The role of emotional intelligence in foreign language classes: fostering growth and connection | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №18 (517) май 2024 г.

Дата публикации: 03.05.2024

Статья просмотрена: 5 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Федорова, М. Л. The role of emotional intelligence in foreign language classes: fostering growth and connection / М. Л. Федорова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2024. — № 18 (517). — С. 435-437. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

The article examines the concept of emotional intelligence in general and the role of learning a foreign language as a way to develop emotional intelligence in particular. The author discusses the importance of emotional intelligence for a modern student, and also offers for consideration some social technologies that contribute to the development of students' emotional intelligence.

Keywords: emotional intelligence; self-esteem; self-awareness; motivation; achievements; empathy; social technologies.

In today's interconnected world, proficiency in foreign languages has become increasingly important for personal, academic, and professional success. While language skills are undoubtedly essential, there is another aspect of learning that is equally valuable yet often overlooked: emotional intelligence (EI). What does it mean to develop emotional intelligence?

In scientific research there is no uniform definition of emotional intelligence. Scientists dealing with this issue agree that this concept allows us to combine the ability to distinguish and understand emotions, manage your own emotional states and the emotions of communication partners. It is also worth noting that most scientists, speaking about emotional intelligence, take into account two main aspects: the ability to manage one’s own emotions and creating a favorable emotional atmosphere in relationships with other people.

In linguodidactics, many experts believe that it is teaching a foreign language that has a significant impact on the formation of a student’s personality and, mainly, on their emotional sphere. A foreign language is an integrative subject and covers the whole range of human interests: literature, art, politics, sports. This allows you to make it personally significant for students. Thus, emotional intelligence plays a vital role in the formation of language skills and speech skills in the process of learning a foreign language.

Emotional intelligence is twice as important as hard skills. A person with a high EI can easily cope with stress at work, effectively resolve conflicts, and obtain the necessary information and action from colleagues. In foreign language classes, the development of EI plays a crucial role in enhancing students' language acquisition, cultural understanding, and interpersonal communication abilities.

Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to recognize, understand, and manage one's own emotions, as well as to perceive and respond to the emotions of others effectively. In the context of foreign language learning, EI encompasses a range of skills and competencies that contribute to learners' overall language proficiency and cultural competence. These skills include self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, social skills, and relationship management.

One of the key benefits of integrating emotional intelligence into foreign language classes is its positive impact on students' language learning experiences. When learners develop self-awareness and self-regulation skills, they become better equipped to manage the challenges and frustrations associated with language learning. They learn to recognize their strengths and weaknesses, set realistic goals, and persevere through setbacks, leading to greater resilience and motivation.

Moreover, emotional intelligence plays a vital role in promoting cultural understanding and sensitivity in foreign language classes. Language learning is inherently intertwined with cultural awareness, as language is a reflection of culture. By fostering empathy and perspective-taking skills, educators can help students appreciate and respect cultural differences, navigate cross-cultural interactions with confidence, and develop a deeper understanding of the diverse perspectives and values embedded in language and communication.

To one of the most important directions in the formation of emotional intelligence can be attributed to the principles of achievement motivation.

Because of this principle, creativity is very important to maintain one's abilities and capabilities. In order to achieve this, in the learning process it is necessary to set tasks and goals for students that are within their power.

In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the perseverance and effort expended by learners in completing the task, and not the final result.

Furthermore, emotional intelligence enhances students' interpersonal communication abilities, both in the target language and their native language. Effective communication is not just about linguistic proficiency; it also involves the ability to connect with others, express oneself clearly, and navigate social interactions skillfully. By cultivating social skills and relationship management abilities, learners can build stronger connections with their peers, teachers, and members of the target language community, facilitating collaborative learning environments and authentic language practice opportunities.

Incorporating emotional intelligence development into foreign language classes can take various forms, including:

Reflective activities: Encouraging students to reflect on their emotions, learning experiences, and cultural perspectives through journaling, group discussions, or self-assessment exercises.

Role-playing and simulations: Providing opportunities for students to practice empathy, perspective-taking, and conflict resolution skills through role-playing scenarios or cross-cultural simulations.

Collaborative projects: Promoting teamwork and communication skills by assigning group projects that require students to collaborate, communicate effectively, and respect diverse viewpoints.

Mindfulness and relaxation techniques: Introducing mindfulness practices, such as deep breathing exercises or guided meditation, to help students manage stress, improve focus, and enhance emotional regulation skills.

In conclusion, the development of emotional intelligence is a valuable complement to foreign language learning, offering students a holistic approach to language acquisition, cultural understanding, and interpersonal communication. By integrating EI development into language classes, educators can empower students to become more proficient, confident, and culturally competent communicators, equipped to thrive in today's globalized world.


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  2. Негневицкая Е. И. Иностранный язык для самых маленьких: вчера, сегодня, завтра // Иностранные языки в школе. 1987. № 6.
  3. Шапиро Л. Как воспитать ребенка с высоким коэффициентом эмоционального развития. М., 2005
  4. De Andres, V. Self-esteem in the Classroom or the metamorphosis of butterflies // Affect in language Teaching (ed. by J. Arnold). — CUP, 1999.
  5. Hoffman, E. & Bartkowitz. The Learning Adventure. — Learn to Learn, 1999
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): CUP.

Ключевые слова

motivation, achievements, self-esteem, emotional intelligence, self-awareness, empathy, social technologies

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