Diplomatic relations of Central Asian merchants with Russia, Asian, Western European countries and the role of merchants in the political life | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: История

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №22 (521) май 2024 г.

Дата публикации: 01.06.2024

Статья просмотрена: 3 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Рахимберганов, Ж. О. Diplomatic relations of Central Asian merchants with Russia, Asian, Western European countries and the role of merchants in the political life / Ж. О. Рахимберганов, Х. Б. Садуллаева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2024. — № 22 (521). — С. 483-485. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/521/115005/ (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

Central Asia is famous as a region that occupied the central places of trade relations throughout the historical period. Various trade routes have passed through Central Asia since ancient times. The Great Silk Road, starting from the Red Sea and ending with the Mediterranean Sea, passed trade caravans from all major cities, which ensured the political and economic stability of the great states that were formed at that time. Academician M. M. Khairullayev's «History of Uzbek Diplomacy» based on the information provided using Nigora Allayeva's «Diplomacy and Trade Relations of Khiva Khanate» and also Khamid Ziyoyev's «Establishment of Embassy Relations of Uzbekistan with Russia, On the basis of the information cited in the work «History of Development», the information about trade relations and diplomacy of Central Asian merchants is given very widely and clearly. Traders played a very big role in the political life of the states, even the victory or defeat of the states depended on their actions.

Keywords: merchant, caravan, customs, ambassador, Yalavoch, Safir, embassy, border, Tim, Toq, Caravanserai, Tuyakash, Coin, tin, Libra, Fur, paper, melon, fodder.

Средняя Азия известна как регион, занимавший центральные места торговых связей на протяжении всего исторического периода. Через Среднюю Азию с древних времен проходили различные торговые пути. Великий Шелковый путь, начинавшийся от Красного моря и заканчивавшийся Средиземным морем, проходил торговые караваны из всех крупных городов, что обеспечивало политическую и экономическую стабильность образовавшихся в то время великих государств. «История узбекской дипломатии» академика М. М. Хайруллаева на основе информации, предоставленной с использованием «Дипломатии и торговых связей Хивинского ханства» Нигоры Аллаевой, а также «Установления посольских связей Узбекистана с Россией» Хамида Зиёева. В «Истории развития» очень широко и наглядно изложены сведения о торговых связях и дипломатии среднеазиатских купцов. Торговцы играли очень большую роль в политической жизни государств, от их действий зависела даже победа или поражение государств.

Ключевые слова: торговец, караван, таможня, посол, Ялавоч, Сафир, посольство, граница, Тим, Ток, Караван-сарай, Туякаш, монета, жесть, весы, мех, бумага, дыня, корм.

In order to determine the spiritual foundations of the Uzbek embassy relations and its specific features, we must first of all refer to the traditions of our ancient statehood, which has a history of three thousand years. The two great rivers on the borders of Turkestan — Huanghe and Yangtze in China, the Indus and Ganges in India, the Euphrates and Tigris in Iraq, the Nile in Egypt in the basins of the two great rivers — the Amu and the Syr — simultaneously developed the buds of cultural life based on irrigated agriculture. several thousand years ago, the first ancient states were formed.

In Central Asia, trade has been conducted with various countries since ancient times, especially during the Timurid period and the Khanate period, it conducted trade with countries such as Europe, Asia, and Russia. Proposals are made regarding the uniqueness of the Central Asian states in Ushba and the exchange of products with Russia and their role in the political life of the state.

In the written sources that have reached us, we read the following about this: «The people of Khorezm, — writes Abu Rayhan Beruni in his book Asarul Baqiya, which was written a thousand years ago, — used to take history from the beginning of the settlement of people in Khorezm, which is nine hundred and eighty from Alexander it was a year ago»1, p. 75.So, at this time, that is, about 1300 years before Christ, in this way, 3300 years ago in the land of Khorezm since the foundation of our initial statehood was laid. Here, Beruni is giving information about the calendars of ancient peoples. The calendar calendar can be created only in the place where the cultural life is established, in the place where the attributes of statehood based on certain discipline and rules are established. Beruni also expressed his opinions about which people this ancient state belonged to. «At that time», he writes, «Kaikhusrav moved to Khorezm and ruled over the Turkish kings». This event took place ninety-two years after the settlement of Khorezm». According to Beruni, this event took place approximately 1200 years before Christ1, p. 75.

