Jobs and profession vocabulary words in Magtymguly’s poems | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №52 (499) декабрь 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 27.12.2023

Статья просмотрена: 3 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Овлягулиев, М. О. Jobs and profession vocabulary words in Magtymguly’s poems / М. О. Овлягулиев, Г. А. Солтанмырадов. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 52 (499). — С. 374-376. — URL: (дата обращения: 19.01.2025).

Keywords: literature, profession words, Magtymguly’s poems.

In the study of the history of the Turkmen language, written records are of great importance. When studying the history of the Turkmen language of the 18 th century, it is necessary to talk about the unique feature of the vocabulary of Magtymguly’s poems. The relation of language to life is revealed through vocabulary. From this point of view, the vocabulary of Magtymguly’s poems is an important source for describing the life of that time. Every word used in Magtymguly’s poems is directly related to the historical, national-spiritual situation of his people.

Jobs and profession vocabulary words also have a large share in forming the vocabulary of the great poet’s poems. Vocabulary words are very important in adding a national color to the language of poems and in expressing the characteristics of our people’s life. They are closely related to the history and psychology of the Turkmen people. One of the reasons why business words need to be studied is that some of them fall out of use. Therefore, the study of the meaning of words related to endangered species and the reuse of such words belong to the important problems of linguistics.

Magtymguly’s poems are very valuable in conveying to our current and future generations the obsolete or rarely used words, explaining their meaning, and bringing them into circulation. In Magtymguly’s poems, there are often words related to military affairs, animal husbandry, farming, and jewelry. These occupations and professions were of great importance in the history of the Turkmen people, and they had a practical character according to the requirements of natural conditions and life. It is important to note that professional words in poems can have figurative meaning according to the general idea and content of the poem.

Jobs and profession vocabulary related to the military. The reason why there are more words related to military affairs among the professional words in Magtymguly’s poems can be explained by the fact that military affairs occupy an important place in the history of our nation. Since ancient times, a group of words have been actively used in military affairs in the life of the Turkmen people, forming a military lexicon. At first, the words related to the military lexicon consisted of the names of simple tools used in the daily life of the people. As a result, the military lexicon of the Turkmen language has kept the connection with professional words related to other professions. Military lexicon has been extensively studied In Turkic languages. T. Baijanov, D. G. Bagyshov, H. A. Dadabaev, Y. The works of A. Yakovlev can be cited as an example.

Military lexicon has been subjected to deeper scientific analysis on the example of Uzbek, Azerbaijani, Kazakh and Turkish languages. The dictionary edited by H. Velmyradov and A. Niyazov can be considered as the first work on military lexicon in the Turkmen language. This dictionary contains 2730 words and is one of the most successful works in translating words from Russian to Turkmen. The military lexicon of the Turkmen language has recently been subjected to thorough scientific analysis. Ch. Garajaev’s book “Army vocabulary in the Turkmen language” (2) analyzes the military terms of the Turkmen language, including Turkic languages, and derived terms. Military tools are divided into categories based on their types. Word formation in the military lexicon of the Turkmen language is also unique from the author’s point of view. So, the scientific basis of learning the military lexicon in the Turkmen language has been laid. However, in the example of the poet’s work, the military lexicon is not fully studied. The military lexicon found in Magtymguly’s poems is distinguished by its unique features. The composition of the military lexicon used in Magtymguly’s poems attracts attention with its diversity and breadth of territory. They can be divided into sections such as names of weapons, names of weapon components, and general military terms.

Names of weapons: In Magtymguly’s poems, the names of weapons correspond to words such as sword, shield, bow, knife, and dagger. Among them, the words sword, bow, knife, dagger, manjanik, mace, shield, gun belong to the words that have been used in the lexicon of the Turkmen language since ancient times.

Son of man, yours is yours

One day the frost will be come!

The dagger that strikes you

The executioner will spill your blood!

When I was fifteen, I used to shoot live.

When I was seventeen, I quit my job.

I arrived at the field, driving through the heat

Among the words related to military activities found in Magtymguly’s poems, the names of the components of weapons and war equipment are also frequently found:

As the dagger came out of its sheath,

By the flesh

The falcon held his hand,

He said: “Cut it, Ali!”

General words related to military affairs occupy a certain part of the military lexicon in the poems of our great thinker Magtymguly. They include the names of military equipment, combat types, army units, military ranks, etc. The word “medicine” in the poem refers to the explosive substance used to replace the firearm, while “servant” refers to a soldier in the army, a spearman.

Profession vocabulary related to animal husbandry. Most of the professional words in Magtymguly’s poems are words related to livestock. These words show the national identity of the people, the limitless possibilities of language wealth, and the antiquity of their words. Words related to animal husbandry have been used in the vocabulary of the Turkmen language for hundreds of years. Those words did not appear as professional words at once, but became professional words after settling into life as a profession of animal husbandry. Works on animal husbandry lexicon have been found in Turkic languages since the fifties of the twentieth century.

In these works, the examples of selected languages are studied scientifically, and their sources are traced. The words related to livestock in the Turkmen language began to be studied a little later than in other Turkic languages. Several scientific works have been carried out in this regard. Z. B. Muhammedova’s article can be presented as the first of them.

It Is possible to divide the professional words related to livestock in Magtymguly’s poems into sections such as the names of animals, their accessories, and other things related to animals.

In the examples taken from Magtymguly’s poems, words related to livestock such as yabi, steed, horse, donkey, sheep, lamb, dovar, ner, bugra, ram, and camel are regularly found. Some of these words, for example, ner, bugra, shutur, may be a little unclear. All of them are camel-related words. Ner is a male camel that Is a cross between an arwana and a camel. Bugra is a two-humped camel, separate. The word “camel” also generally refers to a camel. In ancient Turkmen standards, a camel’s load is called “shuturbar”.


  1. T. Bekjaev. The composition of professional words in the formation of phraseology. “Heritage” magazine, No. 2, 2009,
  2. Ch. Garajaev. Military lexicon in the Turkmen language. — Ashgabat, 1989.
  3. M. Penjiev. Agricultural lexicon of the Turkmen language. — Ashgabat, 1979.
  4. Dictionary of the Turkmen language. — Ashgabat, 1962. 5. Professional lexicon of the Turkmen language. — Ashgabat, 1986.

Ключевые слова

literature, profession words, Magtymguly’s poems

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