Compression and decompression in simultaneous interpreting | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №20 (519) май 2024 г.

Дата публикации: 21.05.2024

Статья просмотрена: 57 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Жолдас, Г. К. Compression and decompression in simultaneous interpreting / Г. К. Жолдас. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2024. — № 20 (519). — С. 550-552. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

This article explores the effective ways of using compression and decompression in simultaneous interpreting. Studying theoretical frameworks and practical insights of this field, this article illuminates compression and decompression techniques in the context of English and Kazakh language pair.

Keywords: ecological discourse, simultaneous translation, compression, decompression, speech compression, speech decompression, Kazakh, English.

In the era of globalization, the seamless integration of technological advancements has become imperative for simultaneous interpreters.

Simultaneous translation occurs in real-time with a slight delay of 1–4 seconds as the interpreter engages in a multi-faceted process, as delineated by D. Gilles, a French linguist-translator. This process involves auditory perception, analysis of the speaker's speech in the source language, generation of the translated message, verbal expression, and perception in the target language [4, p 58]. We consider compression and decompression as the most effective techniques in interpreting especially in English and Kazakh pair of languages.

Compression and decompression are interconnected and have same basis. They should be studied in contrast with each other which this research is attempting to do [1, p 41]. As we consider compression as shortening of the volume of interpretation in word, phrase, sentence, syntactic and meaning levels, decompression considered as elaboration of the text in the same levels. If compression is summarizing the information, decompression is adding information. Both of these techniques are used for various reasons. In this chapter we try to elaborate these reasons by comparing compression and decompression.

Compression and decompression implemented owing to subject and background knowledge of interpreter [1, p 43]. Using any techniques be it condensation, summarizing, filtering, elaboration, explication or compensation, interpretation must have equal communicative value both for those who speaks English and Kazakh. Usage of these techniques can also be caused by stylistic factors. Language selectivity can bring to the implication of using certain techniques [2, p 125]. Situation which is described in one language by one attribute can be described by two or more attributes in another language. And it works with compression and decompression. In general, English is more compact language than Kazakh, which conduces to extension of volume of the interpretation in order to create a text which meets all requirements of the norms of Kazakh. At the same time this very reason can be a challenge for an interpreter in cases when speaker speaks very fast and there is no time extension, there is even a room for filtering the information. As we observed, reasons for using both compression and decompression is almost the same therefore studying them together in contrast is effective as well as balancing them during interpretation.

We consider above mentioned condensation, summarizing, filtering, elaboration, explication and compensation as the main techniques in compression and decompression.

Condensation — involves reducing the volume of the original message without compromising its main content. In simultaneous translation, text compression is crucial because it allows the translator to keep up with the pace of the speech, while maintaining the integrity of the message. By focusing on the key points and eliminating duplication, translators can prepare a short version of the speech in less time, which will reflect the main ideas.

Summarizing — includes a summary of long information in the form of a short summary. This works well with simultaneous interpretation, allowing translators to quickly and efficiently convey the main points of a speech, which is especially useful during dynamic or very detailed discussions. This technique helps ensure that the audience gets the overall message without getting hung up on too many details.

Filtering — it is required that the translator identify and omit less significant or repetitive information from speech. Filtering is effective because it reduces the cognitive load on the translator, allowing him to focus on translating the most significant and impressive parts of the message. This ensures that interpretation remains focused and relevant, contributing to better understanding and retention of the audience.

Elaboration — involves adding additional details or explanations to what may not be completely clear to the audience, especially when it comes to cultural nuances or special terminology. By clarifying certain points, translators can make the content more accessible and understandable to the audience.

Explication — this is another step forward by clarifying or clarifying the complex or hidden content of speech. In simultaneous interpretation, clarification is crucial to ensure that the audience fully understands the nuances or technical aspects of the message. This helps to prevent misunderstandings and misinterpretation, especially in an environment where the accuracy of information is crucial.

Compensation — it is used when some elements of the original message cannot be translated directly due to linguistic or cultural differences. This includes creating equivalent expressions or ideas in the target language that convey the same meaning as in the original. This method ensures that the translation will not only be accurate, but will also correspond to the cultural and contextual realities of the target audience, thereby preserving the effectiveness and impact of the interpreted message.

Let’s consider the use of these techniques with examples of UNCCC.

