Types of translation transformations that occur while using compression strategy in simultaneous interpretation from English into Kazakh | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Авторы: ,

Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №14 (513) апрель 2024 г.

Дата публикации: 04.04.2024

Статья просмотрена: 45 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Кадил, К. Н. Types of translation transformations that occur while using compression strategy in simultaneous interpretation from English into Kazakh / К. Н. Кадил, Г. С. Асанова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2024. — № 14 (513). — С. 336-339. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/513/112587/ (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

The article under research deals with translation transformations during simultaneous interpretation from English to Kazakh, focusing specifically on the usage of compression strategy. As interpreters navigate the linguistic bridge between the two distinct languages, they employ various techniques to convey complex ideas within the constraints of real-time interpretation. The study categorizes and analyzes different types of translation transformations employed in the compression strategy, focusing on the nuanced approaches adopted by interpreters to preserve the essence of the source message while adhering to the temporal constraints of the interpretation process. By examining real-time interpretation examples and considering the linguistic nuances inherent in English and Kazakh, this research contributes to the understanding of effective communication in cross-cultural context.

Keywords: translation transformations, simultaneous interpretation, compression strategy, linguistic nuances, language pairs

В данной статье рассматривается сложная сфера переводческих трансформаций при синхронном переводе с английского на казахский язык с особым акцентом на использовании стратегии компрессии. Когда переводчики преодолевают лингвистический мост между двумя разными языками, они используют различные техники, чтобы передать сложные идеи в рамках ограничений перевода в режиме реального времени. В исследовании классифицируется и анализируются различные типы переводческих трансформаций, используемых в стратегии компрессии, проливая свет н нюансы подходов, применяемых переводчиками для сохранения сути исходного сообщения при соблюдении временных ограничений процесса устного перевода. Рассматривая примеры из перевода реального времени и учитывая лингвистические нюансы, присуще английскому и казахскому языкам данное исследование вносит вклад в понимание эффективной коммуникации в кросс-культурном контексте.

Ключевые слова: переводческие трансформации, синхронный перевод, стратегия компрессии, лингвистические нюансы, языковые пары

It is widely acknowledged that simultaneous interpretation (SI) represents the most intricate form of translation due to its inherent requirement of performing two processes concurrently: comprehending the source language (ST) while conveying it into the target language (TL). Consequently, for effective execution of this task, the accompanying interpreter needs not only a proficient command of the relevant language pair but also the ability to maintain focused attention. This is particularly crucial as SI occurs under demanding circumstances characterized by time constraints, heightened mental pressure stemming from the simultaneous processing of actions, and the speaker’s pace. Among the challenges faced by simultaneous interpreters, perhaps the most daunting is encountered when there is a significant disparity between the SL and TL. Beyond extralinguistic factors, the dissimilarity in linguistics features such as stylistic, lexical and morphological aspects further complicated the task. For instance, English and Kazakh belong to distinct language groups devoid of any linguistic resemblance. Kazakh categorized as an agglutinative language, employs sentence structures where predicated are positioned at the end of the sentence, with words being changed through suffixation and conjugation. Conversely, English utilizes word formation techniques such as adding prefixes, with predicated typically following subjects.

Any proficient simultaneous interpreter recognizes these challenges and adeptly navigates them by employing suitable techniques. Typically, this involves using a set of strategies to translate directly from one language to another while continually processing and refining the source language information. One prevalent strategy in simultaneous interpretation from English into Kazakh is — compression. This approach is favored because, even upon comparing vocabulary between these two languages, it becomes apparent that Kazakh equivalents are often lengthier, sometimes compromising several for a single English term. (staff — қызметкерлер, black school — қара нәсілді балаларға арналған мектеп). Compression entails condensing the SL into a more concise form without altering the intended meaning of the sentence or phrase. Essentially, it involves eliminating non-essential information that does not significantly impact the sentence’s meaning, abbreviating redundant or synonymous words to convey the message as succinctly as possible.

