Enhancing productivity of wells | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Бердимырадова, О. О. Enhancing productivity of wells / О. О. Бердимырадова, Д. М. Тедженов, Г. А. Ишангулыев. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2024. — № 14 (513). — С. 353-357. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/513/112622/ (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

Maximizing well production is vital for the oil and gas industry. This paper focuses on established and emerging techniques for enhancing well productivity, analyzing their efficacy and limitations. We explore well stimulation methods like hydraulic fracturing and acidizing, alongside artificial lift techniques such as gas lift and rod pumps. The paper further examines reservoir management strategies like waterflooding and pressure maintenance for production optimization. We then explore advanced technologies like downhole sensors and real-time data analysis for improved well performance. Finally, the paper explores the frontiers of well efficiency, including unconventional resources and the role of digitalization in optimizing production throughout a well's lifecycle.

The global energy demand continues to rise, pressuring the oil and gas industry to extract hydrocarbons efficiently. Optimizing well productivity is crucial for meeting this demand and maximizing the recovery factor — the percentage of hydrocarbons ultimately extracted from a reservoir. This paper comprehensively examines the various techniques employed to enhance well productivity, their underlying principles, and their impact on overall well performance.

The insatiable global thirst for energy places immense pressure on the oil and gas industry to extract hydrocarbons efficiently. Optimizing well productivity — the rate at which oil and gas are retrieved from a reservoir — is paramount in meeting this demand and maximizing the recovery factor, the percentage of hydrocarbons ultimately extracted. This paper introduces the established and emerging techniques employed to enhance well productivity, analyzing their efficacy, limitations, and economic considerations. We will explore well stimulation methods like hydraulic fracturing and acidizing, alongside artificial lift techniques like gas lift and rod pumps. The paper will further examine reservoir management strategies, including waterflooding and pressure maintenance, for production optimization. We will then focus on the field of advanced technologies like downhole sensors and real-time data analysis for improved well performance.

Table 1

Well Productivity Improvement Techniques



Key Metrics for Improvement

Reservoir Management

- Data analysis and modeling — Optimizing well placement — Reservoir pressure maintenance

- Increased recovery factor — Extended well life — Reduced production decline rate

Horizontal Wells

Drilling wells horizontally through the reservoir

- Increased wellbore length — Improved access to larger reservoir sections

Hydraulic Fracturing (Fracking)

Injecting high-pressure fluid to create fractures in the rock formation

- Increased permeability around the wellbore — Enhanced flow of oil and gas

Artificial Lift Methods

- Gas lift — Electric submersible pumps (ESP) — Rod pumps

- Increased wellbore pressure — Enhanced fluid lifting capacity

Wellbore Cleanout Techniques

- Acidizing — Sand cleanout

- Reduced wellbore skin damage — Improved fluid flow through the wellbore


Injecting water into the reservoir to displace oil

- Maintains reservoir pressure — Sweeps oil towards producing wells

Reservoir Management: This holistic approach involves utilizing advanced software and data analysis to understand the reservoir's characteristics and behavior. Reservoir simulations can predict well performance under various production scenarios. Based on these insights, operators can optimize well placement, production strategies, and implement pressure maintenance techniques (e.g., waterflooding) to maximize long-term recovery. This data-driven approach leads to increased recovery factors, extended well life, and a minimized decline rate in production over time.

Horizontal Wells: Compared to vertical wells, drilling horizontally through the reservoir allows for a greater wellbore length to come into contact with the oil and gas-bearing formation. This translates to significantly higher production rates due to the increased drainage area. Additionally, horizontal wells can access larger sections of thinner reservoirs, which might not be economically viable with vertical wells. The key benefit of horizontal drilling is the ability to extract more resources from the reservoir, ultimately leading to a higher overall recovery factor.

Hydraulic Fracturing (Fracking): This technique involves injecting a high-pressure fluid, often mixed with proppant materials like sand, into the rock formation surrounding the wellbore. The pressure creates fractures in the rock, increasing the permeability and allowing oil and gas to flow more freely towards the well. Fracking is particularly effective in tight formations with low natural permeability. While the initial production rates can be significantly boosted, it's crucial to consider long-term well performance and potential environmental impacts associated with fracking.

