Organization of the process of creating conditions for the comprehensive development of a child with special education needs in Kazakhstan | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №17 (516) апрель 2024 г.

Дата публикации: 25.04.2024

Статья просмотрена: 4 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Шабаз, К. Б. Organization of the process of creating conditions for the comprehensive development of a child with special education needs in Kazakhstan / К. Б. Шабаз, В. В. Боброва. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2024. — № 17 (516). — С. 431-434. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

This article examined the main problems and aspects of the process of creating conditions for the comprehensive development of a child with special educational needs (hereinafter referred to as SEN). The relevance of the topic is due to the lack of effective qualified assistance and conditions for this category of families by teachers, social educators, psychologists and social workers. Legislative standards and laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan were highlighted, which consider the rights and opportunities of children with special education needs. Particular attention is paid to the problem of inclusive education, the training of special teachers and the development of special institutions, correctional centers, etc. In Kazakhstan. Conducted an analysis of scientific foreign and Kazakhstani research.

Keywords: special educational needs, inclusive education, disabilities, special teachers.

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted by the General Assembly (1982), states that a child with mental or physical disabilities should lead a full life in an environment that ensures his dignity, promotes self-confidence and facilitates active participation in society. To achieve this, a child with special educational needs must be provided with effective access to services in the field of education, vocational training, medical care, as well as preparation for work for the fullest involvement in the life of society, the cultural and spiritual development of the child [1].

The deterioration of the environmental situation, the high level of morbidity among parents, and a number of unresolved socio-economic, psychological, pedagogical and medical problems have led to an increase in the number of disabled children, making the problem of particular relevance.

The practice of recent years shows that the number of families raising children with disabilities is increasing. With the intensification of this trend, the question of creating effective qualified assistance and conditions for this category of families by teachers, social educators, psychologists and social workers becomes more acute. This need is due to the low pedagogical literacy of parents, ignorance of the theory and methodology of education and training, and most importantly, the theory of education and training of children with disabilities.

Standard rules for ensuring equal opportunities for people with disabilities are formulated in legislative documents: the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Law “On Education” [2], the Law “On Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities in the Republic of Kazakhstan”, which reflect state standards of social services, rules establishing the scope of social services and the procedure for their provision to people with disabilities and children with disabilities, guaranteeing the rights of children with disabilities to education, development and social security [3]. Thus, the state recognized its responsibility for this category of people and took a decisive step towards the humanization of society. In connection with the creation of a regulatory framework, the status of children with developmental disabilities is changing and new opportunities for solving their problems are emerging.

In the special pedagogical literature, children with disabilities are those who, due to congenital insufficiency or acquired organic damage to sensory organs, the musculoskeletal system or the central nervous system, have deviations from the normative development of mental functions. In some cases, developmental disorders can be caused by microsocial and environmental reasons not related to the pathology of the analyzers or the central nervous system — such factors include unfavorable forms of family upbringing, social and emotional deprivation, etc. For a family raising a child with disabilities opportunities, important are also such functions as correctional and developmental, compensatory and rehabilitation, necessary for the restoration of the psychophysical and social status of the child, his achievement of material independence and social adaptation. It is necessary to create certain organizational and content conditions that would contribute to the comprehensive development of the individuality of each child and take into account his needs [4].

Research methods

Today, several key aspects of organizing the process of creating conditions for the comprehensive development of children with disabilities in Kazakhstan are being considered.

In Kazakhstan, as throughout the world, special attention is paid to the development of inclusive education. This is a form of education in which every person, regardless of existing physical, intellectual, social, emotional, linguistic and other characteristics, is given the opportunity to study in general educational institutions.

In the State Program for the Development of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020–2025, new concepts for inclusive education were developed, in which the question of introducing inclusion in practice arose [5]. This has contributed to ensuring equal access to education for children with special cognitive needs, which has become a priority.

Currently, Kazakhstan is just beginning to implement the principles, objectives and requirements for inclusive education. The message of the first President N. Nazarbayev “Kazakhstan Way -2050: Common goal, common interests, common future” notes the relevance of paying attention to people with disabilities. The President believes that Kazakhstan should become a barrier-free environment [6].

But, despite the theoretical contribution to the field of inclusive education, changes and amendments to legislation, in the Republic of Kazakhstan there are still problems associated with the implementation of inclusive education. The most important and serious problems concern:

– A barrier-free environment for children with disabilities, which is why integration is not carried out in full;

– Tolerant attitude towards special children and lack of understanding of human rights;

– Professional competence and readiness of teachers;

In recent years, the attitude of our society towards the opportunities of persons with health problems and special educational needs has changed significantly. Now society is beginning to understand that psychophysical disorders do not exclude the human essence, the ability to empathize, to experience, to communicate. As a result of updating educational reforms, Kazakhstan began to consider the implementation of education for children with special educational needs in general education institutions, namely the implementation of inclusive education.

Many researchers agree that the successful implementation of inclusive education largely depends on the positive attitude of qualified teachers towards inclusive education. Forlin C. argues that special teachers lack the necessary knowledge and skills to work with students with disabilities in inclusive classrooms, so they need effective teaching skills in classroom and time management, the ability to support learning tailored to students' current level of understanding, and the ability to engage students into higher order thinking, and to encourage and support success in the early grades [7].

