Learners’ attitudes towards using videos in ELT to improve listening skills | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №14 (513) апрель 2024 г.

Дата публикации: 08.04.2024

Статья просмотрена: 7 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Саден, У. С. Learners’ attitudes towards using videos in ELT to improve listening skills / У. С. Саден. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2024. — № 14 (513). — С. 278-283. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/513/112639/ (дата обращения: 21.02.2025).

The study deals with the influence of using videos in ELT, to upgrade the listening skills from the perspectives of teachers. A quantitative research methodology was conducted in the study. The purpose of the current study was to investigate learners’ attitudes towards using videos in ELT to improve listening skills. In the recent study 91 learners participated from M.Abenova school and Nekrasov schools in Turkestan region. Overall 55 female and 36 male participated in this current study. The questionnaire was conducted in fall term of 2022–2023. Descriptive statistics were used to identify the results of the survey. Quantitative research design was used to analyze to collect the data, by questionnaire. The questionnaire 5-Likert scales was conducted in order to analyze learners’ attitudes towards using videos in ELT to improve listening skills. Independent Sample t-test and Mann –Whitney U-test were used to collect descriptive results of study and identified differences between gender and differences between two schools.

It was found that conducting some videos in classroom can help provide opportunities for the students to set clear goals, ensure student-centered and authentic approaches to learning, and provide multiple opportunities for input, production, and feedback. Furthermore, the lesson in ELT and the usage of videos focusing on teaching helped reduce common issues in teaching and thus promote a comfortable learning environment for both the teachers and students to solely focus on the learning content of the language class.

Keywords: ELT, approach, technology, resources, language capability, listening skills, using video.

This study provides information regarding listening skills, tasks and focuses mainly on the benefits of using the videos in ELT. The purpose of this research is: firstly evaluate the effectiveness of implementation within the framework in this context, and secondly, to increase the professional level of the teacher to be effective teaching and learning. In addition, research increases the researcher's reflexivity because it allows assessing his professional level.

There are different types of videos have progressively applied in the last few years and has been approved as an advancement in teaching listening. In ELT that we will consider further, the language acts not as an exercise, but as a tool for completing the task, i.e. there is a tool for achieving the goal (as in real communication: language is a means of communication). This approach reflects natural assimilation process language: first we test the need to say something, then we try to say it, then we say it and try to make our own language is better. Language appears as a holistic phenomenon, and then its components are distinguished: vocabulary, grammar, etc. Purpose of leaner’s to create an opportunity to use some language. This can only be achieved moving away from a total focus on forms and structures. Therefore, while performing tasks in TBL activities, students have to use the language as a whole, without hesitation about the training of specific phenomena. Above mentioned approach does not mean a complete disregard for the correctness of the language material and lack of support from teachers’; however deals work with language material only accompanies the task. Tasks in the format of the technology we are considering represent a type of activity in which the target language is used for communicative purposes to achieve some results. Any task designed using the task-based learning and teaching technology is based on the presence «gap», which is necessary replenish. The first type of «gap» is information skipping (transmission of information from one person to another), for example, group work on recovery missing piece of information. The second is the omission of an argument (the use of the statement through generalization, practical reflection, concept relationships), such as an exercise in choosing the best course of action through dialogue, discussion. Another type of TBL activity– opinion gap (to share opinions, feelings, attitudes on some significant topic), for instance, a discussion on a social topic.The consequence of such assignments do not have a direct relation to linguistic phenomena. Language learning is carried out in the process of communication and interaction of students. Language is assimilated not as a set of linguistic phenomena, nevertheless in its «social context». The impact of videos ensure personal involvement (in which participants say what they want to say) and this is an indispensable condition for motivation to learn a foreign language and «half the success» [1,103 p]. The influence of this approach in learning and teaching gives students’ also complete freedom in choosing language means to perform tasks. Another significant impact of the task-based learning technology is that learners can apply the factual knowledge from different areas that they have received in their native language, during the foreign language lesson.

