Methods of formation of cognitive and universal learning actions in English lessons | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №52 (499) декабрь 2023 г.

Дата публикации: 30.12.2023

Статья просмотрена: 57 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Бакытжанова, А. И. Methods of formation of cognitive and universal learning actions in English lessons / А. И. Бакытжанова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2023. — № 52 (499). — С. 136-142. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

This article delves into the dynamic realm of English language education, specifically focusing on the methods employed for the formation of cognitive and universal learning actions. The exploration begins by defining the concept of cognitive learning within the context of English lessons, highlighting the cognitive processes involved in language acquisition. Drawing on current research in language pedagogy, the article investigates the interplay between cognitive functions and universal learning actions, seeking to identify effective strategies for optimizing language learning outcomes. The study evaluates various educational strategies employed in English lessons to enhance cognitive engagement and promote universal learning actions. It scrutinizes traditional and modern approaches, considering the incorporation of technology, interactive activities, and real-world applications to create a dynamic learning environment. Additionally, the article examines the role of language acquisition theories in shaping these strategies, emphasizing the importance of aligning methods with cognitive development stages. Furthermore, the article delves into the significance of language acquisition in the broader context of universal learning actions.

Keywords: cognitive learning, universal learning actions, English lessons, formation methods, educational strategies, language acquisition, pedagogical approaches.

В этой статье рассматривается динамичная сфера обучения английскому языку, особое внимание уделяется методам, используемым для формирования когнитивных и универсальных учебных действий. Исследование начинается с определения концепции когнитивного обучения в контексте уроков английского языка, выделяя когнитивные процессы, участвующие в овладении языком. Опираясь на современные исследования в области языковой педагогики, в статье исследуется взаимодействие между когнитивными функциями и универсальными учебными действиями с целью выявления эффективных стратегий оптимизации результатов изучения языка. В исследовании оцениваются различные образовательные стратегии, используемые на уроках английского языка для усиления когнитивной вовлеченности и поощрения универсальных учебных действий. В нем тщательно рассматриваются традиционные и современные подходы, учитывая использование технологий, интерактивных мероприятий и реальных приложений для создания динамичной учебной среды. Кроме того, в статье рассматривается роль теорий овладения языком в формировании этих стратегий, подчеркивается важность согласования методов с этапами когнитивного развития. Кроме того, в статье рассматривается значение овладения языком в более широком контексте универсальных учебных действий.

Ключевые слова: когнитивное обучение, универсальные учебные действия, уроки английского языка, методы формирования, образовательные стратегии, овладение языком, педагогические подходы.

Universal educational influences in a broad sense means the ability to learn, that is, the ability of the subject to self-development and self-improvement by the method of intentional and intensive appropriation of a social skill [1]. More narrowly, it is a set of methods of students' actions that ensure the independent assimilation of fresh knowledge, the compilation of skills, cultural identity and tolerance. Personal universal learning activities provide students with a value orientation. These are the effects of self-determination, and self-identification of one's own role in life and one's own personality, the effects associated with meaning formation, i.e. the establishment by students of a connection between the purpose of educational work and its motive and the effects of moral and ethical assessment, value and semantic orientation of students.

Regulatory universal learning activities are those influences that provide students with the ability to carry out their own work autonomously. For successful formation, it is necessary to set a task, a task, to find out exactly what the adept understands and what does not, it is necessary to understand the procedure, qualify the draft of actions, predict the outcome of the work, control, correction, evaluation.

Speaking of cognitive skills, it follows in the footsteps of owning, in fact, that connected in the lead with the ability to work with information, setting a cognitive task for oneself, information extraction, comparison, the ability to structure information, choose the method of completing an assignment.

Communicative universal learning influences promote productive interaction and collaboration with peers. Students are trained to listen to a classmate, take part in a collective discussion of tasks, and also work in pairs. As a mentor with an elevated degree of professional competence, focusing on the skill of teaching the English language at all levels of study the purpose of work to be the compilation of a universal learning activities in the criteria of system-activity and competence layouts.

The communicative direction of the process of learning a foreign language must also find a reflection in the abundance of forms of organization of this process. Role-playing games, theatrical productions, design and research work are more often used influences in English language lessons. As in real life, students are required to learn how to apply various methods of problem solving, depending on the nature of the difficulty. Various forms of organizing the language research process can still help the teacher to make communication stories as close to reality as possible.

