Factors of effective video advertising | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Маркетинг, реклама и PR

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №23 (522) июнь 2024 г.

Дата публикации: 10.06.2024

Статья просмотрена: 12 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Бирюкова, А. Е. Factors of effective video advertising / А. Е. Бирюкова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2024. — № 23 (522). — С. 222-225. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/522/115365/ (дата обращения: 21.02.2025).

The relevance of this article is due to the rapid development of advertising and all its types, and especially video advertising. As long as advertising exists, the problem of its effectiveness will be relevant. The task of advertising is not only to attract the attention and interest of the consumer, but also to encourage him to realize the need for this product. The purpose of this study is to identify the factors of effective video advertising.

Keywords: video advertising, effectiveness, target audience, brand, product, video clip.

Актуальность данной статьи обусловлена быстрым развитием рекламы и всех ее видов, а в особенности видеорекламы. Пока существует реклама, проблема ее эффективности будет актуальна. Задачей рекламы является не только привлечь внимание и заинтересовать потребителя, но и побудить его к осознанию потребности в данном товаре. Целью данного исследования является выявление факторов эффективной видеорекламы.

Ключевые слова: видеореклама, эффективность, целевая аудитория, бренд, продукт, видеоклип.

All over the world, the consumer's attitude to the goods and services of market structures is extremely important. It is no secret that a significant part of society retains a wary or even openly negative attitude towards some firms. Therefore, a lot of money is spent on advertising. Sometimes powerful and expensive campaigns are organized, but this does not always bring the expected results.

Advertising is an integral part of the formation of the company's image. Even a very good product may not «find a buyer» if its manufacturer uses ineffective advertising. As long as advertising exists, the problem of its effectiveness will be relevant. The task of advertising is not only to attract the attention and interest of the consumer, but also to encourage him to realize the need for this product, i.e. to influence the buyer so as to encourage him to buy this product. Many companies invest a large part of their budget in advertising. Therefore, the problem of evaluating the effectiveness of advertising costs is of concern to everyone who is somehow connected with commercial activities.

Currently, there is a trend of rapid development of the online sphere. Banks, educational institutions, and trade are moving into the Internet space. This has a significant impact on the adaptation of advertising strategies to the current situation and increases the demand for online advertising. Video ads account for a significant share of online advertising.

The relevance of the topic under study is obvious, because it is very important to study the aspects of effective video advertising and observe them when creating videos.

Advertising activity is a special type of activity, the process of interaction between its participants, the result of which is the production, promotion and research of an advertising product in order to stimulate consumer activity or create an image, public opinion. [1, p.1]. Based on the definition, it can be concluded that advertising helps people buy and sell, has a greater influence on decision-making and plays a greater role in human life. Video advertising is the use of video content to promote a product, service or brand. This means that with the help of video ads, you can quickly and easily interest the viewer.

In terms of its impact on the psyche, is the most effective type of advertising. This is explained by the fact that video advertising is perceived by the two most important ways of perceiving information — through sight and hearing.

Based on the literature, we can say that video advertising is a moving image that has great opportunities to attract and retain attention. D. A. Trishchenko said: «Thanks to the image, sound, movement and color, video advertising provides a high degree of audience involvement in what is happening on the screen». [2, p.7].

In our modern world, it is quite common to find video ads: It is on TV, on social media and just on the Internet. When we search for some information on the Internet, we are also offered to watch a commercial. When we play games on our phone to complete a level or get a superpower, we also watch a video. Commercials are very informative, fast and effective in influencing people, performing many functions at once.

What functions does video advertising perform?

— Information: Explains the benefits of the product. The well-known Apple company in its commercials demonstrates in detail the characteristics of the new iPhone models.

— Persuasion: Promotes the formation of a positive attitude towards the brand. The Coca-Cola company, with their joyful and uniting advertising campaigns, manages to convince people to buy their product.

— Image formation: Creating a unique brand style, for example, extravagant and memorable videos from Gucci.

All these functions are filled with advertising activities in general, but videos always cope much faster and better, because they catch anyone. It is important to note that it's very easy — just watch and see everything you need on video. Only apart from the fact that the video carries the necessary information, it also affects our emotions, although we may not notice it at all.

Emotional engagement plays a key role in the effectiveness of advertising. Advertising campaigns that can evoke strong feelings or an emotional response are more likely to remain in the audience's memory and can significantly increase brand awareness and loyalty to it. What types of advertising are there in terms of emotional engagement of the viewer?

— Dramatic advertising: This type of advertising uses elements of drama and conflict to create tension and emotional engagement.

— Humorous advertising: Humor is used to attract attention and create positive associations with the brand.

— Inspirational or motivational advertising: This type of advertising is aimed at inspiring viewers by emphasizing lofty ideals and values.

— Serious or informative advertising: Such advertising focuses on providing information or discussing serious topics.

— Nostalgic advertising: Using elements of the past to evoke a sense of nostalgia and connection with the brand.

Emotional connection is very important, because emotions are able to get too deep into a person's head, control his fears, desires and choices. Video ads seem to feed with their energy and inspire a person to buy or just encourage them to think about purchasing a product.

Video advertising continues to be at the forefront of marketing innovation, due to its ability to adapt to changing technologies and market needs. It not only effectively attracts attention and evokes an emotional response, but also plays a key role in shaping and maintaining the brand's image. Given the rapidly changing digital landscape and the constant development of social media, the role of video advertising in marketing strategies will only increase.

An emotional video creates a strong long-term connection with brands, and a video with important facts effectively contributes to the achievement of short-term goals. [2, p. 38]

Effective advertising combines creativity with an understanding of consumer psychology, creating not just a message about a product, but a story that can touch emotions and leave a long-term impression. That is why it is extremely important to study and use all the tools to improve the effectiveness of video advertising.

