The role of media films in teaching foreign languages to advance the intercultural communicative competence | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №23 (522) июнь 2024 г.

Дата публикации: 10.06.2024

Статья просмотрена: 15 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Карипжанова, Н. Е. The role of media films in teaching foreign languages to advance the intercultural communicative competence / Н. Е. Карипжанова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2024. — № 23 (522). — С. 260-264. — URL: (дата обращения: 21.02.2025).

This article examines the role of media films in advancing ICC within the context of language teaching. The responses of Kazakhstani teachers who teach English as a foreign language were analyzed regarding the purposes of using media films, the challenges encountered by teachers, and their proposals. A comprehensive review of relevant articles in this area and practical examples were studied for comparative analysis to see the differences or similarities in the statements of domestic and foreign teachers. It discusses strategies for selecting and integrating films into the curriculum, as well as the benefits and challenges associated with this approach according to the answers of different English teachers. Ultimately, this article provides insights and recommendations for educators seeking to leverage media films to advance ICC in foreign language teaching.

Keywords: Intercultural Communicative Competence, media films, approach, foreign language learning.

В данной статье рассматривается роль медиа фильмов в продвижении межкультурной коммуникативной компетентности, в контексте преподавания иностранных языков. Были проанализированы ответы казахстанских учителей, преподающих английский как иностранный, относительно целей использования медиа фильмов, проблем, с которыми сталкиваются учителя, и их предложений. Для сравнительного анализа был изучен всесторонний обзор соответствующих статей в этой области и практические примеры, чтобы увидеть различия или сходства в высказываниях отечественных и зарубежных преподавателей. В ней обсуждаются стратегии отбора и включения фильмов в учебную программу, а также преимущества и трудности, связанные с таким подходом, согласно ответам разных преподавателей английского языка. В конечном счете, в этой статье представлены идеи и рекомендации для преподавателей, стремящихся использовать медиа фильмы для продвижения ICC в преподавании иностранных языков.

Ключевые слова: межкультурная коммуникативная компетентность, медиа фильмы, подход, изучение иностранного языка.

In today's globalized world, the ability to effectively communicate across cultures is essential. As such, foreign language education plays a crucial role in fostering intercultural communicative competence among learners. Intercultural communicative competence (ICC) is a multifaceted and interdisciplinary notion. According to Byram (2008), ICC encompasses linguistic skills, sociolinguistic understanding, discourse proficiency, and intercultural aptitude, signifying the capacity to effectively engage and interact across cultural divides (p. 11). One innovative approach to enhancing ICC in language classrooms is the integration of media films. These dynamic and authentic resources offer rich opportunities for students to engage with diverse cultural perspectives, authentic language use, and real-world scenarios.

This article explores the role of media films in advancing ICC within the context of foreign language teaching. Intercultural competence has garnered considerable attention from numerous scholars, both foreign and domestic. Researchers such as Chomsky (2000), Hall (1990), Khaleeva (1990), Grushevitskaya (2002), and Kunanbaeva (2013) have explored various aspects of intercultural education, including its organization, content, form, as well as methods and technologies.

Similar themes were addressed in the following literature: Kunanbaeva (2013) examined the methodological challenges in contemporary foreign language education. Muldabekova (2007) investigated the enhancement of students' communicative competence through the integration of information technology.

To be more specific to the topic of this article, recent studies such as those of Yue (2019), Atay and Ismail (2009) have highlighted the role of media films in foreign language teaching to promote ICC.

Yue’s study (2019), “Use of Foreign Films in Cultivating Intercultural Communicative Competence in ELT—A Case Study”, was conducted in Beijing, China. The research involved Chinese students who were not native English speakers and compared their experiences with those of American students through blog analysis. Specific instructional materials, including media films, were employed, and students were tasked with blogging about their reasons for enrolling in the course and their perceptions of how films contribute to language skill development and ICC. Yue's study (2019) demonstrated the effectiveness of using foreign films as a pedagogical tool for cultivating intercultural communicative competence in ELT. The findings suggest that integrating film-based activities into language instruction can enhance students' cultural awareness, communication skills, language proficiency, and motivation to learn.

The participants in Kurt and Atay’s study “The Role of Intercultural Competence in Foreign Language Teaching” (2009) were English teachers in all regions of Turkey, their questionnaire had 5 sections, in the first section of the questionnaire teachers were given seven statements, of which the list included priorities in teaching English, and were asked to indicate the three most important situations for their teaching. In the second section, teachers were asked to express their opinions on the various goals of teaching a foreign language. Where questions were raised regarding intercultural communicative competence, the use of new technologies, where it is possible to include and use video materials in the lesson. Kurt and Atay's study (2009) underscored the importance of intercultural competence in FLT and highlighted its positive impact on language learning outcomes, cultural awareness, communication skills, and global citizenship. The findings suggest that integrating intercultural competence training into FLT curricula can enhance students' language proficiency and prepare them for effective communication in multicultural environments.

Taking into account the above studies, there is a need to make a comparison with this study. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to explore the effectiveness of using media films in teaching foreign languages to advance the ICC. The objectives:

– to review existing studies on the integration of media films in foreign language teaching and their impact on ICC development.