Table 1

Universal learning actions and what is being formed [2]

Universal learning actions

What is being formed


— A discerning approach towards knowledge and the discernment of its interpretation;

— Respect for details regarding the personal lives of others and the outcomes of actions;

— Foundations of legal culture in the area of data utilization


— Evaluation of the circumstances, formulas, and outcomes of the activities carried out in the information environment;

— Evaluating and making corrections to the finished activity based on the action's findings that are presented in the information environment;

— The compilation of a student's academic accomplishments into a digital portfolio


— Fixation data using different technical methods;

— Information organization and display through the use of time lines, graphs, and cartographies, among other visual aids;

— Constructing the most basic models of procedures


— Performance with audio visual support.

— Record the progress of collective communication.

— Communication in a digital environment (email, chat, video conferencing, forums, blogs)

Table 1 shows types of universal learning actions and what is being formed [2]. An important task of a progressive education system is considered to be the compilation of a set of universal educational actions that provide a zone of responsibility to «teach to learn», and not just the development of certain subject knowledge and abilities by students within individual disciplines. The ability to learn is a significant moment in increasing the productivity of students' mastery of subject knowledge, the formation of skills and competencies, perception of the world and the formation of value-semantic reasons for personal moral choice. The functions of universal educational actions include:

— ensuring the student's probabilities to autonomously implement the work of teaching, assign learning goals, find and apply the necessary ways and methods of merit, keep under control and evaluate the process and results of activities;

— creation of criteria for the formation of a personality and its self-realization on the basis of readiness for continuing education in a multicultural society, the highest social and professional mobility;

— ensuring successful assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities, drawing up a picture of the world and competencies in any subject area.

The student's ability to autonomously successfully master the subject of a foreign language, covering an independent company of this process, the ability to learn, is guaranteed by the fact that universal educational influences as generalized influences reveal possibility of broad orientation in all possible subject areas, for example, in the structure of the educational work itself, including an understanding of its motivated direction, value-semantic and operational characteristics.

The table of contents of the subject foreign language allows to make circumstances for the merit of meta-subject results and the formation of universal educational actions. The main task of the teacher in preparing for the lesson is to study the exercises of the textbook and supplementary manuals, mark and select the table of contents in this way, so that any educational activity is aimed at purposefully achieving the planned results of the educational standard, chosen as a priority in the study of a certain topic. Textbooks with meta-subject assignments have every chance to be considered good teaching assistants in the formation of cognitive attention to the study of the language among students.

One of the methods of forming cognitive skills is considered to be the introduction of students' project work in the classroom and in extracurricular activities. The method of plans creates a functional, independent and active student's deal in learning, develops general academic skills and abilities: research, reflective, self-assessment, precisely related to the skill of their use in practical work aimed at the formation of students' cognitive attention.

Improving the methodological work on the formation of cognitive skills is to involve students in project work, which is common for age-related individuals of students. The means of formation and formation of universal learning activities include:

  1. The introduction of interactive technologies in the work of a teacher helps to increase the motivation of students to study.
  2. Intensive and effective implementation of ICT in the learning process allows the teacher to work more successfully on the development and improvement of the abilities of foreign language oral and written speech among students, to increase motivation and cognitive energy due to the contrast of forms of work.
  3. Problem-based learning in the English language lessons contains practical significance in the formation of personality. The introduction of problem-based learning technology promotes the development of communicative skills, initiates attention, and supports higher motivation to study foreign languages.
  4. Learning a foreign language at an early stage should be based on the game. Playing exercises in a foreign language is not an elementary collective entertainment, but a leading method of merit of specific learning tasks at the provided boundary [3].

Cognitive abilities are considered to be the main components of intellectual functioning, encompassing thinking, memory, caring, and problem-solving. And the study of the English language strongly asks for the assimilation of fresh texts, grammatical systems and rules, which actually contributes to the development of memory. Memory is considered a necessary cognitive experience that allows students to memorize and recall information that can be used in other settings. In the process of studying the English language, students still develop capacity for concentrated interest.

The study of the English language urges not only the memorization of precedents, but also the analysis, comparison and evaluation of information. Students develop their own critical thinking abilities by performing a word test, asking questions, showing their reasoning and arguing it. Apart from this, studying the English language can help develop students' problem-solving abilities, for example, how face situations that urge them to find conclusions and overcome language barriers.

