The role of information technology in medicine | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Медицина

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №21 (520) май 2024 г.

Дата публикации: 24.05.2024

Статья просмотрена: 25 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Латипова, К. Д. The role of information technology in medicine / К. Д. Латипова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2024. — № 21 (520). — С. 29-32. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

Information technologies are now used everywhere. Such an important area of human life as healthcare can be left aside, it is clear that there is no. The latest digital developments help the population around the world to positively develop the most promising methods of organizing assistance to influence. However, the importance of effectively building an IT infrastructure is becoming increasingly important. Many countries have been working in the field of medicine for a long time. Actively uses innovations.

Keywords: information technologies in medicine, clinic, health, patient, service.


Information technologies (IT) are used everywhere in the modern world. Healthcare is no exception. Modern IT developments have a positive impact on the development of new ways of organizing medical care for the population. A large number of countries have been actively using new technologies in the healthcare sector for a long time. Conducting teleconsultations of patients and staff, exchanging information about patients between different institutions, remotely recording physiological parameters, monitoring operations in real time — all these opportunities are provided by the introduction of information technology in medicine.

Information systems are present in all areas of medicine and healthcare. Medicine is one of the problems of the recovery period after various exacerbations of radiation exposure. An automated system of their regulation in medical and healthcare systems, which increases the productivity of medical workers and improves the quality of patient care. Information systems have been created in the healthcare system to work with information flows. An information system is a generalized set of organizationally regulated documents and the use of information technologies, including computer technology and communication tools that implement information processing processes.

II. Main part

The purpose of medical information systems is to support various tasks of providing medical services to the population, ensuring information exchange in the management of medical institutions and information management of the health system itself. Its independent tasks are to support the exchange of information on the results of scientific examinations, training and certification examinations. The following classes of medical information systems are known. For example, by the level of management and organization:

— State level

— Local institution level

— Individual level

Based on the tasks solved by one of the common classes of medical information systems:

Administrative and economic medical information system Laboratory and diagnostic medical information system Expert system of diagnostics, forecasting, monitoring Information and library search systems.

Educational information systems

Integrated Hospital Information System

The administrative and economic information system includes accounting systems, various drug accounting programs, patient registration systems, medical document registration systems, information exchange automation systems, medical examination systems, procedure registration systems. Laboratory diagnostic tests are used to enter and store the results of micro laboratory systems, radiology, radiography, computed tomography, ultrasound in a medical information system.

Laboratory diagnostic tests are used for entering and storing the results of micro laboratory systems, radiology, radiography, computed tomography, ultrasound in a medical information system.

The expert system of diagnostics, forecasting, monitoring consists of special systems that analyze information and draw conclusions based on a special mechanism of cognition based on the field of science and logical conclusions. The information library search system includes the creation of an electronic catalog of all users, the preparation of reference information, the design and organization of a predictive database.

Educational information systems organize complex and practical methods of various trainings and exercises.

The integrated hospital information system combines information systems of several classes of various information systems and is aimed at a comprehensive solution of issues related to the specialty of a particular institution [3, 4]. An automated control system in medicine is a means of processing, collecting, storing and transmitting a set of medical information designed to create an advantage for every employee of the medical field through the use of automated systems as a management process.

Информационные технологии в здравоохранении — СП.АРМ

The automated management system in medicine allows you to manage quickly and efficiently, exchange information in a short time, allocate time for creative work of employees, positively solve various tasks. Today, many automated control systems have been developed in medicine. These are systems with one employee, institutional, regional and national systems. The main components of these systems are:

Information technology (IT) is ubiquitous in the modern world.

Healthcare is no exception. Modern IT developments for the population have a positive attitude to the development of new methods of organizing the provision of medical care influence. Many countries have long supported healthcare. Actively uses new technologies. For patients and staff, conducting tele—consultations, informing patients between different institutions, sharing, remote recording of physiological indicators, real-time monitoring operations — all this allows medicine to use information technologies provided by implementation.

This new look at the informatization of healthcare leads to a phase of development, has a positive effect on all aspects of its activities shows.

The introduction of IT in healthcare will improve the quality of service, significantly speed up the work of staff and patient care can reduce rendering costs.

Information technologies in medicine and healthcare the following helps to solve problems:

— keeping records of patients in the clinic;

— a remote monitoring of their status;

— storage and transmission of diagnostic test results;

— a control of the correctness of the prescribed treatment;

— conducting distance learning;

— and consulting inexperienced employees.