Interpreting abbreviations is the very first challenge in interpreting to Kazakh for the reason that names of institutions, organizations and others do not have equivalents that widely used. Using an abbreviation of translation in Kazakh destroys the phonetic structure of the language. For example, UN or United Nations translated in Kazakh as БҰҰ or Біріккен Ұлттар Ұйымы . We see interpreting abbreviations as it is a bit odd but elaborating it every time during the speech can rob the limited time of the interpreter. EBRD or European Bank for Reconstruction and Development translated in Kazakh as Еуропа қайта құру және даму банкі or ЕҚҚДБ . Again the abbreviation makes not very pleasant sound in Kazakh. Besides according to context and audience interpreter can use both compression and decompression. We would suggest elaborating the abbreviation first, then use condensation, Ұйым and Банк accordingly. In addition, most well-known abbreviations can be interpreted without decoding for example COP (28, 29) event or United Nations Climate Change Conference . It is well known by its original shortened name and can be interpreted as it is. No doubt, that this is not a rule rather an exception therefore interpreter’s knowledge of the theme and audience is fundamental issue.

« Just days ago, I was on the melting ice of Antarctica. Not long before, I was among the melting glaciers of Nepal. These two spots are far in distance, but united in crisis. Polar ice and glaciers are vanishing before our eyes, causing havoc the world over: from landslides and floods, to rising seas. — Бірнеше күн бұрын мен Антарктиканың еріп жатқан мұздықтарында болдым. Одан бұрын, мен Непалдың еріп жатқан мұздықтарына бардым. Бұл екі жер бір-бірінен өте алыс, бірақ дағдарысы бір. Полярлық мұздар мен мұздықтар біздің көз алдымызда жоғалып, бүкіл әлемде хаос тудырады: жер көшкінімен су тасқынынан бастап теңіз деңгейінің көтерілуіне дейін. » [43] The phrases as « melting ісе » and « melting glaciers » are interpreted as « мұздықтар ». Interpretation is not wrong but here decompressing it by elaborating is more effective. The « ice of Antarctica » and « glaciers of Nepal » could be interpreted as « Антарктиканың қалың мұздары » and « Непалдың тау мұздықтары » transfers meaning better. The phrases « from landslides and floods, to rising seas » interpreted as « жер көшкіні мен су тасқынынан бастап теңіз деңгейінің көтерілуіне дейін » and here interpreter elaborated well but the term about rising waters are well known concept as we hear them in our everyday life from news and media. We suggest compressing by condensation and interpret it as « көшкін мен тасқынынан бастап судың көтерілуіне дейін ». Therefore interpretation using decompression would be « Бірнеше күн бұрын мен Антарктиканың еріп жатқанқалың мұздарында болдым. Одан бұрын, мен Непалдың еріп жатқан тау мұздықтарына бардым. Бұл екі жер бір-бірінен өте алыс, бірақ дағдарысы бір. Полярлық мұздар мен тау мұздықтар біздің көз алдымызда жоғалып, бүкіл әлемде хаос тудырады: көшкін мен тасқынынан бастап судың көтерілуіне дейін

« Earth’s vital signs are failing: record emissions, ferocious fires, deadly droughts and the hottest year ever. We can guarantee it even when we’re still in November. We are miles from the goals of the Paris Agreement — and minutes to midnight for the 1.5-degree limit. — Жердің өмірлік көрсеткіштері төмендеуде: рекордтық шығарындылар, қатты өрттер, өлімге әкелетін құрғақшылық және тарихтағы ең ыстық жыл. Бұны біз қараша айында да кепілдік бере аламыз. Біз Париж Келісімінің мақсаттарынан бірнеше миль қашықтықта тұрмыз — бірақ 1,5 градусы шегі бойынша түн ортасына дейін бірнеше минут » [3].

The sentence « We can guarantee it even when we’re still in November » interpreted as « Бұны біз қараша айында да кепілдік бере аламыз ». The literal interpretation is not conveying the meaning and quite odd to hear in Kazakh. Instead we offer to decompress it by explication as « Бұған қараша айында тіпті жыл аяқталмай жатып кепілдік бере аламыз ». Explaining the meaning and transferring the intention of the speaker by showing the severe situation is most effective way of interpreting, in our opinion. The sentence « We are miles from the goals of the Paris Agreement — and minutes to midnight for the 1.5-degree limit « interpreted as « Біз Париж Келісімінің мақсаттарынан бірнеше миль қашықтықта тұрмыз — бірақ 1,5 градус шегі бойынша түн ортасына дейін бірнеше минут ».