In his monograph «Current Uzbeks», the American orientalist Edward Alworth, looking at the history of Turkestan diplomacy, tries to pay attention to the antiquity of the term «ambassador» and the comprehensive meanings hidden in its core. «In Central Asia», he writes, «the idea of diplomacy may have appeared under the influence of the word «embassy» in the Chigatai language. This word means «activities of a diplomat» or «close relations» or «relationships within a tribe (el)» 2, p. 16. In general, one can agree with these opinions. Continuing with them, it should be said that our history of diplomacy has been formed since ancient times in the way of regulating relations between Turkic peoples, ending disputes between «countries», establishing good mutual relations, and gradually embodying the best traditions of mutual visits, the relationship has become a form of diplomatic relations with rules, i.e. «ambassador relations».

Edward Alworth, expressing his opinions on this issue, also points out that in some cases in the southern parts of Central Asia, the terms «ambassador» and «embassy» are used instead of «ambassador» and «embassy». This is certainly the case in Arabic and Persian-speaking countries. This is what they called the ambassadors sent from those places to the rulers of the states on the borders of Turkestan. However, the official representatives sent to countries other than Turkestan are always called «ambassador» and their authority is «embassy».

Central Asia has always had trade relations with Russia and Western European countries. This is mentioned in many sources.

The city of Turkestan was considered an important crossing point on the caravan route between Central Asia and Siberia. That's why Turkestan was a battlefield of Uzbek and Kazakh khans for a long time, passing from hand to hand. Even after the annexation of Siberia to Russia, the caravan route passed through Turkestan and kept its old position.

According to information from the end of the 17th century (1696), Savron was the first of the big cities on the road from Tobolsk to Turkestan, and the city of Sirnak was located on the lower side of the Syrdarya. On the right side of the city of Savron is the town of Akkurgan. In addition to these, Karachik, Karnak, Tashliq, Sayron (Sayram), Otrar and other cities were located around Turkestan, all of which were adjacent to the caravan route.

According to Feodor Skibin and Matvey Troshin, who described this caravan route, there were 32 cities on the caravan route.3, p. 263.This situation was especially evident after the establishment of the Siberian line and the abolition of customs offices in the interior of Siberia. Trade with Central Asia flourished on the Siberian line, and new communication routes were created.The caravan routes from the Siberian line to the interior of Central Asia were described in detail by Russian ambassadors sent to Bukhara and Tashkent at the end of the 18th century. This is an important source for studying the caravan routes between Central Asia and the Siberian line. According to this information, it was possible to go to the interior of Central Asia through Troitsk. G. Burnashev and A. Beznosikov, who were sent as ambassadors to Bukhara and Tashkent in 1794, wrote down information about this road. It shows that the Russian ambassadors went from Omsk to the Presnogorsk fortress and marched towards the lower reaches of the Irtish River. Then they went to the Kazakh deserts and went to the Troitsk fortress towards the Orenburg line. From here they walked across the desert. On the way there are places with bitter and salty water. They went to the head of the Torgay river, which flows into a large lake named Aksagol, and from this place came to Syrdarya through Karakol. Then he came to the Kuvan river, passing a little distance from the ruins of Yettikala, he went to Yangidaryo. It came from Yangidarya to mountainous areas through Kyzylqum and from here to Yuzkuduk, Kapkatosh, Beshbulok, Bikbildik mountain. He went from Bikbildik mountain to Kyzilkala and then to Kargat spring. From here he went to Bukhara4, p. 21.