The study of the English language promotes the development of creative thinking among students. Through the introduction of language to express thoughts, views and emotions, students develop their own capacity for creativity and innovation. Also, the study of the language invites a large number of possibilities for reading literature, watching movies and listening to music in the language, which actually contributes to the development of imagination and the possibility of associative thinking.

Teachers and educators of the English language have every chance to apply various strategies and methods in order to actively develop the cognitive abilities of their own students. These methods, such as games, debates, reading literature and solving problems, contribute to the development of cognitive abilities and the creation of a stimulating learning environment.

Creating cognitive and universal learning actions in English lessons involves a combination of instructional strategies, activities, and approaches that engage students in meaningful ways.

Table 2

M ethods to promote cognitive and universal learning actions in English lessons [4]



Interactive Discussions

- Encourage open-ended discussions that require critical thinking and analysis.

- Use questioning to stimulate students' reasoning and reflection.

- Incorporate group discussions to promote collaboration and diverse perspectives

Project-Based Learning

- Design projects that require research, creativity, and problem-solving skills.

- Connect projects to real-world issues to make learning more relevant.

- Include presentations to enhance communication skills

Literature Analysis

- Analyze literature in-depth, focusing on themes, characters, and literary devices.

- Explore different interpretations and perspectives on a text.

- Connect literature to historical and cultural contexts

Language Games and Activities

- Use word games, puzzles, and language activities to reinforce vocabulary and grammar.

- Incorporate language-based competitions to make learning fun and engaging.

- Include activities that cater to various learning styles

Multimedia Integration

- Utilize multimedia resources such as videos, podcasts, and interactive websites.

- Foster media literacy by analyzing and creating multimedia content.

- Connect multimedia materials to diverse cultural contexts.

Inquiry-Based Learning

- Pose open-ended questions that encourage students to explore and discover answers.

- Guide students through the process of inquiry and research.

- Connect learning to students' interests and curiosities

Culturally Relevant Teaching

- Integrate diverse texts and authors to represent a variety of cultural perspectives.

- Explore global issues and connect them to students' own experiences.

- Foster an inclusive and culturally responsive classroom environment

Technology Integration

- Incorporate educational technology tools to enhance learning.

- Use online platforms for collaborative writing, virtual field trips, or language practice.

- Leverage adaptive learning technologies for personalized instruction

Table 2 shows the methods of forming cognitive and universal educational activities in English lessons [4]. By incorporating these methods into English lessons, educators can create a dynamic and inclusive learning environment that promotes cognitive development and addresses the diverse needs of learners.

In the process of teaching the English language in educational institutions, it is recommended to consider an effective model for the formation of students' cognitive energy from the point of view of the category study of cognitive and mental activity, and also purposefully consider it as an integrative component based on appropriate reasons:

— cognitive thinking work, understood as the formation of regular thinking of students in the foreign language;

— estructuring of the educational process in accordance with the goals and objectives of foreign language research;

— to consider high school students as intensive subjects of teaching the language;

— to guarantee constructive cooperation and mutual assistance in the teacher-student format [5].

The formation of students' cognitive abilities in teaching the foreign language should be realized in the context of change, covering the revision of the content and component of cognitive-cognitive study and cognitive activity. Based on the criteria of its formation, the introduction of methodological assistance and improvement cases is still allowed.

The inconsistency in the formation of cognitive capabilities of students is vital for studying the English language, because in the criteria of progressive reality, a large-scale multicultural and multilingual panorama is revealed to the linguist, which contributes to a successful career and professional rise of the younger generation [6].

Compiling the cognitive competence of students in the field of the foreign language is considered one of the multifaceted tasks of the science of psychology and pedagogy. This is consistent with the principles of personality-oriented and developmental education as the main catalyst for the teaching the English language as a foreign language in the advanced criteria for the formation of multilingualism and multiculturalism.

A significant role in the development of communicative universal educational actions of students is played by the nature of cooperation with the teacher. The work of students in a group can help create educational motivation, awaken cognitive attention in students, attraction to luck and encouragement, the opportunity to independently evaluate their own work, the formation of the ability to know and interact with each other. Case technology contributes to the development of students' autonomous thinking, the ability to listen and take into account an alternative point of view, and also to express one's own argumentatively. With the support of the technology provided, students have the opportunity to express and improve analytical and evaluative abilities, learn how to work in a team, and find a more rational conclusion to the established difficulty. Case technology gives students the opportunity to think, resolve difficulties, and reason about possible ways to conclude tasks.