The main thing is to evaluate the performance of the communicative task, and not the correct use of speech material, as is the case with traditional methods. It can be assumed, that such a shift in emphasis relieves certain psychological difficulties of students, who are usually held back by a subconscious fear of making a mistake in the process of speaking in a foreign language, thus ensuring the success of its study. It is for these reasons that the technology of «task-based learning and teaching» has become popular development tool conversational fluency and motivated confidence. According to Amin (2020), attitude can be divided into two types, as positive and negative. As well attitude has the characteristics as language tolerance, language ambitions and the last is language awareness. As, Amin (2020) sited from Garvin dan Mathiot in Chaer&Agustina (2004) language tolerance means encouraging language from the another language’s influence. Language ambitious is meant as expanding the scope of application; bring to a level that occupies a leading position, language awareness tent to defeating the use of language cautiously.

The topics discussed in communicative and task-based environments are generally topics of general interest to the learner. Task-based learning involves those instructions in which classroom activities are tasks similar to those which learners may engage in outside the second language classroom. Tasks may be complex, for example, creating a school newspaper or easier such as making a hotel reservation (Lightbrown and Spada, 19). The topics discussed in communicative and task-based environments are generally topics of general interest to the learner. Task-based learning involves those instructions in which classroom activities are tasks similar to those which learners may engage in outside the second language classroom. Tasks may be complex, for example, creating a school newspaper or easier such as making a hotel reservation (Lightbrown and Spada, 19

Purpose of the study

The purpose of this study is to identify benefits of using videos to improve ELT learners’ listening skills. Moreover, the main aim is to investigate learners’ attitudes towards using video lessons in ELT to improve listening skills.

Research question

  1. What’s the main attitude towards implementing videos in ELT class?
  2. Are there any differences between male and female participants in attitudes towards using videos in ELT to improve listening skills?
  3. Are there any differences between Nekrasov school learners with M.Abenova school learners’ attitudes?


Research design

Descriptive research design was used in researching the recent study.According to the explanation (Akhtar, D. M. I. (2016)) descriptive research design used to identify the current situation while researching. Descriptive research design used to identify learners’ attitudes towards use of videos in developing their listening skills. The questionnaire was conducted to identify answers to research questions. Quantitative survey was used to achieve the purpose.


In the recent study participated overall 91 learners from two schools in Turkestan region. Nekrasov school-53 participants: 36 female, 17 male. M.Abenova school - 38 participants: 19 female, 19 male learners were selected to investigate attitudes use of video lessons to improve their listening skills. Details about the participants were as follows 55 female and 36 male participated to survey. They voluntarily agreed to take part in the study and that they were not given any specific instructions either before or during classes, so that this would not affect their attitude to teaching the course. The questionnaire was conducted in fall term of 2022–2023.

Data Collection instrument

Questions are constructed from dissertation of Wafaa Qasem Kanakerieha (originally from Li 1998). Survey was done in Google form which was shared via Whats App Application to teachers. In-service teachers took part in survey voluntarily. Initial five questions obtains self-information about teachers, where were asked about their e-mail, gender, year of experience, work place and teaching grade.

5-point Likert scale questionnaire was used for survey. «1» - strongly disagree « 2 » — disagree « 3 » — neutral « 4 » — agree « 5 » — strongly agree.

Data collection procedure and analysis

The questionnaire was chosen according to the participants’ age and grade. Items were clear for every learner, the options were explained beforehand. It was explained that the results would be used only for academic purposes, and answers would be kept confidentially. When all answers were obtained, the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23 was used to demonstrate results of the current study. The test of normality was used to identify whether parametric or non-parametric would be appropriate to the research. According to the results of Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk tests indicated that the result about participants’ attitudes of video lessons showed non-normal distribution, it was decided to use non-parametric tests to the data.


The first research question was « What’s the main attitude towards implementing videos in ELT class?»