Researchers D'Alonzo B. J., Giorano G., Cross T. L. argue for the need to revise the special educator preparation program to ensure the competencies necessary for the successful inclusion of students with disabilities [8]. The authors raise important questions regarding the specific knowledge and skills needed by special educators to effectively implement inclusive educational models. To date, the issue of developing professional competencies of a special teacher (defectologist) for work in special educational organizations has been studied quite fully (Korzhenevich T. L., Yakovleva Ya.I., Aslaeva R. G., Zagrebelnaya E. A., Borodina V. A.A., Norkina E. L., Filatova I. A., Vodennikova L. A., Kuzmina O. S., Sergeeva A. I., Zhdanova E. N., Martynova E. A., Ponikarova V. N.. and etc.). Characterizing the current state of knowledge of the issue of preparing special teachers to work in conditions of inclusive education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, it can be noted that this issue is only at the beginning of its study. Kazakh researchers such as Movkebaeva Z. A. [9], Satova A. K. [10], Omirbekova K. K. [11], Duzelbaeva A. T. [12] and others actively studied the problems of training special teachers, including those for working in conditions of inclusive education. These studies examine issues of professional competence of special teachers, in particular, reveal the features of their preparation for educational and correctional activities in an inclusive school. Thus, Kazakh researcher Movkebaeva Z. A. notes the need for special teachers to develop competencies related to the ability to design special conditions and an inclusive educational environment, adapt educational and methodological complexes, organize advisory assistance and productive interaction with other specialists, parents and children [9]. As we see, in Kazakhstan, certain experience has been accumulated in determining professional competencies and some general issues of training special teachers at universities have been studied. However, to this day, the issues of preparing special teachers to work in conditions of inclusive education have not been sufficiently studied. Aspects such as the organization of inclusive education for special teachers (speech pathologists) through updating its inclusive component remain incompletely studied by modern domestic researchers.

When analyzing scientific research on the activities of an inclusive education teacher, a number of problems can be identified:

– insufficient attention to the content of integrated education for children;

– insufficient connection between some goals, content and technologies of teacher training in inclusive education;

– lack of continuous scientific and methodological support for teachers when difficulties arise in organizing joint education for children.

The country is developing a system of specialized centers and services for children with special needs, where they are provided with individual support, therapeutic sessions, and rehabilitation. Institutions that provide services for the development of life skills in children with special educational needs, along with correctional schools and boarding schools in Kazakhstan, are children's social service centers. Such centers are institutions that provide a variety of social services and support to children with special needs and their families. They are created to ensure social inclusion, development and support for children who need special attention and assistance in their development. Conditions are created for them to conduct additional classes, clubs, and sports events for children with special needs.


Thus, an analysis of the current state of special conditions for the comprehensive development of children with special needs allows us to draw the following conclusions. Inclusive education means the process of development of society, implying a barrier-free environment, accessibility for every child, regardless of psychological and social characteristics. Inclusive education aims to admit a special child into mainstream schools. For the successful implementation of inclusive education, it is necessary to improve the quality of teacher training in relation to the required qualifications and training, the emphasis should be on the development of teaching methods, on the use of teaching strategies. It is factors such as compliance with state standards for the provision of special social services, the development of methodological support in the form of a correctional and developmental program adapted to the characteristics of children and the work of centers, and constant monitoring by specialists that will increase the effectiveness of the formation of social and everyday skills in children with special education needs in the conditions of Kazakhstani kindergartens. social service centers.


  1. Convention on the Rights of the Child: Adopted by General Assembly resolution 44/25 of November 20, 1989 // Official Records of the General Assembly: Forty-fourth session: [arch. February 16, 2011] = Convention of the Rights of the Child. New York, 20 November 1989: [trans. from English]. — New York: UN, 1989. — pp. 230–239.
  2. Law “On Education” of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 27, 2007, with amendments and additions as of February 23, 20124 — [Electronic resource]. — Access mode:
  3. Law “On social protection of disabled people in the Republic of Kazakhstan”, dated April 13, 2005 No. 39. — [Electronic resource]. — Access mode:
  4. Ksembaeva S. K. On the training and education of children with disabilities in Kazakhstan / S. K. Ksembaeva // Pedagogical Journal of Bashkortostan. — 2015. — No. 3 (58). — pp. 29–36.
  5. On approval of the State Program for the Development of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020–2025. — [Electronic resource]. — Access mode:
  6. Message from the first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan. January 17, 2014. — [Electronic resource]. — Access mode:
  7. Chris Forlin and Diane Chambers. Preparing teachers for inclusive education: increased knowledge, but concern / C. Forlin, D. Chambers // Asia Pacific Journal of Teacher Education. — 2011. — No. 39 (1).
  8. D’Alonzo B. J., Giorano G., Cross T. L. Improving teachers’ attitudes through teacher education toward the inclusion of students with disabilities into their classrooms / B. J. D’Alonzo, G. Giorano, T. L. Cross // The Teacher Educator. — 1996. — No. 31. — P. 304–312.
  9. Movkebaeva Z. A. Formation of professional competencies among special teachers in the context of modernization of the special education system // Bulletin of the Abai KazNPU (Series “Special Pedagogy”). — No. 3 (42). — 2015.- pp. 10–13.
  10. Satova A. K. General pedagogical problems of training and advanced training of personnel in educational institutions for abnormal children in Kazakhstan: abstract.candidate of pedagogical sciences — Alma-Ata. — 1991. — 161 p.
  11. Omirbekova K. K. On the preparation of defectological personnel in accordance with the tasks of social, correctional and pedagogical support for children with special educational needs in Kazakhstan/ K. K. Omirbekova // Issues of including children with special educational needs in the general educational process. — Almaty: Raritet, 2002. — pp. 28–31.
  12. Duzelbaeva A. B. Training of future teachers of defectologists in the context of modernization of teacher education/ A. B. Duzelbaeva // Pedagogy and psychology. — 2017 — No. 1 (30). — P. 140–145.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): SEN.

Ключевые слова

inclusive education, disabilities, special educational needs, special teachers

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