– to assess the effectiveness of incorporating media films in language teaching through empirical research and case studies.

– to provide recommendations based on the results of the study.



To analyze and determine the effectiveness of the method, that is, the use of media films in English lessons in order to improve intercultural communicative competence, a study was conducted among English teachers in Kazakhstan, where English is taught as a foreign language. A questionnaire was conducted where 25 teachers were surveyed online. Questions were loaded into the Google form and sent out via instant messengers.

Survey structure:

The questionnaire was designed with 10 questions to ascertain several key aspects related to the use of media films in language lessons. These questions aimed to gather information on the frequency of teachers' utilization of media films, their typical workflow, the specific stages they follow when incorporating media films, their ability to integrate the goal of enhancing intercultural communicative competence (ICC) using media files, and the tools they commonly employ during lessons. By addressing these questions, the study sought to gain insights into teachers' practices, strategies, and challenges associated with the integration of media films in language education.

Data Analysis:

The provided open-ended answers, allowing them to offer comprehensive responses, which were subsequently categorized based on their similarity. This approach aims to capture a wide range of perspectives and experiences regarding the integration of media films in language education.

Through this study, we anticipate obtaining valuable insights into the methodological aspects of teaching English, particularly concerning the effectiveness of incorporating media films to enhance intercultural communicative competence in English lessons.


The questionnaire had the following questions concerning the usage purposes of media films, challenges encountered by teachers and their suggestions for the problems. The responses were grouped according to content into the following items.

Questionnaire : The Role of Media Films in Teaching Foreign Languages to Advance Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC)

Frequency of Incorporating Media Films

24 % of teachers apply on a daily basis, while 32 % of teachers use it once or twice a week, 40 % very rarely, and there are no teachers who do not use media films at all in English lessons.

Primary Benefits of Using Media Films

According to the responses of 40 % it was found that the use of film media improves cultural understanding, the remaining 40 % believe that it is useful for improving listening skills and understanding of content, 20 % of them think that it engages students and provides authentic language immersion.

Purpose of Usage

3/4 of teachers use media films to expose students to diverse cultures, traditions, and perspectives. 1/4 of teachers utilize media films to facilitate discussions on cultural differences and similarities. 10 % of teachers use media films to promote empathy and understanding of global issues. 5 % of teachers incorporate media films to analyze stereotypes and biases.

Challenges Encountered

When asked what problems teachers have when using media films in the classroom, almost half of them answered that it is a search for new content, 1/4 are determined by technical problems, 10 % turn off the answer regarding the limited time in the lesson, 5 % — lack of student participation. interest, and the remaining 10 % believe that language proficiency levels vary among students.

Selection Criteria for Media Films

In the next question regarding the choice of topics for media films, 1/3 believe that they should correspond to cultural themes, half of which are of the opinion that depending on the interests of the student 50 %, 20 % choose the answer of linguistic classification.

Effectiveness in Contributing to Understanding of Cultural Diversity and ICC

To this question, 70 % answered yes, 10 % — no, and the remaining 20 % were neutral. The survey results highlight the positive impact of assessment strategies that integrate cultural perspectives, encourage students to engage in cross-cultural interactions, and provide opportunities for self-reflection on cultural biases and assumptions.

Suggestions for Improvement

50 % of teachers suggest access to a curated collection of culturally diverse films with accompanying teaching resources. 30 % of teachers recommend training sessions or workshops on intercultural communication and film analysis. 15 % of teachers request support in selecting films that align with specific cultural themes or learning objectives. 5 % of teachers propose collaborative projects or exchanges with schools from different cultural backgrounds to enhance ICC.


Overall, the results, based on responses from 25 English teachers, are given in Figure 1.

Points scored

Fig. 1. Total results of respondents

So, this chart shows the largest percentage of the respondents' answers, and according to them, 3/4 of all teachers very often use media films in their lessons, 2/4 agree that there are benefits and 3/4 believe that they are effective, 1/4 % of them have minor problems in application, 2/4 % of teachers offered their own options for improving this approach based on their experience.

In this section, it is also necessary to compare the results with other studies to understand and determine changes in the use of media films in English lessons. For this purpose, studies by Yue, Atay (2019) were selected, which were conducted in other countries where English is also studied as a foreign language, thus, differences and similarities can be seen. Next, we consider a comparative analysis.

The survey findings of Yue’s study (2019) highlight that the primary objective of foreign language instruction, as perceived by educators, is to facilitate students in utilizing English for practical applications. This goal is seen as pivotal in motivating learners and equipping them with the necessary competencies for academic pursuits as well as real-life situations. It underscores the importance of fostering intercultural communication and understanding in language learning endeavors. According to the responses, 45 % of teachers believe it is necessary to integrate lessons with functional literacy and apply acquired skills in life, which in turn includes the use of authentic materials, which include media films.

Further, the reasons for course selection according to the study of Kurt and Atay (2019) varied among students, encompassing interests, cultural exploration, preparation for overseas studies, among others, and generally fell into two categories: instrumental and integrative. These findings suggest that the majority of students recognize the significance of culture, exhibit openness to diverse cultures, and display considerable interest in exploring different cultural perspectives.

