The doctrinal foundations of the policy of neutrality in international relations | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Политология

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №50 (497) декабрь 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 18.12.2023

Статья просмотрена: 30 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Чарыев, А. Ч. The doctrinal foundations of the policy of neutrality in international relations / А. Ч. Чарыев, Г. О. Рахманов. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 50 (497). — С. 357-359. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

Keywords: international relations, politics, political and diplomatic relations.

International relations have a long history and are explained by the emergence of the first states and the conduct of mutual relations. At the same time, the study of the history of international relations is inextricably linked with the study of the state, politics, law and other fundamental issues of human society.

From the point of view of the above, the scientific foundation of international relations is based on the foundations of ancient philosophical, ideological, sociological, political, legal and other perspectives. Although the sources of scientific-theoretical views on international relations are rooted in centuries, it is considered a young science. Because it was formed in a systematic form at the beginning of the 20th century, and the successive works written in the second half of it were enriched. The object of the science of international relations is, first of all, interstate relations, which form the basis of world politics. As a subject of this science, first of all, the historical development and political logic of the situation in the international system, their legality evaluated in terms of theory and practice. As in all sciences, international relations are studied in depth through the following scientific approaches and methods:

– Through a historical approach, the formation and development of international relations in different historical conditions, the laws of change from the past to the present are studied;

– Using the comparative method, similar and mutually different political systems, situations, and states are studied in international relations;

– Using the method of systematic analysis, the structure of international relations and the interrelationships of its internal parts are studied;

– By studying the internal structure and systemic image of international relations, attention is paid to its stability, development opportunities and ability to restore its structure;

– Studying the development and future of international relations using the methods of exact and basic sciences. With the implementation of analysis, synthesis and forecasting methods used in this context, conclusions are made about foreign-political events and decisions are made.

The foreign policy of different countries is the driving force of international relations. Like the history of politics, the history of international relations goes back to ancient times. From this point of view, the theory of international relations is based on the results obtained from the fields of history, philosophy, law, politics, culture, economy, geography, demography and many other sciences. International relations are a special type of social relations of human civilization, and they go beyond the boundaries of a society or a country. Problems related to the formation of a systemic form of international relations are studied in close connection with the origin of the first states and the history of ancient civilizations.

States that have chosen the path of neutrality in foreign policy make an important contribution to the peaceful development of international affairs and actively make efforts to ensure that intergovernmental relations are conducted as stable and safe as possible. Bilateral countries also serve as reliable and convenient places for conducting various negotiations or hosting the institutional structures of international organizations. In the field of international relations, various types of neutrality, levels of international law, goals and implementation methods are known. This enriches the centuries-old experience of world politics and diplomacy. The improvement of the forms and methods of implementation of neutrality takes place in accordance with the development of the world community and the specific historical conditions of each era. However, its content and goals remain to promote peace, reduce tension in the international system and conduct cooperation based on mutual trust. From this point of view, it can be seen that the possibilities of neutrality are always great. This is not the case, because a neutral state is independent, independent and free to adopt the necessary solution, while approaching international issues from the point of view of the combination of national and global interests.

A state with a level of neutrality stays away from alliances with geopolitical goals in mind. First of all, it undertakes not to join military and military-political alliances, and not to place foreign military bases on its territory. Nor is it permissible to put pressure on a neutral state or to force it to make decisions for unilateral interests. Although the policy of neutrality in international relations has a centuries-old history, as world politics becomes more and more complicated, its importance does not decrease, and again, it acquires a new meaning for cooperation for the sake of peace. More effective ways and means are opening up for states that actively pursue neutrality. This can be seen in the successful implementation of Turkmenistan's neutrality foreign policy strategy.

The ancient benevolence, peace-loving, humanitarian qualities and traditions of the Turkmen people are the core of the state's foreign policy based on positive neutrality.

Turkmenistan actively cooperates with the United Nations. On March 2, 1992, at the 82nd session of the 46th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, a decision was made that Turkmenistan was accepted as an equal member of this organization. Each of the member countries undertakes the conditions based on the basic principles of international relations expressed in the Charter of the United Nations. On December 12, 1995, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Resolution «Permanent Neutrality of Turkmenistan» for the second time with the unanimous support of 185 countries, as well as 193 countries at the 69th session of the United Nations General Assembly on June 3, 2015.

Unanimous adoption of the Resolution "2021 — Year of International Peace and Trust» at the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly, and acceptance of the Final Declaration of the First Caspian Economic Forum as a document of the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly It is one of the great achievements of our national leader in the development of international cooperation.

The banking system plays an important role in fulfilling the strategic tasks set by the President of Turkmenistan for various sectors of the national economy. The dynamic development of the economy and macroeconomic balance are ensured by the proper use of its relevant tools within the framework of the monetary and credit policy of the country.


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  2. Karayev B. Turkmenistan — United Nations: cooperation for the sake of peace, security and sustainable development // Foreign policy and diplomacy of Turkmenistan. No. 3, 2014
  3. Karayev B. Foreign policy strategy of Turkmenistan: new standards of cooperation for the sake of peace and development // Foreign policy and diplomacy of Turkmenistan. No. 4, 2012

Ключевые слова

international relations, politics, political and diplomatic relations

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