Ways of translating Magtymguly's poems into English language | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Гутлиева, Э. Ч. Ways of translating Magtymguly's poems into English language / Э. Ч. Гутлиева, С. Г. Гельдимырадова, Д. Н. Перманова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2024. — № 15 (514). — С. 134-136. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/514/112959/ (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

Keywords: ways of translations, lexical-grammatical structures.

Magtymguly's immortal works are translated into foreign languages ​​and bring spiritual pleasure to the peoples of the world. It gives them a clear understanding of human life, helps them to find their proper place in society, and to work hard. One of Magtymguly's poems in English (The Collected Poems of Magtymguly. Coversham, 1995) was published in Great Britain. The book contains the translation of 40 of the poet's poems into English, introduction, conclusion and an explanatory glossary. In English translations of the poems of the wise poet, we mainly pay attention to lexical-grammatical structures and intonation characteristics. In the surveys, the opening feature of the given content can be seen from such a perspective.

As a generalization of several poems, the title of the poem is first considered, as well as the translational nature of its first stanza. The title (heading) and first paragraph of a piece of prose or poetry is the «introduction» of the piece and serves as an introduction to what the piece is about. Within the framework of the article, we focus on the analysis of the original text and translation based on the possibility of commenting on the first stanza of several poems (6, 7, 8, 9).

The relationship between syntactic and stylistic features in poetry and the structure of the poem is widely studied in the scientific works of philological scientists.

Magtymguly's poem «Doker Bolduk Yashymyz» is translated into English under the title «Exhortation in Time of Trouble». Here, the poet's optimistic attitude towards the future and his faith in Turkmen unity are echoed. The first stanza of the poem reads:

Istär elden çyka döwlet humaýym,

Doga kylyp döker bolduk ýaşymyz;

Dilegim duş eýle gözel Allahym!

Ersgin boldy, gitdi gyzylbaşymyz.

«Exhortation in Time of Trouble»:

My fortune seems to be taking wing.

Since we pray and rend our clothes

Fulfil our wishes O Great Lord,

The Kyzylbash have ruined everything.

When we compare these lines in Turkmen and English languages, we see a common content similarity. Since the syntactic relations between words in the English language are carried out mainly with the help of analytical means, we witness that the harmony and rhythm of the original form are lacking. In the Turkmen language, the first, third, second, and fourth lines of the stanza rhyme, but in the English stanza, only the first and fourth lines form a harmony. As a result, the artistic quality of the translation is inferior to the original.

Magtymguly Pyragy's poem «My Father» can be said to be a classic echo of the great sage poet's reflections on life after his father's death and great respect for his Qiblah. The English title of this poem is given as «My father» which clearly defines the content of the poem. The main stanza of this poem is:

Altmyş ýaşda nowruz güni,

luw ýyly Turdy ajal, ýolun tusdy atamyň;

Bu dünýäniň işi beýlemiş, beli!

Ömrüniň tanapyn kesdi atamyň.

«My Father»:

In the Year of the Fish, Death came on Nowruz Day

To block my father’s path in stark array

Papa was sixty-five then. So fate rules Our world.

Death struck-and took his breath away.

If we consider the comparative analysis of the stanzas of the poem «Atam» in Turkmen and English languages, the content and line harmonies of the original version are few in the translation. In the third and fourth lines, the sentences are separated by periods, changing the rhythm of the poem. Also, the translation of the phrase «At the age of six» in the first line of the original version in the third line affects the structure of the sentence and the harmony of the lines. Since the harmony (rhyme) of the Turkmen word «Atam» does not appear in the translation, the content of the poem is commentary.

Although lines 1, 2, and 4 rhyme in English, it differs from the original standard. The relationship between pauses within and at the end of a line is also different. It is possible to draw some conclusions regarding the translations of Magtymguly's poems into English. In Turkmen poetry lines, when the order of «following clause + main clause» occurs in the subordinate clause, each of them forms a separate line of poetry, and a pause is used at the end of the line. The rise of main tone at the end of the subordinate clause and the fall at the end of the main clause are common to both languages, and these language structures ensure that the content is presented in a coherent manner. But in translations of poems, when the word structure and line harmony of the original text is changed, the content and artistic tone of the poem is replaced by description and commentary.

This is a valuable proof that the translation work should be improved in the future. Translations of the poet's poems «Oylengin», «Atam» can be an example of this. The translation of poems of the great thinker and poet of Turkmenistan Magtymguly Pyragy into foreign languages ​​informs that his immortal works are recognized with great enthusiasm by the peoples of the world. The translation of the poet's poems into English is even more important. Because the English language, being an international language, helps to spread the poet's thoughts and dreams of high humanism, friendship, fraternity, philanthropy, and a bright future to the world, and the peoples of the world increase their love, respect, and dignity for the poet and his works.


  1. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Towards new heights of growth. — Ashgabat, 2012.
  2. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. The word is the witness of the mind. «Turkmenistan» newspaper, February 1, 2014.
  3. Magtymguly. Selected Poems. — Ashgabat, 1977.
  4. N. Nartiev, M. Penjiev, A. Myradov. Modern Turkmen language. — Ashgabat, 1998.
  5. G. Nepesov. Stylistics of the Turkmen language. — Ashgabat, 2012.
  6. Akhmanova O. S. Dictionary of linguistic terms. M., 1969.
  7. Akhmanova O. S. Dolgova O. V. Syntaxic connection between words and dialects in prose and poetry//Theory of language. The method of his studies and teaching. M., 1981.
  8. Tynianov Yu. N. The problem of poetic language. M., 1956.
  9. Sherba L. V. French phonetics. L., 1939.
  10. The Collected Poems of Makhtumkuli, Caversham, 1995

Ключевые слова

ways of translations, lexical-grammatical structures

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