In order to understand how to create effective video advertising that can not only fulfill its main function — sales, but also engage the viewer, touch his emotions, it is worth considering examples of videos. For example, the Coca Cola advertising campaign, which is still remembered today.

The history of Coca-Cola's most famous holiday advertisement began in December 1995 with the concept of «Always Coca-Cola». The soda manufacturer, who often changed the concept in an effort to play the theme of pleasure in different ways, decided to move away from his favorite characters — polar bears and Santa Claus, who accompanied the brand since 1920. It is a well-known fact that the textbook image of Santa was developed specifically for the marketing promotion of Coca-Cola.

In 1995, the Coca Cola company decided to make changes and, together with the W. B. Doner agency, developed an advertising video in which a number of shimmering Coca-Cola trucks roll through a snowy New Year's Eve landscape: On Christmas Eve, viewers around the world saw a beautiful fabulous video about how red Freightliner trucks decorated with light bulbs deliver Coca-Cola bottles as a gift and give happiness to children.

Here is the most striking example of how from the very first minutes the video begins to affect people's emotions: the whole world is waiting for a miracle, as a video is shown on TV touching with its mood, its fun and magic.

After the very first broadcasts of such an advertisement, the audience was of course captivated: adults hummed a simple song, as if they were back in childhood and believed in the magic of the upcoming holiday, and children sat at televisions waiting for a repeat of the fascinating video.

It is important to note how the company, with the help of such a video, not only sells, but also generates something very valuable and important in the hearts of the audience.

Advertising was especially loved in Russia, which had just begun to get a taste of the foreign lifestyle after the collapse of the USSR. In the Russian version, the advertisement was called «The holiday is coming to us».

Consumers say that the appearance of Coca-Cola's pre-Christmas ads marks the very beginning of Christmas for them. It would seem that all the cities are decorated with garlands, Christmas trees and snowflakes — what else do you need for a holiday? The very taste of Coca Cola, which will not only please everyone on Christmas Eve, but will plunge you into a long-forgotten real fairy tale. These signs and emotions can evoke emotional associations in consumers and strengthen a positive perception of the product.

The company and the advertising agency managed to find the very fishing rod that hooked the whole world. It was not just a commercial, it was a connection with the brand itself, an outsider image based on universal fun, bringing people together and a holiday that brings not only the New Year, but also the company's products.

In addition, in 2001, advertising became the basis for a charity event in support of orphanages «Christmas Caravan». As part of the Coca-Cola Hellenic project, those decorated trucks with gifts for orphans are sent across Russia every year. In 2013, children were given Coca-Cola white bears with Olympic symbols on the eve of the Sochi Olympics.

Having studied the Coca Cola advertising campaign, it can be noted that the most important factors of an effective video are:

— Impact on the viewer through the emotionality of the video;

— Managing his fears and desires (for which you need to know your target audience well);

— Quick-to-remember attributes of the video: song, objects in the frames, etc.;

— Brightness, contrast against the background of other videos.

The main advantage of video advertising is that it combines various ways of communicating information: it is multicode. [5, pp. 199–205]. Based on this, you can apply the efficiency factors of video advertising listed above and get high-quality content that will bring a large audience and profit to the company.

Video advertising will allow to quickly interest users, as well as visually show products /services. Today, this is definitely a guarantee of trust, loyalty, high conversion and the image of the organization. The only question is choosing the right strategy, which we can learn from many examples of existing videos.

One of the main advantages of video advertising is its ability to attract an audience. Videos are inherently more fascinating than static images or text because they combine visual and auditory elements to convey a message. This multi-sensory approach provides a more complete immersion, increasing the likelihood that the viewer will remember the advertisement and the brand it represents.

Advertisers should focus on creating engaging, relevant and respectful content that enhances the viewer's perception. In fact, it is not so difficult to influence the audience with the help of video ads, because first of all it is the human factor- to be afraid of something, to choose and just rejoice together! This can already help to create effective advertising.

In conclusion, I would like to note that video advertising is a modern and effective method of communication in advertising, offering unique advantages in terms of audience engagement, creativity, scalability and data analysis. However, in order for it to work correctly and effectively, a number of factors must be taken into account.


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  2. Трищенко Д. А. Техника и технологии рекламного видео, 2019 — с.7
  3. Моуат Д. Видеомаркетинг: стратегия, контент, производство, 2019 — с. 38
  4. Агаджанян Р. В. Лингвистические особенности эффективной профессиональной коммуникации в PR-дискурсе, 2023. — с. 510–515.
  5. Яковлева Е. В., Агаджанян Р. В. Много кодовая коммуникация и ее лингвистический профиль в материалах СМИ / Актуальные проблемы современной лингвистики и гуманитарных наук, 2020. — с. 199–205.
  6. Кеннеди Д. Умный маркетинг в жесткие времена, 2014.
  7. Моисеева Е.В. Эффективность телевизионной рекламы, 2005.
  8. Коновалова О.В. Информационные жанры телевидения, 1997.
  9. Феофанов О. А. Психологические механизмы рекламы, 1998.
  10. Волков А.В. Реклама как деятельность и социальный институт, 2006.
  11. Васильев Г. А., Поляков В. А., Романов А. А. Технологии производства рекламной продукции, 2018.
  12. Смирнова Ю.В. Реклама на телевидении, 2018.
  13. Ушанов П.В. Медиа рилейшнз: основные аспекты взаимодействия СМИ и public relations, 2018.
  14. Видеореклама — основной инструмент современного маркетинга: виды, функции и форматы.: [https://taketape.ru/blog/videoads],2024.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): USSR.

Ключевые слова

Effectiveness, brand, target audience, video advertising, product, video clip

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