The applied to transform SL units into TL units are termed translation transformations (TT). These transformations inherently involve modifying both the form and meaning of the source language, as they are executed through language units possessing both form and content. TT serves as a translation technique when interpreters encounter terms that lack direct equivalents or cannot be used in the same context. While there is not a universally accepted classification of transformations, various researchers have extensively explored this topic and proposed their own categorizations. Ya. I. Retsker distinguishes two types of transformations — lexical and grammatical [1, p. 84]. The essence of transformations here is that the translated lexical unit is replaced by a word or phrase whose internal sema corresponds to the sema of another language in a given context.

Translation transformations (TT), as defined by L. S. Barkhudarov, refers to the various transformations carried out to attain translation equivalence despite differences between the languages’ systems. According to Barkhudarov, TT comprises four types: replacements (altering word order, lexical units), substitutions (grammatical and lexical substitutions including generalization, concretization, antonymic translation, compensation), additions and omissions (removing semantically redundant words) [2, p. 191]. Similarly, V. N. Komissarov categorizes TT into lexical, grammatical and lexico-grammatical complexities, regardless of SL units features. Lexical transformations involve frequent changes such as form adjustments (transcription, transliteration, calque) and lexico-semantic exchanges (concretization, generalization, modulation). Grammatical transformations include syntactic assimilation, sentence partitioning, integration, substitutions (word form, class, sentences member changes) and more. Lexico-grammatical transformations encompass antonymic translation, conversion, adequate substitution, metaphorical interpretation, compensation, ideomatisation, etc. [3, p. 69].

The primary aim of these transformations is to ensure the translation conforms to the target language’s norms while conveying all source text information. In this context, we analyze records from the 2 day plenary session of the II International Online Congress “G-Global — 21 st Century World”, held on December 15, 2022, as research material to examine which transformations were used in simultaneous interpretation from English to Kazakh. We investigate the changes between the SL and TL texts and how interpreters addressed the task.

Source text: So, for me and for representing South Africa and representing Africa is — to ask for special countries to assist us not in terms of policy, in terms of real funding, to be able to emancipate this women, especially in terms of culture

Full translation: Сонымен, мен Оңтүстік Африканың атынан келген өкіл ретінде айтарым: осы әйелдерді әсіресе мәдени жағынан алға ілгерілету үшін, арнайы мемлекеттерден бізге саяси тұрғыда емес, шынайы қаржылай түрде көмек көрсетуін сұраймын

Compressed interpretation: Дамыған елдердің тек саяси тұрғыда емес, әйелдерді алға ілгерілетуге іс жүзінде көмектесуін қалар едік.

It’s evident that the compressed interpretation significantly deviated from the source text. We observe that the interpreter employed multiple translation transformations to achieve this.

1)Omission of:

a) Linking word: so → сонымен , dropped because does not have any semantic value.

b) For me and for representing South Africa and representing Africa is — the interpreter might have chosen to omit the pace of the speaker and the fact that the moderator had already introduced the speaker at the beginning of the plenary meeting.

c) Preposition: to be able — үшін , does not introduce significant semantic changes.

d) Especially, in terms of culture , the interpreter might have skipped this fragment to maintain the tempo, although semantically, the speaker aimed to capture the audience’s attention with the adverb “Especially”. Therefore, this information holds significance for both the speaker and the listeners.

2)Lexical substitution:

a) Concretization: it can be understood, that the speaker by the phrase “ special countries ” means “ developed countries ” in context, the interpreter clarifies the speaker’s thoughts to the audience by replacing the words “ арнайы — special ” with the words “ дамыған — developed ”.

b) Generalization, in the translation of the phrase “ real funding ” replacing the phrase “ қаржылай түрде ” with “ іс жүзінде ”. It is obvious that the phrase “ іс жүзінде ” does not mean only “ financial help ” in Kazakh.

Source text: So, then we come to very impressive lady, now I see on my screen — Madame Rebecca Greenspan. Her Excellency, thank you very much for joining us, Madam Secretary General of UNCTAD. We are really much honored that you have accepted our invitation and thank you so much that you are joining us. Good morning to you and please, the floor is yours

Full translation : Сонымен , біз керемет ханымға сөз бермекшіміз, қазір өз экранымнан Ребекка Гринспэн ханымды көріп отырмын , ЮНКТАД-тың Бас Хатшысы Жоғары мәртебелі ханым, қатысып отырғаныңызға көп рахмет. Біздің шақыруымызды қабыл алып, бізге қосылғаныңыз — біз үшін үлкен құрмет. Қайырлы таң , сөз кезегі өзіңізде.

