Strategies for Building Successful Advertising Campaigns | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Маркетинг, реклама и PR

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №23 (522) июнь 2024 г.

Дата публикации: 11.06.2024

Статья просмотрена: 1 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Elmehy, Asem Mohamed. Strategies for Building Successful Advertising Campaigns / Asem Mohamed Elmehy. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2024. — № 23 (522). — С. 221-222. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

The article considers Effective Advertising the strategies for building successful advertising campaigns.

Keywords: advertising campaign, techniques, strategies

Nowadays, companies face increasing challenges in attracting consumers to their products and services. As the market becomes more noisy and brands compete for consumers' attention, strategic advertising campaigns have become crucial.

Successful advertising campaign strategies are an important factor for every company in the business world. As many of you know, it's advertising and promotion about us is a form of communication that aims to persuade the audience (viewers, readers or listeners) of it. Purchasing or taking some action regarding products, information, services, etc. Advertising is effective and if the businessman uses advertising strategies, this is the reality Many companies spend a lot of money on advertising hoping to do just that increase profits and brand spread. Good advertising has the ability to draw people's attention to the product and buy it.

Basic concepts

First of all, it is necessary to define what is advertising and what advertising strategy.

Advertising is a strategy that encourages individuals to pass on a marketing message to others, creating the potential for exponential growth in the messages exposure (Kirby, 2005) [1].

advertising strategy refers to a brand's long-term plan to reach their target audience. A marketing strategy encompasses products and pricing offered, as well as brand marketing and the promotion of products.

Elements of a Successful Advertising Campaign

The importance of marketing in today's business environment is undoubtedly immense. No firm can sit back and watch their competitors take over the market. The right time to launch a product is an essential factor to decide the fate of a new launch. Marketing strategies govern the success of products and advertising forms the subset of a marketing plan [2].

There are some of advertising stragtegies that use to successful advertising campaign and hope to do just that brand spread increase profits:

  1. Market research is essential for marketing teams and ad agencies to maximize profits, understand target audiences, set sales goals, and launch products. It involves collecting data about target market, competitors, customers, and trends. Rising competition has forced organizations to conduct market research, either by appointing a team or hiring a consultancy.
  2. Marketing Mix Strategy can be more effective than traditional advertising methods. Avital part of an effective advertising campaign is to adopt the method of strategy during the planning phase, and implementing at the right time in an ordered manner. Place refers to logistics and transportation costs of goods. Marketing teams and agencies use these variables for product success. Customers are the kings, and marketing departments work hard to attract them and increase product sales. Promotional marketing methods are important and efficient, as they are less cost.
  3. Promotion Strategies include the push and pull strategies. The push strategy involves offering discounts and benefits to customers, aiming to increase sales. This strategy is often successful for firms, as it reduces advertising costs. The pull strategy, on the other hand, focuses on advertising products and minimizing the use of different channels, aiming to create a potential market for the firm's products.

Advertising strategies There are two dimensions to advertising strategies. The first dimension is to what extent an advertisement or a campaign is standardized and the second the geographical coverage of the campaign. As indicated earlier, there are three basic schools of thought regarding advertising standardization (Onkvisit and Shaw, 1990). They are as follows:

1) Standardization — proponents of the standardization school assumes that due to faster communication there is a convergence of markets and that consumers are becoming increasingly similar.

2) Individualization (or adaptation) — proponents of the adaptation school points to cultural differences and conclude that advertising must be adapted. (

3) Compromise — proponents of this school recognize local differences but also that some degree of advertising standardization is possible.

Some tips when using strategy for successful advertising campaigns are mentioned below:

— Focus on human behavior and factors driving consumer purchase decisions.

— Collaborate with a creative team to develop innovative ideas.

— Avoid misleading information about products.

— Study popular advertisements and develop creative advertising methods.

— Adopt various techniques and make headlines smart enough to grab attention.

— Focus on your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) to attract customers.

Effective Advertising Techniques in campaign

There are different types of advertising techniques and it's due to the effectiveness to help people learn about market products and services, with the advent of the Internet gaining popularity. Advertising techniques, including newspaper and TV ads, have evolved over time to include modern methods such as social networking websites, search engine advertising, and internet affiliate marketing.

— Internet Advertisement become an effective method due to the vast reach of the internet. Advertisements can be viewed globally, and website owners can use search engine optimization techniques to rank in the top 10 results. This wide audience can lead to more sales. Other forms of advertising include pay per click and email advertising.

— Newspaper Advertising has been a powerful communication tool for generations. Effective print advertising techniques include creating catchy slogans, offering offers, and promotional advertising. These techniques should be applied to other forms of advertising as the end user spends less time on ads.

— Mail Advertising is a popular marketing technique that connects with a wide audience by reaching out to local mailing addresses and sending fliers or brochures of products. Postcards can also be used, but content should be carefully crafted for maximum effectiveness.

— TV advertising is crucial for creating a brand image and is essential for many companies to succeed. However, it's not the only medium for brand creation. A compelling offer and providing contact information, such as website and telephone numbers, are essential. Other mediums include banner advertising, public relations, radio advertising, and word of mouth advertising. It's essential to use these mediums effectively to reach a wide audience and build a strong brand.


Summarizing above in this article, a successful advertising campaign strategy includes market research, marketing mix strategy, promotional tactics, push and pull strategies, and. Effective Advertising Techniques Online, newspaper, mail, and television advertising are effective methods for a successful advertising campaign that helps companies understand their target audience, determine sales goals, and launch products according to market requirements, taking into account tips for a successful advertising campaign.


  1. Kirby, J. (2005). Viral marketing, In J. Kirby and P. Marsden (Eds.), connected marketing — The viral, buzz and word of mouth revolution, pp. 87 106. Oxford and Burlington, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann.
  3. Onkvisit, S. and Shaw, J.J. (1990), “Global advertising: revolution or myopia”, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, Vol. 2 No. 3, pp. 97–112
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ADVERTISING, CAMPAIGN, SUCCESSFUL, USP.

Ключевые слова

techniques, strategies, advertising campaign

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