The integrated oil and gas industry is being developed | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Тойлыев, О. М. The integrated oil and gas industry is being developed / О. М. Тойлыев, Э. Б. Атаджанова, М. Т. Тоймырадова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 51 (498). — С. 102-103. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

Keywords: oil and gas, achievements, industry.

The main task of the oil and gas industry remains to steadily increase the amount of «blue fuel», which is «black gold» obtained from deposits rich in hydrocarbon raw materials of our Dear Land. This lofty task is clearly reflected in the «Program for the Development of Turkmenistan's Oil and Gas Industry for the Period Until 2030». In this program, it is envisaged to determine the underground structure of natural deposits on a scientific basis, to identify concentrated sources of reserves of hydrocarbon raw materials, to industrialize and implement them based on the achievements of science and advanced practices.

In order to more efficiently use the capacity of the oil and gas industry in Turkmenistan, to increase natural resource reserves, to expand the types of high-quality, competitive products from hydrocarbon raw materials, which are in great demand in domestic and foreign markets, great work is being done to fully utilize the capabilities of the processing system.

Modernizing the infrastructure of the oil and gas industry on the basis of advanced technologies is an important task in ensuring the high speed of the large projects being implemented. At the same time, special attention is paid to the environment, increasing the production capacity, and diversifying the export channels of «blue fuel».

Before the celebration of the Constitution of Turkmenistan and the National Flag of Turkmenistan, the Ekerem Drilling Department of the Turkmennebit State Concern «Nebitgazburravlayingi» trust has successfully completed the drilling of the 77th well with a depth of 6750 meters in the Uzynada mine, producing natural gas and oil from a depth of 6692–6706 meters. Received an industrial stream of condensate. This is also a proud achievement of the oil workers of our country, who are inspired by the achievements of the «People's Friendship» year.

As a result of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov's constant concern for the oil and gas industry, which is the main sector of the national economy, our drillers, who have the ability to purchase the most powerful drilling facilities from abroad, are working diligently, aiming to confidently penetrate deeper layers. Well-drilling facilities closely facilitate access to rich reserves of fuel raw materials located in deeper layers.

Also, various production complexes for the processing of oil and gas resources are being built and put into operation in the country. He will build a facility for isobutane production at the Gyyanly polymer plant located in Balkan Velayat. Isobutane is produced from natural gas and is widely used in oil refining. This will help to expand the production of high value added products from hydrocarbon raw materials in Turkmenistan. Due to its high octane rating, isobutene is used as a component of fuel for internal combustion engines. Another important feature of isobutene is that it does not deplete the ozone layer.

Turkmenistan occupies one of the leading places in the world in terms of natural gas reserves. Today, our country is one of the main exporters of «blue fuel» in the Central Asian region. Considering the favorable geographical location and rich reserves of hydrocarbon resources, our beloved country has huge opportunities to increase the export of natural gas to the markets of Europe and Asia, as well as in various other directions.

Today, our independent country has established fruitful relations with dozens of countries of the world, large foreign companies with advanced technologies, financial institutions and international organizations. The economic efficiency of joint projects as well as the importance of life and environmental safety are the basic principles of such cooperation.

As a clear example of this, the positive experience gathered during the long-term joint work of Turkmenistan and China in the fuel and energy sector, large-scale projects aimed at expanding the routes of sending Turkmen «blue fuel» to world markets and increasing the export potential of the gas industry can be shown.

Along with increasing oil and gas production, creating a multi-branch system for the delivery of Turkmen energy resources to world markets, the diversification of the oil and gas industry, the construction of large industrial facilities specializing in the processing of hydrocarbon raw materials, including the petrochemical, gas and chemical industries, and the processing of electric energy-related materials. attention is given.

Based on the analysis of the regional and world markets, the currently formed and forecasts of demand for gas chemical products, programs for the further development of the gas and petrochemical industries for the next ten years have been developed. One of the major areas of the future is the construction of large enterprises for the production of polymers.

According to Bilermenle's estimates, the demand for A-95 gasoline and diesel fuel in our country will double by 2030. Based on this, integrated measures were developed to further increase the capacities of the complex of oil refineries in Turkmenbashi and Seydi oil refinery. Among them, the construction of new facilities for hydro-cleaning of diesel fuel, catalytic isodeparaffinization, catalytic cracking of fuel oil, hydro-cleaning of secondary gasoline, hydrogen production can be mentioned.

Currently, the construction of a gas chemical complex with the capacity to produce 386 thousand tons of polyethylene and 81 thousand tons of polypropylene per year is underway in the town of Gyyanly, located on the coast of the Caspian Sea. A carbamide plant with an annual capacity of 1 million 155 thousand tons is being built in the city of Garabogaz. A plant for the production of gasoline from natural gas is being built in Ovadandepe, Ahal province. The plant equipped with the latest equipment will reprocess 1 billion 782 million cubic meters of natural gas and produce 600 thousand tons of A-92 gasoline that meets the highest environmental requirements of the Euro-5 standard. It is also planned to produce 12 thousand tons of diesel fuel and 115 thousand tons of liquefied gas per year.

At the same time, the feasibility of organizing the production of benzene, which is necessary for the production of polystyrene and rubber, is being studied from a technical and economic point of view. will allow the production of fats («two-plus» and «three-plus» groups). The possibility of industrial production of graphite obtained from petroleum coke is also being investigated. The first phase of this product has already been obtained at the test facility installed at the metallurgical plant in Ovadandepe. This technology was tested by specialists of the private company «Ulke» and the state company «Turkmendemirunumleri».

Ключевые слова

achievements, industry, oil and gas

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