The phrase « minutes to midnight » a special reference to the Doomsday Clock. This is a symbolic dial supported by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, which reflects the perceived threat to humanity and the Earth from various factors, primarily related to nuclear risks, climate change and new technologies. The clock is set in such a way that midnight symbolizes the end of the world — the apocalypse and the hands show how close humanity is to a global catastrophe. The closer the hands get to midnight, the closer the world is to disaster. The concept of «minutes to midnight» is used metaphorically to convey the urgency and seriousness of these threats.

Every year, the Bulletin Science and Security Council analyzes current events and trends in global security and decides whether the hands of the clock will move closer to midnight or further away from it. This decision is based on a number of factors, including the development of nuclear weapons, the effects of climate change, biosafety risks and political tensions between nuclear Powers. This concept is extremely hard to deliver even by decompression due to the cultural differences. In this situation, the most effective way would be summarize it and deliver only the meaning interpreting this sentence as « бірнеше қадам қалдық ».

Therefore, effective interpretation would be « Жердің өмірлік көрсеткіштері төмендеуде: рекордтық шығындылар, қатты өрттер, өлімге әкелетін құрғақшылық және тарихтағы ең ыстық жыл. Бұған қараша айында тіпті жыл аяқталмай жатып кепілдік бере аламы. Біз Париж Келісімінің мақсаттарынан бірнеше миль қашықтықта тұрмыз — бірақ 1,5 градус шегіне бірнеше қадам қалдық ».

« On the first day of COP 28 we collectively made history. We achieved consensus on a fund for climate impact response that will protect lives and livelihoods, especially the most vulnerable. — COP 28-дің бірінші күні біз ұжымдық түрде тарих жасадық. Біз адмдардың, әсіресе халықтың ең осал топтарының өмірі мен тіршілігін қорғайтын климаттың өзгеруіне қарсы әрекет ету қоры туралы консенсусқа қол жеткіздік .» [3] The first sentence interpreted literally that do not deliver the main thought of the speaker which was to highlight the importance of the event in the history of the human. We consider that it is not always necessary to use as much words as in original to deliver powerful statement. It is always important to use filtering when transferring important message therefore « Кешегі күн тарихи маңызды сәт болды » much more effective. In the second sentence speaker mentions the « fund » and « consensus ». According to context speaker is talking about The UAE Consensus and Adaptation Fund. To compensate speaker’s miscount is effective for interpretation by using decompression therefore, « Біз адамдардың, әсересе халықтардың ең осал топтарының өмірі мен тіршілігін қорғайтын климаттың өзгеруіне қарсы әрекет етуге байланысты Бейімделу қоры жайлы БАӘ консенсусына қол жеткіздік » is successful interpretation.

In conclusion, this article highlights the need to balance compression and decompression in order to effectively manage the overall flow of speech. The purpose of compression is to compress speech to prevent information overload, which allows translators to keep up with the speaker's pace while maintaining the integrity of the message. On the other hand, decompression enriches interpretation by providing clarity and validity of important information, especially when it comes to cultural nuances or complex terminology.

This study shows that the effectiveness of simultaneous interpretation depends on the interpreter's ability to skillfully combine compression and decompression methods. By shortening the text where necessary and expanding it where it is beneficial, translators can ensure that their translations are effective and rich in meaning, which serves the dual purpose of translation accuracy and clarity for the audience. The subtle application of these techniques also highlights the dynamic nature of language and the cognitive flexibility needed to navigate different language structures and cultural expectations.


  1. Kultayev Y. K. Decompression Strategy in Political Discourse Interpretation (on the basis of Security Council of the Un meetings) \\ Magistracy Dissertation. — Almaty, 2016.
  2. М. Илюхин Стратегии в СП. канд.диссерт.М., 2001, — 206 с.
  3. World leaders deliver national statements at COP28's World Climate Action Summit — Link:

4. Аликина Е. В. Таксономический аспект устного перевода //Вестник Удмуртского университета. — 2011. Вып. 2. С. 56–66.

Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): COP, мена, Париж, EBRD, UAE, UNCCC.

Ключевые слова

English, Kazakh, simultaneous translation, ecological discourse, compression, decompression, speech compression, speech decompression

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