The case technology allows students to create the ability to make logically related oral and written words that correspond to a certain communication history. A foreign language teacher needs to take care of the linguistic structures used in speech acts. Information and communication technologies enable a student to freeze as a member of the educational process. Fresh ways and forms of study are noticed, the quality of education is being improved. The study is made easily accessible: abilities are noticed not only for research, but also for repetition in independent work which increases personal properties, leads to the independent creation of algorithms for work when concluding tasks of a creative and searching nature [7].

A similar approach to learning is considered a difficult task for a teacher. Outside the language environment, the introduction of verbal and non-verbal communication personalities in a certain history is only a statement of precedent. To overcome barriers in the formation of cognitive areas of responsibility, it is necessary not only to make an intelligent choice of an educational and methodological ensemble and systematically involve students in the history of communication, but also the greatest introduction of advanced technology tools. Together, a similar organization of study will undoubtedly help to achieve the set goals in the study of foreign languages.

The cognitive approach to learning is based on the achievements of cognitive psychology, based on the principle of consciousness in teaching and on the concept of socioconstructivism, according to which the student is considered an intensive member of the learning process, and not the object of the teacher's learning work. The use of information and communication technologies remains a mandatory part of advanced study. By teaching grammatical abilities, the mentor has the opportunity to apply ready-made software products, as well as make personal ones.

The cognitive-activity approach in the way of teaching a foreign language implies an extensional expansion of the opinion of «cognitivism» as a set of procedural and operational elements and the inclusion of representations of conceptual meaning in the student's object of study. Readiness and capacity for communication in a foreign language provides an integrative important quality that ensures that a progressive specialist establishes cooperative relations with a foreign partner and develops a constructive conclusion of tasks.

The program for the formation of universal educational actions is focused on ensuring the system-activity alignment laid down in the base of the standard, and is designed to promote the realization of the developing potential of joint secondary education, the development of a system of universal educational actions, acting as an invariant base of the educational process and providing adolescents with the ability to learn, the capacity for self-development and self-improvement [8]. All this is achieved by students mastering certain subject knowledge and abilities within individual disciplines, for example, and intentionally, intensively assigning them a fresh social skill. In this case, knowledge, skills and abilities are considered as derivatives of the proper forms of purposeful actions, if they are formed, used and preserved in close connection with the intensive actions of the students. The quality of assimilation of knowledge is guided by the variety and character of the forms of universal actions.

The implementation of the value orientations of coeducation in the unity of the processes of study and education, cognitive and personal formation of students on the basis of the formation of combined educational skills, generalized methods of influence guarantees the highest effectiveness of the conclusion of urgent tasks and the likelihood of self-development of students. In a broad sense, the term universal learning actions means the ability to learn, the ability of the subject to self-development and self-improvement through intentional and intensive appropriation of a fresh social skill.

The ability of a student to autonomously safely assimilate fresh knowledge, create skills and competencies, covering an independent company of this process, the ability to learn, is guaranteed by the fact that universal educational influences as generalized influences reveal to students the likelihood of a broad orientation in all possible subject areas, for example, in the structure of the educational work itself, including an understanding of its motivated direction, value-semantic and operational data. Thus, the achievement of the ability to learn implies the real mastering by students of all components of educational work, which include: cognitive and educational motives, educational task, educational task, educational influences and operations.

The universal educational actions takes place in the fact that they actually put on an over-objective, meta-objective character; ensure the unity of general cultural, personal and cognitive formation and self-development of the individual; ensure the continuity of all stages of the educational process; form the basis of the organization and regulation of the student's work independently of its specially-subject content. Universal educational influences provide the boundaries for the assimilation of educational content and the formation of mental capabilities of the student.

The formation of a system of universal educational actions as part of personal, regulatory, cognitive and communicative actions that determine the formation of a person's mental capabilities is performed within the framework of the normative age formation of the child's personal and cognitive spheres. The learning process sets the table of contents and properties of the child's educational work and what most determines the zone of close formation of the designated universal educational actions and qualities. Universal educational influences presuppose an integral system in which the origin and formation of any form of educational influence is guided by its relationship with other forms of educational actions [9].

