are:

– Time and Opportunity to Develop Critical Thinking

– Achieve student engagement throughout the course

– Accepting different ideas and points of view

– Expressing criticism for your opinions and suggestions

– Showing that every student can develop this mindset.

Case studies are effective in improving the critical thinking of students. In this method, students, through dialogues and texts, are introduced to situations that they will encounter in their future profession. The key aspect of this method is its applicability to real life situations. Based on this, students’ motivation to learn the language increases, dialogues are dramatized and animated. This also ensures that students retain words, terms and context well in their memory. There are many scientifically proven methods for teaching foreign languages. Among these methods, the case has gained great popularity and effectiveness in the world.

Case studies were first used at Harvard Business School in the USA. Teachers began holding dialogue sessions with students outside of regular classes. The teacher presents the students with a certain situation, and the students try to find the problem that arises in the situation and solve it. Copeland wrote his first book on case writing in 1921, with the active participation of Wallace Donaman, dean of Harvard Business School. Initially, case technology was used in professional courses for students studying economics, management and marketing. Over time, this technology has proven to be very relevant and effective in teaching foreign languages, especially English as a subject.

Cases are an active learning method based on real situations. Translated from English, «case» means «incident», and «case study» means the study of a situation. This method is also known as case, case method, case technology. In English, the concept of «case» has the following meanings:

  1. The case study provides a case study related to the skills that students will acquire.
  2. A collection of educational materials (books, notes, audio, video, electronic data) provided to students using this method.

The advantage of the case is the combination of practical and theoretical work when training future specialists in this method. The case influences the development of skills such as analysis, analysis, finding the most reliable solution and planning its implementation.

Types of cases

Cases are divided according to different criteria.

According to the severity of cases, they are divided into the following types:

Things that need to be resolved . Thus the problem is presented to the students. Its purpose is to enable students to come to their own conclusions on a specific issue. An example of this would be «My future career.»

Cases where the problem is not specified . In these cases the problem is not clearly defined. This problem is explained through statistical indicators, public opinion, etc. For example, based on the case «My future profession» «How to achieve success?» happening

Cases Illustrated . Its goal is to teach context-specific problem-solving sequences through precise practice.

Action Theory These types of cases present a specific situation and students must find ways to solve it. For example, the case «Healthy lifestyle»: you should play sports, take care of hygiene, and eat right.

Cases that teach assessment and evaluation. For example, the case «Technologies of the past and technologies of the present.»

The cases are taken from real life. In these cases, the situation is necessarily taken from life. In these cases, exposing students to real-life situations teaches them how to behave when a problem arises and how to solve it. Case «Natural Phenomena»

Research cases. These cases guide students toward research projects. For example, these could be cases about the history of the country, monuments, famous personalities.

The situations presented in the cases are also divided into several types.

Based on the result, the result is divided into two groups: project and problem . In problem solving, as the name suggests, the result is a definition of the problem and the difficulty of solving it. In the case of a project, the outcome is the work done to solve the problem.

origin of situation . Cases are often taken from real life situations, but case studies can also use conditional situations prepared by teachers in the learning process. For example: «What should a modern person be like? it's like

based on didactic principles , where a case study is conducted on an issue important to students. An example is Newton's laws.

Complete final cases (average 20–25 pages) designed for group work, requiring solutions over several days and presented in a group presentation.

The methodology does not have clear and precise standards for presenting cases. Cases are produced in printed or electronic form, and the tables, diagrams, pictures, and decorations used in them make it more effective. Currently, the multimedia form of presenting a case is very popular. Using multimedia, you can view audio-video recordings, text recordings, and images. It also helps students gain a better understanding of the matter.


  1. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, Continuation of the Meaning of My life,TDNG, 2023
  2. Practical English grammar. M. Kulieva, G. Mommanova. Ashgabat, 2020.
  3. Herreid K. F., Schiller N. Case studies and the flipped classroom // Journal of College Science Teaching. — 2013. — No. 42. — P 62–66.
  4. Dudley-Evans T., Maggie Jo St. John. ESP development. Multidisciplinary approach. Cambridge University Press, 1998
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): USA.

Ключевые слова

Case study, foreign language, teaching, method, innovative

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