Topographic anatomy of the facial part of the skull, sinuses of the nose. Operative accesses | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Девятова, Е. К. Topographic anatomy of the facial part of the skull, sinuses of the nose. Operative accesses / Е. К. Девятова, Д. Р. Газимова, Л. В. Некрасова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 51 (498). — С. 129-131. — URL: (дата обращения: 23.02.2025).

The article deals with the topographic anatomy of the nasal sinuses, their inflammations and operative accesses to them.

Keywords: sinuses, operative accesses, maxillary sinus, lattice sinus, cuneiform sinus.

В статье рассмотрена топографическая анатомия придаточных пазух носа, их воспалений и оперативных доступов к ним.

Ключевые слова: придаточные пазухи, оперативные доступы, верхнечелюстная пазуха, решетчатая пазуха, клиновидная пазуха.

Chronic sinusitis of the maxillary sinuses has been found to occur most commonly between the ages of 25 and 34 years.

In the United States, sinusitis affects approximately 1 in 7 adults each year, meaning that more than 24 million cases of OS are reported each year.

In the European Union, acute sinusitis affects 1–2 % of the population (10–20 million people) per year, and the prevalence of chronic sinusitis is 10 %.

The incidence of acute sinusitis in Russia over the last 8 years has increased from 4.6 to 12.7 cases per 1,000 population. Today the percentage of people hospitalized for inflammation of the sinuses is 61 %.


1) To study and review the topographic anatomy of the sinuses, their inflammations and operative accesses to them.

2) To collect material on various inflammations of the sinuses.

3) Review of all methods of operative access to the sinuses.

Materials and Methods

  1. The technique of operative accesses to such nasal sinuses as maxillary, lattice, and cuneiform was determined on the anatomical skull preparation.

Operative access to the maxillary sinus.

To the lattice funnel, which has a three-dimensional configuration and is located in the sagittal plane, passing through the lateral wall of the nose, access is carried out using a semilunar incision and resection of the hook-shaped process. After this access, it is possible to introduce the endoscope into the natural opening in the caudal part of the funnel and expand it.

Manipulations in the maxillary sinus cavity can be performed with optics that provide an angle of view of 30, 45 or 70°.

Operative access to the lattice sinus.

The main surgical landmark is the middle nasal shell and the lattice bulla, which is removed with a conchotome or Luke's forceps. After removal of the bulla, access to the cells of the lattice labyrinth is opened. The most thorough removal of pathologic altered tissues is performed with sharp spoons and curettes.

Operative access to the cuneiform sinus.

The opening to the cuneiform sinus is found in the cuneiform-lattice cavity, at a distance of about 10 mm above the apex of the choana in the anterior wall of the cuneiform bone, or identify the anterior wall of the cuneiform sinus and trepanize its lattice part, performing a posterior ethmoidectomy.

  1. Using the example of working with biological material, create a spatial model in the frontal axis of the facial section of the skull in section to visualize the sinuses.
  2. A teaching and methodological stand was made, on which all the above stages are presented step-by-step, as well as all inflammations of the sinuses and surgical interventions for their elimination are described in writing.

The history of the development of the study of the sinuses is connected with the gradual realization of their functions and importance for human health

The study of the sinuses began in ancient times. In ancient civilizations, connections between the state of the sinuses and various diseases were already noticed. However, due to limited knowledge in medicine and inaccessibility of modern technologies, the understanding of the work of the sinuses remained incomplete.

A turning point in the development of the study of the sinuses occurred in the 18th century. At this time, French surgeon Pierre-Adolphe Pinel began to systematically study the anatomy of the human body. He managed to describe in detail the structure of the sinuses, and he suggested that they play an important role in the process of breathing and protection of the body from various influences.

In the 19th century, with the development of medical sciences, interest in the study of the sinuses increased. The first studies were conducted on models and animals that mimic human breathing. Doctors began to investigate different aspects of the sinuses, such as their involvement in filtering inhaled air, maintaining the humidity and temperature of the respiratory tract, and the role of the sinuses in sound production.

In the 20th century, advances in medicine and the introduction of new technologies made it possible to conduct more detailed examinations of the sinuses. Modern examination methods such as computerized tomography and endoscopic examination have been developed, which allow obtaining accurate information about the condition of the sinuses. This has opened up new possibilities for the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases related to the sinuses, such as sinusitis and polyps.

Modern research on the accessory sinuses is related not only to medical aspects, but also to the understanding of their evolution and physiology, as well as to the development of new drugs and treatments.

Thus, the history of the development of the study of the sinuses indicates a gradual progress in understanding their role and functions. Modern advances in medicine and technology make it possible to diagnose and treat diseases of the sinuses more accurately, as well as to create new methods of prevention and maintenance of their health.


Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses is a common condition that can lead to significant discomfort and impairment of the patient's quality of life. OPN can be caused by a variety of factors including infections, allergies, anatomical abnormalities, and others.

Symptoms such as nasal congestion, forehead and facial pain, nasal discharge, impaired sense of smell, and others often accompany inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. Patients with chronic inflammation of the paranasal sinuses may also experience deterioration of general condition, decreased performance and increased sensitivity to various stimuli.

The problem of inflammation of the perinasal sinuses remains relevant in the modern world. Inflammation of the sinuses, such as sinusitis, can significantly impair a person's quality of life by causing facial pain, difficulty breathing and general malaise.

In addition, sinus inflammation can lead to complications such as spreading the infection to other areas of the face, as well as impairing overall health.

Therefore, the development and improvement of methods of surgical access to the sinuses is of great importance for effective treatment and prevention of complications in inflammatory sinus diseases.

Our research paper on the paranasal sinuses can be very useful for undergraduate students, as it provides information about the seriousness of this disease and its consequences. The poster also discusses methods of surgical access to the cuneiform, maxillary, and lattice sinuses, which can be useful for students interested in otolaryngology, surgery, or general medicine and can provide them with valuable information about inflammatory sinus diseases and treatment methods.


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  5. Songolov G. I. «Clinical anatomy of the facial department of the head» / G. I. Songolov, O. P. Galeeva, T. I. Shalina. — С. 14.
  6. Turovsky, A. B. Acute sinusitis: the state of the problem at the beginning of the 21st century / A. B. Turovsky, I. G. Kolbanova, Y. V. Talalaiko, E. V. Matveeva, V. A. Moskalev. — No. 6 (65) — 2011.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): OPN.

Ключевые слова

sinuses, operative accesses, maxillary sinus, lattice sinus, cuneiform sinus

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