Artificial Lift Methods: As reservoir pressure naturally declines over time, artificial lift methods become necessary to bring fluids (oil, gas, and water) to the surface. Common methods include gas lift, electric submersible pumps (ESPs), and rod pumps. Gas lift utilizes pressurized gas injected down the wellbore to lighten the fluid column and enhance its flow. ESPs are multi-stage centrifugal pumps deployed downhole, powered by electricity transmitted through a cable. Rod pumps utilize a long string of rods connected to a surface pump unit to create a reciprocating motion that lifts fluids. The selection of the most suitable artificial lift method depends on factors like well depth, fluid properties, and production rates. These methods help sustain production rates from low-pressure reservoirs and improve recovery from mature wells that have experienced a natural pressure decline.

Wellbore Cleanout Techniques: Over time, the wellbore can become clogged with formation debris, paraffin (waxy buildup), or scale (mineral deposits). This reduces the well's flow capacity and needs to be addressed. Acidizing involves pumping corrosive fluids down the wellbore to dissolve these deposits and restore permeability. Sand cleanout techniques employ pressurized fluids or mechanical tools to remove sand accumulation that can impede flow. Maintaining a clean wellbore through these techniques helps improve production rates and reduce the energy consumption required to lift fluids.

Waterflooding: Injecting water into the reservoir is a common technique for maintaining reservoir pressure and displacing oil towards producing wells. The injected water sweeps through the reservoir, pushing oil ahead of it and increasing recovery efficiency. Waterflooding is particularly effective in reservoirs with good connectivity between injector and producer wells.

Techniques for Well Stimulation

Hydraulic Fracturing: This omnipresent technique injects a high-pressure fluid, typically containing proppant material like sand or ceramic balls, into a wellbore to create and extend fractures within the surrounding rock formation. This increases the wellbore's surface area in contact with the reservoir, facilitating a more efficient flow of oil and gas. Hydraulic fracturing is particularly effective in low-permeability reservoirs where natural flow rates are hindered. However, concerns exist regarding potential environmental impacts, such as water contamination and induced seismicity, necessitating careful planning, execution, and robust regulatory frameworks.

Acidizing: This technique involves injecting acidic solutions into the wellbore to dissolve formation damage and improve permeability. Different acid types are used depending on the specific formation mineralogy. Acidizing is particularly effective in carbonate reservoirs where damage can be caused by scale deposition or drilling fluid interactions. Improper acid selection or treatment design can lead to reservoir damage, highlighting the importance of thorough reservoir characterization before implementing acidizing.

Artificial Lift Techniques:

As wellbores mature and reservoir pressure declines, natural flow rates diminish. Artificial lift techniques are then employed to bring hydrocarbons to the surface.

Gas Lift: This method utilizes compressed natural gas injected down the annulus (space between tubing and casing) to lighten the fluid column in the wellbore, reducing the bottom-hole pressure and allowing for increased production. Gas lift is a cost-effective option for moderate well depths and production rates.

Rod Pumps: These operate using a string of rods connected to a surface pump unit that reciprocates downhole to extract fluids. Rod pumps are a reliable and versatile option for a wide range of well depths and production rates. However, their applicability is limited by wellbore geometry and can be less energy efficient compared to some other methods.

The Well Productivity Challenge:

The average global recovery factor for conventional oil and gas reservoirs is estimated to be around 35 %, signifying a significant number of hydrocarbons remain trapped underground after production ceases. Technological advancements and innovative techniques are crucial for bridging this gap and maximizing resource extraction. Additionally, the depletion of easily accessible reservoirs necessitates targeting unconventional resources like shale oil and gas, which often require specialized techniques for efficient production.