According to obtained data, attitudes towards use of videos in developing listening skills performed positive results. M=3,59, it means that participants showed positive opinions towards using videos in their English classes, moreover, they believed that it helps to improve their listening skills.

The second research question was «Are there any difference between male and female participants in attitudes towards using videos in ELT to improve listening skills?»



Mean Rank












As a result of mean second research question there was found differences between male and female participants (M=50,96, M=39,87). It means that male participants have positive attitudes use of videos at the lesson than female participants.

The last research question was «Are there any differences between Nekrasov school learners with M.Abenova school learners’ attitudes?»



Mean Rank












According to the last research questions result, there was no significant difference between two schools’ learners’ attitudes towards use of videos in developing their listening skills. According to the Nekrasov school learners’ opinion, they have positive attitudes (M=49,13) than M.Abenova school learners’ (M=41,63). The purpose of this work is to find out the attitude of students to the use of video lessons to improve pronunciation and also to find out if there is no significant difference between the two schools. Discussions were held on each result.

The research results defined the effect of task-based activities in upgrading speaking skills of the EFL students in research practice.

The statements given on top of points out the numerous revision within the scholars’ provocation and station towards learning English [2,203p]. It may be inferred that the scholars allowed about literacy English as a tedious exertion and Saturday at the reverse of the room within the history. Also, the statement of pupil five leads to suppose that they lost their curiosity concerning English within the history. Still, with task-based learning, their provocation and angle modified from negative to positive and that they came fresh curious about the conditioning and motifs when the treatment of videos. The most vital characteristic of application of videos in ELT is the desire to individually apply the learned knowledge in the practice of doing some kind of tasks and sharpen the skills through activity in the process of conducting an experiment and generalizing the results obtained. Implementing videos influences the formation of the content of all components of the educational process [4, 15 p]. The content of the lesson material is built on the basis of contradictions, appeal to real facts and processes from life, and the essence of phenomena is revealed during the experiment.

The proposed structure of task-based activities is brought into line with the structure of students' activities, which allows improving the quality of the material being mastered. Strengthening the applied, practical orientation of the content of training in close connection with the use of the emotional-figurative component of the content prevents the abstract perception of educational material and forms the ability to apply knowledge to explain the phenomena occurring in the world around [5, 26p].

According to scientists, the underlying principle in listening skills is that having learners perform tasks will help them to develop knowledge and skills in the second language in accordance with the way their own language learning mechanisms work. Tasks function as «devices for creating the conditions required for language acquisition» [6, 35 p]. The purpose of using videos implies a shift from some traditional teacher roles. For scholar, teachers cannot always act as a controller if they want students to manipulate, comprehend and interact with a task [6, 40 p]. For this statement, in order for lessons to take place at all, classroom interaction has to be managed, and by all present, not just by the teacher. Thus, it is not the content of the lesson that is the focal point or basis for learning but the process of classroom interaction that generates opportunities for learning. «Class behavior is owned by the whole group, of which the teacher is but one member [7, 50 p]. The implication for listening is that if learners are provided with a series of tasks which involve both the comprehension and the production of language with a focus on meaning, language development will be prompted. The focus in listening is on process rather than product, and on how to learn rather than what to Learn. According to the scholar, task-based curriculum involves 'an integrated set of processes involving, among other things, the importance of two words what and how [8, 16 p]. According to scientific scholar Ellis, variety of approaches to task-based learning activities reflect the issues such as «the role of meaning-based activity, the need for more learner-centered curricula, the importance of affective factors, the contribution of learner training, and the need for some focus-on-form».

Prabhu defines three types of task based activities: information, opinion and reasoning gap. Noam states between interpersonal and transactional tasks. He defines the former as one in which communication happens mainly for social purposes. And the latter as one in which communication happens mainly to bring about the exchange of goods and services. Scholars distinguishes the group tasks into various kinds of comparing, preparing, assessment, improving, listing, selecting, ranking, adding/completing and rearranging. Noam identifies between real world and pedagogical tasks as the following: «task based activities are communicative acts which are achieved through language in the world outside the classroom. Pedagogical tasks are tasks that are carried out in the classroom» [9, 106 p].