Information technologies in medicine make it possible to qualitatively assess the condition of patients and monitor them. Electronic management of medical records the clinic reduces the time spent by employees on the production of various forms allows. All information about the patient provided by the medical institution is listed in a single document available to employees. Checks and all information about the results of the procedures is located it is entered directly in electronic form into the medical record. This guarantees the quality of treatment prescribed to other specialists.

The assessment allows you to identify inaccuracies in the diagnosis.

The use of IT in medicine Online for doctors at any convenient time allows for consultations. This means that the availability of medical services increases. It is possible that people receive qualified help from experienced doctors remotely. This is especially true for people:

— living in geographically remote areas;

— had a disability;

— caught in an emergency;

— located in a confined space.

So patients or doctors travel long distances for advice they don't need to go. A doctor with the help of modern information technologies can assess the patient's condition, examine him and get acquainted with all the results of his examination.

Информационные технологии в здравоохранении — СП.АРМ

Such consultations are available not only to patients with physiological health problems. The interviews are also intended for people in need of psychiatric or psychological help allows. Audiovisual communication allows the doctor to communicate with the patient and provide him with the necessary assistance.

To date, medical information systems are actively developing, which allow us to work more efficiently and faster. New financial investments in the development of medical IT are conditioned by their development and have a positive effect on well-being.

The data of such systems ensuring maximum protection is an urgent issue remains. Therefore, now the forces of developers are coming from outside to eliminate the probability. Informatization of healthcare is a very broad concept, which also includes activities aimed at informing about world scientific achievements in the field of medicine. So, this is training and advanced training of hospital and polyclinic staff.

Such technologies help doctors to work more efficiently and quickly learn about new developments and discoveries that will make it possible. This problem is especially relevant for medicine working in remote localities are relevant for employees.

The introduction of innovative technologies into medicine is fast and easy. This system interface is open even for untrained users and it is intuitive. The clinic staff quickly understands how these new technologies can work. Developers take into account all the nuances of the product helps to understand. After completing the training, which requires minimal time after that, medical workers will receive:

— working with information resources;

— holding a teleconference;

— Work in local and global computer networks;

— use help systems

Today, as part of the information of healthcare in Russia, it is planned to create a telemedicine system. With the right approach, this technology not only significantly improves the quality of medicines, but also reduces costs, helps to reduce. For example, when doctors go to scientific conferences, they do not need to save money for charity. They remotely participate in such activities they will be able to achieve.

Modern IT capabilities in healthcare allow all types of medical care to have a positive impact on the facades of buildings. Information in medicine the use of technology also allows:

— conducting distance learning;

— a establishing contacts to share experiences with colleagues;

— Get the latest health information.

III. Results

In addition, technology can improve the management of a medical facility possibly. Allows you to automate the operation of medical systems. Also, managers are recommended to apply to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, more effective cooperation with the territorial storage management authority is provided with the opportunity. In medicine, a dog can help you with doctors, a registrar, an admissions committee, etc. D allows you to optimize the operation of services.

In addition, the use of innovative systems makes the institution simplify the system of providing tools. New technologies help quickly:

— Registration of income and expense transactions;

— exercising control over warehouses;

— formation of applications for the supply of medicines;

— control of medication intake;

— write-off of materials, blanks;

— a creation and submission of accounting documents to higher authorities.

IV. Conclusion

In medicine, information technologies are actively used in the educational sphere. Distance seminars are necessary for students of universities and medical schools to gain knowledge. Such technologies are well known to young specialists, the opportunity to attend lectures of doctors, gain new knowledge and experience gives. All these possibilities are now available to Russian clinics. RoboMed unified medical system is the future of your institution. Your employees work more efficiently, bring more benefits and keep up with Western clinics will. We will help you implement this technology into your business by giving. In addition, we can help your employees with the system as soon as possible to learn how to work. If you have any questions during the work of Robo Med, our highly qualified staff helped them respond quickly and helps solve problems. When you buy this system, a personal service manager will come to your aid at any time, new application features and available ones will be assigned to you


  6. Lee T. Users’ Eperiences Of A Nursing Information System In Taiwan: One Year After Its Implementation. J Clin Nurs. 2008; 17(6):763–771.
  7. Urquhart C, Currell R, Grant Mj, Hardiker Nr. Nursing Record Systems: Effects On Nursing Practice And Healthcare Outcomes (Review). The Cochrane Collaboration. Published By Johnwiley & Sons, Ltd. 2009. Avilable From: Http://Www.Thecochranelibrary.Com.
  8. Bosma Rj, Rood E, Oudemansvan S, Van Der Spoel Ji, Wester Jpj, Zandstra Df. Intensive Care Information System Reduces Documentation Time Of The Nurses After Cardiothoracic Surgery. Intensive Care Med. 2003;
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): III.

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