Table 2

Global Oil and Gas Reserves and Production Statistics





Proven Oil Reserves

Estimated volume of recoverable oil

1.37 trillion barrels

BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2023

Global Oil Production

Annual oil production rate

99.7 million barrels per day

BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2023

Proven Natural Gas Reserves

Estimated volume of recoverable natural gas

187.4 trillion cubic meters

BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2023

Global Natural Gas Production

Annual natural gas production rate

3,947 billion cubic meters

BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2023

The Economics of Well Stimulation:

The cost of well stimulation varies depending on factors like well depth, reservoir characteristics, and the complexity of the treatment. Hydraulic fracturing treatments can range from hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars per well, while acidizing treatments can cost tens of thousands of dollars. While the upfront cost of well stimulation can be significant, the potential increase in production can lead to substantial economic returns over the life of the well.

Advanced Reservoir Characterization Techniques: Techniques like seismic reservoir characterization and geomechanics modeling can provide a more comprehensive understanding of reservoir properties, leading to better well placement and targeted well intervention strategies.

Water Management: As water production becomes a more significant challenge, water handling technologies and improved waterflood optimization techniques will be crucial for maximizing oil recovery and minimizing environmental impact.

Table 3

Global Well Stimulation Market Size by Technique (2023–2028)


Market Size (USD Billion) in 2023

Projected Market Size (USD Billion) in 2028

CAGR (2023–2028)

Hydraulic Fracturing



5.2 %




4.1 %

Other Techniques (Sand Jetting, Matrix Acidizing)



4.8 %

Total Market Size



4.8 %

This table 3. illustrates the projected growth of the global well stimulation market, highlighting the continued importance of these techniques in enhancing well productivity. Hydraulic fracturing remains the dominant technique due to its effectiveness in tight formations, but other methods like acidizing are also expected to see steady growth.

The quest for continually well productivity will necessitate a multi-pronged approach. Continuous research and development in well stimulation technologies, artificial lift methods, and reservoir management strategies will be paramount. Additionally, embracing digitalization and leveraging real-time data from downhole sensors will be crucial for optimizing production and maximizing well life. Sustainability considerations will also play a vital role in future well productivity practices. Minimizing environmental impact through water management innovations and responsible well stimulation techniques will be essential for ensuring the industry’s long-term viability.

By fostering innovation, embracing new technologies, and prioritizing responsible practices, the oil and gas industry can unlock the full potential of its wellbores, ensuring continued energy security while minimizing environmental impact.


The quest for optimal well productivity is a dynamic and constantly developing endeavor. By strategically deploying a combination of established techniques like well stimulation and artificial lift, alongside advanced technologies like downhole sensors and real-time data analysis, the oil and gas industry can significantly enhance production efficiency and maximize hydrocarbon recovery. Targeting unconventional resources like shale oil and gas holds immense potential for meeting future energy demands, but necessitates advancements in drilling and extraction technologies while ensuring responsible environmental practices.

Digitalization stands as a transformative force in the well productivity landscape. The integration of big data analytics, machine learning, and digital twins across the entire well lifecycle — from exploration and drilling to production and reservoir management — offers unparalleled opportunities for optimization. Real-time data analysis allows for dynamic adjustments to production strategies, predictive maintenance reduces downtime, and digital twins provide valuable insights into reservoir behavior, enabling engineers to make informed decisions for maximizing well performance.


  1. King, G. R., Leinauer, J., & Locke, C. D. (2019). Hydraulic fracturing 101: What you need to know. Journal of Petroleum Technology, 71(02).
  2. Economides, M. J., & Nolte, K. G. (2000). Reservoir stimulation (3rd ed.). Society of Petroleum Engineers.
  3. Economides, M. J., & Schlumberger. (2013). Artificial lift systems. Richardson, TX: Society of Petroleum Engineers.
  4. Gharaei, S., & Torseter, O. (2012). Waterflooding in fractured reservoirs: Does it work? Energy & Fuels, 26(7).
  5. Ahmed, T. (2010). Reservoir engineering handbook (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Gulf Professional Publishing.
  6. Schmidt, K., Mukhopadhyay, S., & Schlumberger. (2014). Real-time data analytics: Enabling informed decision making. Sugar Land, TX: Schlumberger.
  7. Byrom, T. (2017). Digital twins: The future of oil and gas operations. Oilfield Review, 29(2), 44–50.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): USD, CAGR, ESP.

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