In the 19th century, cattle breeding was highly developed in the Khiva Khanate, especially among the Turkmens, Karakalpaks and Bazars. Here, thousands of sheep, horses, camels and cattle were brought and sold to the central districts of the khanate. Turkmen horses played an important role in the army. There is information about the prevalence of handicrafts in cities and villages. According to these, the textile industry grew, and various gauzes were made from cotton and silk. The gazlams are decorated with colors, and among them, the value of elegant fabrics is high. Dyeing was valued as a separate profession. The art of spinning cotton yarn is widespread. Women were engaged in this work. Kalava yarn was sent to foreign countries, in particular to Russia. Pottery was widely spread in the country, and household items were made from khum, plates, bowls, plates and bowls4, p. 21.

There is information that the production of jewelry from gold, silver, precious stones and other minerals has increased in the country. There were many craftsmen who made metal tools such as knives, razors, adzes, hoes, belts, scissors, axes, saws, and plows. Tannery is developed in this country, leather cooking, makhsi, boot, kavush sewing, and saddle-harness production are given special importance. Other products made from rice, felt and wool were produced. military weapons such as swords, axes, spears, shields, bows and arrows, rifles, muskets, and gunpowder were made in crafts. But the quality of rifles and cannons was very low and could not meet the requirements of the times. Bushes were used to create more panic.

There were skilled craftsmen who made carts, water wheels, and millstones in the Khany. Domestic and foreign trade played a big role in Khiva Khanate. Khiva, Urganch, Hazorasp, Khanka, Tashkhovuz, Khojaly, Gurlan, Chimboy and other places were considered trade and craft centers. In the big and small markets here, you could see agricultural and handicraft products brought from different parts of the country5, p. 142. Many places in the Khanate region were in intense trade relations, especially with the Bukhara Khanate. In addition, trade relations with Turkmens, Karakalpaks and Kazakhs continued regularly. Cattle, sheep, wool, and food products were taken from these powerful peoples, and in return they were given clothes, household appliances, and delicacies. Khanate of Khiva had trade relations with Iran, Afghanistan, India, Russia and other places. For a long time, Khiva merchants were engaged in trade in cities such as Astrakhan, Nizhny Novgorod, Orenburg. Various gauzes, cotton, silk and other goods were brought there. Goods such as iron, cast iron, leather, tin, copper, copper, and sugar are imported from Russia. Among them, it was possible to see gauzes woven in the factory. Bringing iron, steel and other metals was especially useful in the centuries after Russia. Because, mainly, the production tools necessary for farming and handicrafts were made from them.

In conclusion, it can be said that the Buyul Silk Road gained great political importance from ancient times to the Middle Ages. Later, the establishment of the Khanate and their diplomacy to foreign countries made a great contribution to its economic stability. Although these trades flourished, the very shallow politics of the khans led to its subsequent occupation by Tsarist Russia.


  1. Абу Райҳон Беруиий Танданган асарлар. 1-жидд. «ФАН» нашриёти, Тош., 196И. 71-бет.
  2. Эдвард Олворт. Ҳозирги ўзбеклар. Ўн тўртинчи асрдан бугунги кунгача Маданият тарихи 16- бет
  3. МИУТТ, С. 263
  4. Xamid Ziyoyev « O’zbekisonning Rossiya bilan elchilik va iqtisodiy aloqalarining o’rnatilishi, rivojlanishi tarixi» III jild Yangi asr avlodi, Toshkent 2012
  5. M. M. Xayrullayev «O’zbek Diplomaiyasi Tarixi» Тошкент — 2003
  6. Xamid Ziyoyev «Rossiyaning Qozon, Astraxan, Sibir, Qrim, Kavkaz va Turkistonga tajovuzi va hukmronligiga qarshi kurashlar» VII jild, Yangi Asr avlodi Toshkent-2012, 21-b
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): III, VII, Азия.

Ключевые слова

customs, border, coin, merchant, caravan, ambassador, Yalavoch, Safir, embassy, Tim, Toq, Caravanserai, Tuyakash, tin, Libra, Fur, paper, melon, fodder

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