Compressed interpretation: Олай болса, ерекше қонақ — Ребекка Гринспан ханымға кезек беремін, ЮНКТАД-тың Бас Хатшысы. Шақыруымызды қабыл алғаныңыз біз үшін үлкен құрмет, қатысып отырғаныңызға көп рахмет. Сөз сізде.

1)Omission of:

a) Now I see on my screen→қазір өз экранымнан... көріп отырмын . Omission of the information regarding the moderator seeing the speaker on the screen could be considered significant. For the speaker and the other participants, it’s at least somewhat important because it indicates that the person speaking has activated their video camera, signaling their presence and engagement. Therefore, it might be not appropriate to omit this part.

b) Thank you very much for joining us , the interpreter chose to drop the first instance where the moderator thanks the speaker, translating only the last one. This adjustment didn’t affect the translation adversely and might have even improved listeners’ comprehension by streamlining the information.

c) It should be noted that the name of the organizations is given with an abbreviation — “ ЮНКТАД ”. It is common among Kazakh interpreters if the abbreviation does not contain the value of the abbreviation of the name of organization (e.g. OSCE-ЕҚЫҰ), then interpreter is obliged to give full form, but in this case the Russian version of the abbreviation is widely used and as it is clear to the conference participants.

d) Possessive adjective — біздің . One of the advantages of the Kazakh language — the presence of a possessive ending, which does not oblige the presence of a possessive adjectives (my, our, his etc.) side in the sentence. The possessive ending in Kazakh (e.g. домбыра м /домбыра ң ) itself makes it clear to whom a particular thing belongs. The interpreter effectively used this approach by omitting the word “біздің” in the phrase “біздің шақыруымыз”.

Source text: Today we are here to discuss not only Kazakhstan's past, but also its future

Full translation: Біз бүгін осында Қазақстанның тек өткенін ғана емес, болашағын да сөз ету үшін келіп отырмыз

Compressed interpretation: Бүгін біз Қазақстанның өткені мен болашағын сөз қыламыз.

Omission of conjunctions : Not only, but also→тек... ғана емес,... да , by omitting this fragment interpreter turned a complex sentence into simple one. In semantic terms, it can be seen that omission of this part did not change the meaning and the intention of speaker.

Source text: Thank you very much Vlastimil Samek. Let me say “hello” to all the Excellencies, friends and colleagues here

Full translation: Үлкен рахмет Властимил Самек. Маған барша Жоғары мәртебелілермен, осында отырған достарыммен, әріптестеріммен сәлемдесуге рұқсат етіңіз

Compressed interpretation: Рахмет Властимил, осындағы барша қатыушылармен сәлемдесуге рұқсат етіңіз.

1)Lexical substitution (generalization):

The three objects in English: Excellencies, friends, colleagues , where speaker highlights to whom he is greeting, in Kazakh generalized as “барша қатысушылар — all participants” to one common object for all three. If time permits, it’s preferable to interpret each component separately, as each has its significance. However, in this particular example, interpreter may have resorted to combining the elements as a practical solution in an exigent situation.

2) Omission of :

a) an adverb of degree: very much→көп/үлкен/шексіз . During an analysis of this topic, it is noticeable that interpreters sometimes overlook adverbs of degree, especially when expressing gratitude at a lower intensity. It’s crucial to recognize that these adverbs reflect the speaker’s manner of expression, and whenever feasible they should be faithfully conveyed without omission.

b) personal pronoun: ( let) me →маған (рұқсат етіңіз ). In English after verb “let” follows pronoun, same in Kazakh, if it is interpreted as “жол беру”, it needs specification of who needs to be let. Nevertheless, here it is interpreted as “рұқсат ету”, which does not obligate to specify the pronoun “ маған ”, in this way — allowing interpreter to omit it successfully.

Source text: More than ever , we need a rules-based system in the global economy from which we can all benefit, where no one is left behind .