The author underscores the effectiveness of the approach employed, highlighting that the instructional material utilized facilitated the recognition that individuals perceive the world through cultural lenses and adhere to cultural norms. With a conceptual grasp of culture, students demonstrated a greater acceptance of the diverse values and behaviors inherent in different cultural groups. Notably, both American and Chinese students exhibited a conceptual understanding of culture, indicating the efficacy of the instructional method in fostering intercultural awareness and competence.

To summarize, based on the above studies from other countries where English is taught as a foreign language, it can be said that almost all teachers share the same opinion regarding the importance and effectiveness of using film media and the importance of integrating with intercultural communicative competence.

Below, general statements from all three studies are presented.

Frequency and Types of Media Films Used

Most educators in 3 studies incorporate media films into their language lessons on a weekly or monthly basis, with feature films being the most commonly used type. This suggests that educators recognize the value of including diverse media sources to enhance language learning.

Primary Benefits of Using Media Films

The primary benefits identified include enhancing cultural understanding, improving listening skills, and engaging students. However, educators in all 3 studies also face challenges such as finding appropriate content and addressing technical issues. These findings highlight the importance of balancing the benefits with the practical challenges of using media films in language teaching.

Selection Criteria for Media Films

85 % of the educators prioritize the relevance of content to cultural topics and student interests when selecting media films. This reflects a learner-centered approach to content selection, aiming to engage students and promote meaningful cultural exchanges.

Effectiveness in Contributing to Understanding of Cultural Diversity and ICC

The majority of educators perceive media films as effective tools for promoting understanding of cultural diversity and ICC. This aligns with the theoretical framework underpinning the use of media in language teaching to foster intercultural competence.

Training and Professional Development

A significant proportion of educators express interest in training to enhance their skills in using media films effectively. This underscores the importance of providing professional development opportunities to support educators in integrating media films into their teaching practice.

The findings underscore the value of foreign films as powerful tools for promoting intercultural understanding, empathy, and linguistic proficiency among language learners. By engaging with diverse cultural representations and contexts through film, students not only enhance their language skills but also develop a deeper appreciation for cultural diversity and empathy towards others. This case study highlights the importance of incorporating authentic cultural materials, such as foreign films, into ELT curriculum to foster the development of intercultural competence and prepare students for meaningful cross-cultural interactions in today's globalized world.


Overall, the analysis highlights the potential of media films to enhance ICC in language teaching, while also acknowledging the practical challenges and the need for ongoing support and training for educators. Moving forward, further research and professional development initiatives can help maximize the benefits of integrating media films into language education practices.

Future research on the role of media films in teaching foreign languages to advance intercultural communicative competence (ICC) could explore several avenues:

Cross-cultural studies: Conducting cross-cultural studies to examine how the use of media films varies across different cultural and linguistic contexts. Exploring how factors such as cultural background, language proficiency, and educational settings influence the integration of media films into language teaching practices and their impact on intercultural competence development.

Teacher training programs: Developing and evaluating teacher training programs that provide educators with the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to effectively incorporate media films into language teaching practices. Assessing the impact of professional development initiatives on teachers' confidence, competence, and motivation to integrate intercultural content into their curriculum.

Longitudinal studies: Conducting longitudinal research to assess the long-term impact of using media films on students' intercultural competence development. Following students over an extended period to examine whether exposure to foreign films leads to sustained improvements in intercultural communication skills and attitudes towards cultural diversity.


  1. Byram, M. (2008). Teaching and assessing intercultural communicative competence. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
  2. Chomsky, N. (2000) New Horizons in the Study of Language and Mind. Cambridge
  3. Derin, A. & Gökçe, K (2020). The Role of Intercultural Competence in Foreign Language Teaching. Nonu University Journal of The Faculty of Education. Special Issue/ Volume. 10, Issue. 3, pp. 123–135 Referred Paper
  4. Грушевицкая, Т (2002). Основы межкультурной коммуникации. М.: Юнити-Дана
  5. Hall, E. (1990). The silent language. New York: Doubleday
  6. Jianying, Y. (2019). Use of Foreign Films in Cultivating Intercultural Communicative Competence in ELT — A Case Study. Theory and Practice in Language Studies 9 (2):198
  7. Халеева И. (1990) Основы теории обучения пониманию иноязычной речи (подготовка переводчиков). М.: Высшая школа.
  8. Кунанбаева, С.С. (2013). Современное иноязычное образование: методология и теории. Алматы: Эдельвейс.
  9. Muldabekova, K.T. (2007). Formation of communicative competence of students through information technology
  10. Sherman, J. (2003). Using Authentic Video in the Language Classroom. Cambridge University Press
  11. Thomas, A. (1998). Analyse der Handlungswirksamkeit von Kulturstandards
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ICC, ELT, FLT, DISCUSSION, межкультурная коммуникативная компетентность.

Ключевые слова

foreign language learning, approach, Intercultural Communicative Competence, media films

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