Tasks, essential kind of activities task is an activity in which meaning is primary; there is some communication problem to be solved; there is some sort of relationship to comparable real-world activities; task completion has some priority; and the assessment of a task is in terms of outcome. According to familiar scholar Nunan, the task is communicative act which usually does not have a restrictive focus on a single grammatical structure. An exercise usually has a restrictive focus on a single language element and has a linguistic outcome. An activity has a restrictive focus on one or more language items, but also has a communicative outcome. Focus on form unless we encourage a focus on form, learners will develop more effective strategies for achieving communicative goals without an accompanying development of their language system.

According to Rivers, until recently there has been great emphasis on listening and speaking skills. As a result, foreign language teachers are sometimes accused of wishing to produce «fluent chatterboxes who can speak the new language but have nothing worthwhile to say because they have never been given the opportunity to share the thinking of the great minds of another culture and so to widen the horizons of their knowledge and understanding» [10, 116 p]. According to Clarkreading is

1) an interactive process in which the reader forms a preliminary expectation about the material then chooses the fewest, most productive cues necessary to accept or refuse that expectation.

2) Reading is a twofold phenomenon including a process: comprehending, and a product: comprehension.

3) Reading involves an interaction between thought and language [10, 64 p].

From a psychological point of view reading is a problem-solving behavior that actively involves the reader in the process of driving and assigning meaning. While doing so, the reader is drawing on contextual information that contains syntactic, and discourse constraints that affect interpretation. For Widdowson, the comprehension questions that are asked after reading require the learner to rummage around in the text for information in a totally indiscriminate way, without concerning what purpose might be served in so doing. «Reading is thus represented as an end in itself, an activity that has no relevance to real knowledge and experience and therefore no real meaning [10, 85 p].


The emergences of using videos in teaching and improving listening skills have been a lot of views on the nature of language teaching and learning. Presently, teaching is not seen as a product but as a process. That’s why video related activities in which students are involved in real communication and which promote learning are considered very important. The video resources have proved itself useful in meeting learners' needs and in providing lots of interaction opportunities in ELT classes. As such, the underlying hypothesis is that the videos have positive effects on EFL learners' listening comprehension. To confirm this hypothesis and to answer the proposed research question two homogeneous groups were chosen and one group received the treatment, sharing readings in pairs. The results indicated a difference between the mean scores of the two.


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  3. M.Grigorieva T. M. English lesson in secondary school (XVIII XX centuries.) / T. M. Grigorieva. — M.: Elpis, 2004. — 456 p
  4. Humboldt V. I. Selected works on linguistics / V. von Humboldt. Trans. with him. / General ed. G. V.Ramiashvili M.: JSC IG «Progress», 2001.
  5. Gut E. H. Profanity of an urban teenager: In the light of the concept of linguistic personality / E. N. Guts.- Abstract. diss., PhD Barnaul: Alt. state University, 1995. — 20 p
  6. Dauletova V. A. Autoimage of linguistic personality / V. A. Dauletova // Language and intercultural communication: collection of articles. Maykop, 2004. — No. 2. — pp. 41–45.Prabhu, N.S., (2006). Second Language Pedagogy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  7. Richards, J.C&Nunan, D. (2009). Second Language Teacher Education. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  8. Richards, J.C., & Rodgers, S. (2007). Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching (2nd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  9. Rivers, W. M. (2010). Teaching Foreign Language Skills (2nd ed.). Chicago: The University of
  10. Chicago Press. Skehan, P. (2008). A Framework for Implementation of Task-based Instruction, Applied Linguistics, Voll.17(1), 38–59.
  11. Akhtar, D. M. I. (2016). Research design. Research Design (February 1, 2016).
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ELT, EFL, TBL, JSC, SPSS.

Ключевые слова

listening skills, approach, technology, resources, ELT, language capability, using video

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