The economic situation of Khorezm in the IX–XII centuries | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: История

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №24 (523) июнь 2024 г.

Дата публикации: 13.06.2024

Статья просмотрена: 4 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Раджабова, З. К. The economic situation of Khorezm in the IX–XII centuries / З. К. Раджабова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2024. — № 24 (523). — С. 424-425. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

In this article, the state of economic and social life and lifestyle of the population in Khorezm in the 9th-12th centuries are presented. The importance of trade relations and cities of Khorezm in foreign trade is mentioned.

Keywords: trade route, Gurang, China, Mongolia, geographic, artisan.

The state of the Khorezmshahs was a bureaucratic feudal state based on the unlimited power of the Khorezmshah and a powerful army. In its time, this country was not only with its military power, but also with its hardworking people, with its large cities that had a high culture for its time, with agriculture that reached a much higher level of production. It was also known for its geographically convenient trade routes and busy markets that always had foreign traders.

Studying historical sources, we can see that the state of the Khorezmshahs was worthy of great prestige and attention in the international arena.

On the eve of the Mongol invasion, Khorezm was visited by the famous Arab traveler and geographer Yaqut al-Khamavi. He wrote down valuable thoughts about the Khorezm state and its people in his multi-volume work «Geography encyclopedia».

“I think that there is no place in the world as wide and densely populated as the lands of Khorezm, moreover, in most places where the inhabitants are accustomed to a hard life and contentment with little things, there are markets, sad things and are cities with shops. It is rare to find a place without a market among populated areas. At the same time, general security and peace reign in these lands” [1].

The visit of an Arab tourist to the land of Khorezm and his description of it as above shows that the country of Khorezm was one of the prominent countries of the world, its cities were prosperous, its people were hardworking and its trade was flourishing.

The state of Khorezmshahs included a large area. According to historical sources, there were more than 400 cities on its territory. Yaqut al-Hamawi commented on the image of the cities of the Khorezm state: «In terms of the abundance of wealth and the size of the capital, the large number of inhabitants, closeness to goodness, and the fulfillment of religion and religious orders, there is probably no city in the world similar to the capital city of Khorezm». [2] says.

Gurganj, the capital of the Khorezm Shahs, was an incomparably beautiful and large city for its time. It was located on the banks of the Amudarya (Jayhun) and had a large population. The 13th-century Iranian historian al-Qazvini, who traveled to Gurganj, described Gurganj: «Gurganj is a city in paradise and a beautiful city that has attracted the attention of angels who describe the bride in the bridegroom's house» [2]. — he wrote.

Gurganj, which became the capital of the Khorezm state, developed and flourished with the strengthening of the kingdom. Gurganj flourished especially during the reign of Khorezmshahs Takash and Alovuddin Muhammad. Khorezmshahs paid great attention to the prospects of the capital of their country. They sponsored the development of handicrafts and the expansion of trade.

Al-Qazvini showed that Gurganj had all 50 types of basic handicrafts that existed in the world at that time, and the craftsmen of Gurganj had no equal in the world in terms of their skills.

Khorezmshahs understood that the role of trade in increasing the power of their country was great. That is why internal and external trade in the Khorezm state was widely developed, trade routes were strictly protected.

Gurganj merchants sold their goods to many countries of the world, and merchants from many foreign countries brought goods to Gurganj. Gurganj was also famous for its bazaars. There were dozens of bazaars in the city, which surprised people and tourists with their abundance of goods, the number of merchants and buyers, and their crowding.

It shows that Khorezm was one of the most developed countries in the world in the XI-XII centuries. The information given in historical sources about the architecture of cities, the development of science and culture in the Khorezm state confirms the above opinions.

A. Jenkinson, who was in Old Urganch in 1558, provides information about the production of bows, swords, spears and other weapons in Khorezm in the old traditional way [3].

Reports and diaries of Russian travelers and ambassadors of the 18th-19th centuries also contain some information about metal ore, stone mines and processing facilities in the oasis. This information will help to determine the history of the crafts of Khorezm during the Khorezmshahs-Anushtegins, Khorezm-Joji and Amir Temur and Timurids, its place and importance in the system of international cultural relations.

The changes that took place in the cultural life of the oasis at the beginning of the 12th-13th centuries were the traditional and gradual continuation of Khorezm's independence and strengthening of military power, political and economic growth during the previous Khorezmshahs-Ma'muni period. It is known from history that getting rid of the influence of the Seljuks created conditions for the rise of Khorezm.

From the time of Qutbuddin Muhammad (1097–1128) to the time of Alovuddin Muhammad (1200–1220), due to internal and external factors, economic life became active in a wide geographical area centered on the foothills of the Amudarya, cities grew, crafts and trade relations developed [4].

By the 12th century, the development of crafts in Khorezm reached a high level. In foreign trade, as in previous times, great importance was attached to relations with China, Mongolia, Movarunnahr, Iran, Iraq, Trans-Caucasus, Volga states (Bulgaria) and nomadic steppe tribes.

Khorezmshah Muhammad II conquered the countries of Central Asia and collected a lot of booty. This was a big factor in the growth of Khorezm craft industries.

It should be noted separately that the development of handicraft industries in Khorezm was strongly influenced by the developed irrigated agriculture. In the Middle Ages, 1.8 million people lived in the oasis. Land area was occupied by irrigated agriculture [5]. During this period, the developed areas expanded due to population growth. In the southern region of the oasis, the dense settlement of the population typical of the previous antiquity continued. Instead of the shallow and wide canals of ancient times, deep canals with relatively narrower canals appeared. A special device for releasing water into the deserts and hills located above the terrain — chutes was installed.


  1. С. П. Толстов. Қадимги Xоразм маданиятини излаб. Тошкeнт “Фан” 1964 й. — Б 152
  2. З. М. Бунятов Государство Xорзмшаxов-Ануштeгинидов. (1097–1231). Москва “Наука” 1986 г. — Б 167
  3. Дженкинсон Антонио. Путешествие в Среднюю Азию в 1558–1559 гг.С. 178.
  4. Вактурская Н. Н. О средневековых городах Хорезма. — МХЭ, вып. 7. М., 1963– С. 49–55.
  5. Ғуломов Я. Р. Хоразмнинг суғорилиш тарихи. — Тошкент: Фан, 1959.; — 81–83 б.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): XI-XII.

Ключевые слова

China, trade route, Gurang, Mongolia, geographic, artisan

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