Surfactant usage at abnormally low levels | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Бердимырадова, О. О. Surfactant usage at abnormally low levels / О. О. Бердимырадова, Б. Г. Мурзаев, Ю. Б. Атаев. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2024. — № 16 (515). — С. 56-57. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

Surfactants, also known as surface-active agents, are a diverse group of molecules that play a critical role in numerous industrial and household applications. Their unique property lies in their ability to alter the surface tension of liquids, facilitating processes like emulsification, detergency, wetting, and foaming. Traditionally, surfactants have been utilized at relatively high concentrations to achieve desired effects. However, recent research has delved into the intriguing possibility of leveraging surfactants at abnormally low levels. This paper explores the rationale behind this approach, investigates the potential benefits and challenges associated with it, and examines its applicability across various fields.

Understanding Surfactant Functionality

The effectiveness of a surfactant hinges on its molecular structure. A typical surfactant molecule possesses a hydrophilic (water-loving) head group and a hydrophobic (water-repelling) tail group. This amphiphilic nature allows them to interact with both water and nonpolar substances. At the interface between a liquid and air or another immiscible liquid, surfactant molecules preferentially orient themselves with the head group positioned towards the water phase and the tail group extending into the nonpolar phase. This arrangement reduces the surface tension of the liquid, making it more prone to spreading and interacting with other substances.

The Case for Low-Level Surfactant Usage

Several factors motivate the exploration of using surfactants at abnormally low levels.

Economic Advantages: Lower surfactant concentrations translate to reduced material costs in formulations. This can be particularly significant in industries that rely heavily on surfactants, such as detergents and personal care products.

Exploring Application Potential

Despite the challenges, the potential applications of low-level surfactant usage span various sectors.

Detergency: Optimizing cleaning efficacy at lower surfactant concentrations in household detergents and industrial cleaning formulations can lead to cost savings and environmental benefits.

Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR): Surfactants are used in EOR to mobilize trapped oil in reservoirs. Low-level surfactant strategies could offer a more environmentally friendly and cost-effective approach to oil recovery

Table 1

Surfactant Usage by Application Segment

Application Segment

Estimated Percentage of Market Share (2021)

Key Surfactant Types Used

Home Care (detergents, cleaners)

35 %

Anionic, Non-ionic

Personal Care (cosmetics, toiletries)

28 %

Amphoteric, Cationic, Non-ionic

Industrial & Institutional Cleaning

20 %

Anionic, Non-ionic

Oilfield Chemicals

8 %

Anionic, Non-ionic

Food & Beverage

5 %


Others (textiles, plastics, agrochemicals)

4 %

Varies depending on application

Home Care: The Powerhouse of Surfactant Consumption (35 % Market Share)

Home care products, encompassing detergents, cleaners, and disinfectants, represent the largest consumer of surfactants globally. This dominance can be attributed to the fundamental role surfactants play in the cleaning process. Surfactants act as powerful detergency agents by lowering the surface tension of water, facilitating the removal of dirt, grease, and stains from surfaces.

Anionic Surfactants: The Workhorses of Cleaning: Anionic surfactants, the most widely used class in home care, possess a negatively charged head group. They offer excellent detergency, foaming, and wetting properties, making them ideal for formulations like laundry detergents, dish soaps, and all-purpose cleaners. Examples include linear alkylbenzene sulfonates (LAS), sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), and alpha-olefin sulfonates (AOS).

Personal Care: Balancing Cleaning with Skin Compatibility (28 % Market Share)

Personal care products, encompassing shampoos, conditioners, soaps, cosmetics, and lotions, represent another significant application segment for surfactants. However, unlike home care, the focus here shifts towards gentler cleaning while maintaining product aesthetics and functionality.

Amphoteric Surfactants: Striking a Balance: Amphoteric surfactants possess a dual nature, with both a positive and a negative charge on their head group depending on the pH of the environment. This unique characteristic allows them to exhibit cationic properties in acidic formulations (like shampoos) and anionic properties in alkaline formulations (like some soaps). This versatility translates to good cleansing properties with milder interactions with skin and hair compared to harsher anionic surfactants.

Cationic Surfactants: Conditioning and Antimicrobial Benefits: Cationic surfactants possess a positively charged head group. They are commonly used in hair conditioners as they readily adsorb onto hair, imparting a smooth and conditioned feel. Additionally, some cationic surfactants exhibit antimicrobial properties, making them valuable ingredients in hand sanitizers and disinfecting wipes. However, their cationic nature can sometimes lead to skin irritation, so their concentration needs to be carefully controlled.

Industrial & Institutional Cleaning: High Performance for Diverse Needs (20 % Market Share)

Industrial and institutional cleaning encompasses a wide range of applications, from heavy-duty degreasing in manufacturing facilities to disinfecting surfaces in healthcare settings. The specific surfactant selection depends heavily on the nature of the cleaning task and the intended target.

Anionic Surfactants: Tackling Tough Soils: Similar to home care, anionic surfactants remain the mainstay for industrial and institutional cleaning due to their powerful detergency properties. They are effective in removing heavy grease, oil, and industrial soils from surfaces. However, their selection needs to be tailored to specific applications, considering factors like pH requirements and compatibility with other cleaning ingredients.

Non-ionic Surfactants: Enhancing Functionality and Compatibility: Non-ionic surfactants play a supporting role in industrial and institutional cleaning formulations. They can function as wetting agents, improving the spreading of cleaning solutions on surfaces. Additionally, they can act as dispersing agents, keeping dirt particles suspended in the cleaning solution. Their non-ionic nature also makes them compatible with a wider range of cleaning ingredients compared to some ionic surfactants.

Research and Development Directions

Adsorption Phenomena: Low-level surfactant usage necessitates a strong understanding of adsorption processes at interfaces. Surfactant molecules must preferentially adsorb onto the target surface, maximizing their interaction with the desired substrate. Factors like electrostatic interactions, hydrophobic forces, and steric effects play a crucial role in adsorption. Tailoring surfactant head groups and chain lengths to optimize these interactions is essential for achieving efficacy at low concentrations.

Analytical Techniques for Characterization

Developing robust analytical techniques to characterize surfactant behavior at low concentrations is essential. Here are some key methods:

Surface Tension Measurements: Surface tension measurements remain a fundamental tool for evaluating surfactant activity. Techniques like the Wilhelmy plate method or the Du Nouy ring method can be employed to assess the effectiveness of low-level surfactant formulations.

Interfacial Tensiometry: This technique provides detailed information about interfacial interactions between the surfactant and the target substrate. Measurements of interfacial tension can reveal the adsorption behavior and effectiveness of surfactants at low concentrations.


  1. Rosen, M. J. (2004). Surfactants and interfacial phenomena (3rd ed.). John Wiley & Sons.
  2. Schramm, L. L. (2000). Surfactants: Fundamentals and applications in the petroleum industry (1st ed.). Cambridge University Press.
  3. Shao, Y., & Feng, B. (2018). Formulation design of super-spreading low-concentration surfactant solutions for oil spill remediation. Environmental Science & Technology, 52(12), 7234–7243.
  4. Sun, Y., Zhao, D., & Zhong, S. (2020). Low-concentration cationic surfactants for enhanced oil recovery. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 591, 124423.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): EOR, AOS, LAS, SDS.

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