Full translation: Біз қазір барлығына бірдей пайдасын тигізетін, ешкімді тыс қалдырмайтын жаһандық экономикада тәртіпке негізделген жүйеге бұрынғыдан гөрі көбірек мұқтажбыз

Compressed interpretation: Бізге дәл қазір жаһандық экономикада барлығына теңдей мүмкіндік беретін, ережеге негізделген жүйе керек

1)Sentence integration:

Simple sentences: we can all benefit, where no one is left behind — барлығына бірдей пайдасын тигізетін, ешкімді тыс қалдырмайтын, similar in meaning are combined into “барлығына теңдей мүмкіндік беретін — which gives everyone the same opportunity”. Once again, speaker employs two separate sentences to underscore the importance of a system that treats everyone equally. Ideally, each sentence should be translated individually to convey same intention and expression. However, considering the fast tempo faced by interpreter and the fact that the full translation is noticeably longer that the original, we can justify interpreter’s decision to merge these sentences.

2)Lexical substitution:

Adverb: more than ever→қазір.. бұрынғыдан гөрі көбірек→дәл қазір . Both translations are adequate and give full meaning of original, but interpreter chose the shortest one substituting adverb with an adverb: “дәл қазір — right now”, making it easier to sound and perceive for listeners too.

Source text: An example of this asymmetric impact and divergent recovery, we are experiencing … is, UNCTAD estimated that, developing countries expected cumulative income loss, including foregone income, amounted to about $13 trillion between 2020 and 2022

Full translation: ЮНКТАД бағалауы бойынша, осы біз бастан өткеріп жатқан асимметриялық әсердің және әркелкі қалпына келтірудің мысалы болып дамушы елдер 2020 және 2022 жылдар аралығында қапы кеткен табысты қоса алғанда, шамамен 13 трлн долларды құрайтын жиынтық табыстың шығыны күтілуде

Compressed interpretation: Біз көріп жатқан ықпал мен қайта қалыптасу әркелкілігінің мысалы- біздің есебіміз бойынша дамушы елдерде 13 триллион долларға жуық шығын күтілуде, 2020–22 жылдары

1)Lexico-grammatical substitution:

Adjectives : asymmetric + divergent →diversity of (әркелкілік) , in this example we can see how adjectives turned into one noun, as asymmetric and divergent are synonyms to some extent it is adequate to generalize words with similar meanings.

2)Omission of:

a) subject: UNCTAD→біздің (our ), interpreter choses to give the name of the organization not in abbreviation as did before, but with pronoun “біздің (есебіміз) — our(estimation) as a representing in terms of shortening the original term and making it easier to pronounce.

b) range of objects: cumulative income loss, including foregone income→жиынтық табыстың шығыны, қапы кеткен табысты қоса алғанда→шығын . It’s obvious, that out of group of objects interpreter left only “шығын — income loss”. In this regard, interpreter used omission excessively and dropped information that is believed to be critical both for the participants and the speaker.

In conclusion, the study delves into the intricate world of simultaneous interpretation from English into Kazakh, revealing three prominent translation transformations: omission, lexical substitution and sentence integration. Through meticulous analysis and examples, it becomes evident that skilled interpreters adeptly employ these transformations to condense the original text without compromising its essence. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that interpreters also run the risk of misusing or overusing these transformations, potentially resulting in the loss of vital information. Thus, while these transformations serve as invaluable tools in the interpreter’s arsenal, a delicate balance must be maintained to ensure accurate and effective communication. This research underscores the nuanced nature of simultaneous interpretation and emphasizes the ongoing need for training and proficiency development among interpreters to navigate these complexities adeptly.


  1. Рецкер Я. И. Теория перевода и переводческая практики. Очерки лингвистической теории перевода. М.: Р.Валент, 2007
  2. Бархударов Л. С. Язык и перевод (Вопросы общей и частной теории перевода), 1975
  3. Комиссаров В. Н. Теория перевода. М.: Высш. шк. 1990.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): UNCTAD, казахский язык, реальное время, синхронный перевод, стратегия компрессии, Теория перевода.

Ключевые слова

linguistic nuances, translation transformations, simultaneous interpretation, compression strategy, language pairs

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