The involvement of students in the work on plans creates an approving environment for the formation of cognitive actions. Every adept contains a probability for choosing the topic of the plan in accordance with his own interests and probabilities. The transfer of the right of choice is given in both differentiated and creative assignments, which actually contributes to the creation of a motive for work and the release of children into personal work.

The criteria for the intensification of the processes of informatization of society and education in the formation of universal educational actions, along with classical methods, purposefully include the extensive introduction of digital tools and probabilities of a progressive information and educational environment. The orientation of students in information and communication technologies and the compilation of the opportunity to use them competently are considered one of the significant components of the formation of universal educational actions of students at the stage of initial coeducation. As a result, the program for the formation of universal educational actions at the stage of initial joint education has a true subprogram that defines the components of ICT competence necessary for this [10].

The exploration of cognitive and universal learning actions in English lessons underscores the dynamic and multifaceted nature of language acquisition. It reveals that cognitive processes, including perception, memory, and problem-solving, play a crucial role in shaping the way students grasp and internalize English language concepts. Moreover, the incorporation of universal learning actions, such as interactive and collaborative methods, proves to be indispensable in fostering a comprehensive language learning experience.

Through the analysis, it becomes evident that effective English language instruction requires a balanced integration of cognitive strategies and universal learning actions. Educators must not only focus on the cognitive aspects of language acquisition but also create an inclusive and engaging environment that caters to diverse learning styles. This holistic approach ensures that students not only absorb linguistic knowledge but also develop critical thinking skills, communication abilities, and cultural awareness.

Incorporating cognitive learning actions into English lessons is a highly effective approach to enhancing the overall learning experience for students. By integrating strategies that stimulate cognitive processes such as memory, problem-solving, and critical thinking, educators can create a more engaging and impactful learning environment. One key takeaway is the importance of varied instructional methods that cater to diverse learning styles. Recognizing that students have different cognitive preferences and strengths, teachers can employ a range of activities such as visual aids, hands-on tasks, and interactive discussions to accommodate various learning modalities.

It is imperative for educators and curriculum designers to continually adapt and innovate their teaching methodologies. Embracing technological advancements, incorporating real-world applications, and fostering a student-centric learning environment are essential elements in enhancing the effectiveness of English lessons.

In conclusion, the formation of cognitive learning actions in English lessons is a dynamic and multifaceted process. By embracing active engagement, integrating diverse teaching approaches, emphasizing real-world connections, incorporating technology thoughtfully, providing feedback, and fostering a positive learning environment, educators can create a rich and rewarding English learning experience for their students. This not only enhances language proficiency but also equips students with critical thinking skills and a lifelong love for learning.

Incorporating cognitive and universal learning actions into English lessons proves to be a dynamic and effective approach. By recognizing the diverse ways individuals process information and understanding the cognitive processes involved in language acquisition, educators can tailor their teaching methods to suit a variety of learning styles. Universal learning actions emphasize inclusivity, ensuring that lessons are accessible to learners with different needs and preferences.

The combination of cognitive strategies and universal learning actions in English lessons fosters a more engaging and comprehensive learning experience. This approach not only considers the intellectual aspects of language acquisition but also embraces the diversity of learners, creating an environment where all students can thrive. As educators continue to explore innovative teaching methods, integrating cognitive and universal learning actions remains a valuable and forward-thinking approach in the field of English language education.


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  6. Krichevskaya K. S. Cognitive approach to the formation of foreign language grammatical skills // Cognitive methodology of teaching foreign languages in various conditions. Pyatigorsk, 1999. — pp. 23–24.
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  8. Vorovshchikov, S. G. The development of universal educational actions: an intra-school system of educational, methodological and managerial support: A monograph / S. G. Vorovshchikov, E. V. Orlova. — M.: MPSU, 2012.
  9. Technologies of universal educational actions of students in regular and extracurricular activities: an educational and methodological guide / edited by S. S. Tatarchenkova. — St. Petersburg: KARO, 2014–111 p.
  10. Shchukin A. N., Frolova G. M. Methods of teaching foreign languages: textbook for universities. — M.: Academy, 2015. — 288 p.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ICT, английский язык, KARO, MPSU, OSU, действие, когнитивное обучение, овладение языком.

Ключевые слова

language acquisition, English lessons, cognitive learning, universal learning actions, formation methods, educational strategies, pedagogical approaches

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