Conducting lectures and practical classes in medical universities using modern methods | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №38 (537) сентябрь 2024 г.

Дата публикации: 23.09.2024

Статья просмотрена: 14 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Махсудов, В. Г. Conducting lectures and practical classes in medical universities using modern methods / В. Г. Махсудов. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2024. — № 38 (537). — С. 244-246. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

The article provides a brief overview of the use of interactive teaching methods in teaching medical sciences, teaching methods using modern pedagogical technologies that students must learn and apply in specific practical situations.

Keywords: problem learning, interactive learning, case studies, blister request, modeling, creative work.

It is related to the general trends of professional education reform and new requirements for the quality of training of specialists in higher education institutions. Currently, ongoing processes in the field of Medicine in our Republic and throughout the world determine the training of highly qualified medical personnel in various directions. It is important to know and take into account these features of higher education in improving and activating the educational process in higher education. It is necessary to restore the knowledge of the stereotypes of educational work formed in the school among students and to work with them with new skills and abilities of educational and cognitive activity.

In the conditions of modern market relations, there are different approaches to improving the quality of training students in a higher education institution. In addition, there was a need to create didactic conditions that change learning motivation for the better. The basis of the psychological theory of learning is the student's own active cognitive activity, which leads to the formation of creative thinking skills using the professional competencies acquired during the activity. One of the active methods of teaching in pedagogy is an interactive method, which means the ability to interact with something (for example, a computer) or someone (a person), or to be in a situation of conversation, dialogue.

Interactive methods mean methods that activate learners and encourage them to think independently, with the learner at the center of the educational process. When these methods are used, the teacher invites the learner to actively participate. The learner is involved throughout the process. The benefits of a learner-centered approach include [1]:

– study-study with higher educational efficiency;

– high motivation of the learner;

– consideration of previously acquired knowledge;

– aligning the educational process with the goals and needs of the learner;

– support of the learner's initiative and responsibility;

– learning by doing;

– creation of conditions for two-way feedback.

Thus, the use of interactive methods in the process of teaching subjects has its own characteristics. Careful study and practical application of each interactive method used in educational practice expands the thinking of students and has a positive effect on finding the right solution to the problem. Increases creativity and activity of students. When various theoretical and practical problems are analyzed through interactive methods, the expansion and deepening of students' knowledge, skills, and abilities is achieved.

It is clear from the above that it is necessary to properly analyze the methods of the Interactive method and classify them on this basis. Below we present general comments on this issue.

When classifying these methods, they can be divided into interactive methods, interactive method strategies, and interactive graphic organizers [2].

– Currently, the most popular interactive method methods are:

– Interactive methods: «Case-study» (or «Educational cases»), «Blist-survey», «Modeling», «Creative work», «Problematic education», etc.

– Interactive method strategies. «Brainstorming», «Boomerang», «Gallery», «Zig-zag», «Zinama-zina», «Muzyorar», «Rotastia», «Snow rounded», etc. In separating the strategies of the interactive method from the composition of the interactive methods, the approach to the organization of group work is based on the fact that in a certain sense it is compared to the strategic approach. In fact, these strategies are more related to the methods of the Interactive method, and there are no other differences between them.

– Interactive graphic organizers: «Fish skeleton», «BBB», «Conceptual table», «Venn diagram», «T-table», «Insert», «Cluster», «Why?», «How?» and b. The separation of interactive graphic organizers is based on the fact that the main ideas in such classes are expressed in written form in various graphic forms. In fact, working with these graphic organizers is more related to the methods of the Interactive method, and there are no other differences between them [3].

Interactive method methods are often used simultaneously with different forms of training technologies. The use of these methods increases the activity of training participants and improves educational efficiency. The interactive method may include: heuristic conversation, discussion method, brainstorming, roundtable method, business game method, etc. Of course, each of them has not only value, but also its own characteristics [4].

For example, heuristic conversation is a method that the Socratic method of learning is called «heuristic» (finding, discovering, searching). Due to the fact that heuristic conversation is perceived as a general thinking or conversation (as a search for an answer to a problem) due to its psychological nature, in pedagogy this method is a method of problem-based learning. As a method of discursive teaching, it is a specially programmed free discussion of the theoretical questions of the curriculum, which usually begins with a question. In addition, it is used in classrooms, seminars, practical training, practical and laboratory exercises in group forms, when students need to express themselves [5].

Sometimes lectures-discussions are also rehearsed, during the presentation of the material, the speaker addresses the audience with specific questions that require short and quick question-and-answers. It is not possible to discuss in the full sense of the lecture, but the question that caused several different answers from the audience at the same time already creates the psychological atmosphere of collective thinking and the readiness to listen carefully to the arguments of the teacher who answers the discussion question, takes into account the current situation. The brainstorming method is widely used as a teaching method in educational institutions. The essence of the method is to search for an answer to any complex problem through intensive statements of all kinds of ideas, assumptions and suggestions that come to mind by experts. In addition, the «Golden rule» of brainstorming is one thing — do not question or criticize anything said by the participants of the conversation, but allow complete freedom to express any opinion.

As for the «round table» method, it was adopted by pedagogues in the field of politics and science. As a rule, they are organized by representatives of different fields of science to discuss the problem. In teaching, the «round table» method is mainly used in order to increase the effectiveness of their mastering by considering theoretical problems in various scientific aspects with the participation of experts from various fields of activity. The «business game» method deserves special attention, it is used in research work and others. The business game method as a teaching method consists of modeling the learning process of the activity situation that needs to be taught to teach students. Future specialists are required to have relevant professional functions on models and not on real objects.

The task of the professor-teacher is to guide and summarize the student's work, to point out mistakes in the process of completing tasks. In modern conditions, it is difficult to imagine a person's social entry into life without education and upbringing. A person's own activity is of great importance. A person's activity and pursuit of personal development ultimately determines his development.


  1. Maksudov V. G. Integration of theoretical and practical knowledge in laboratory training. — Tashkent: Pedagogy, 2016, No. 6. p. 84–88.
  2. Махсудов В. Г. Ещё раз о задачах по физике. Austria, Vienna: European journal of education and applied psychology, 2016.
  3. Maksudov V. G. Improving the methodology of teaching the «Mechanical Vibrations» department of physics in medical institutions of higher education. — Tashkent: UzkSNMU, 2021. -144 p.
  4. Maksudov V. G. Improvement of methodological bases of teaching «Mechanical vibrations» in higher educational institutions. Dissertation. — Tashkent: UzMU library, 2018. -156 p.
  5. Огольцова Е.Г, Хмельницкая О. М., «Формирование обучения как средство развития познавательной деятельности студентов» // Развитие качества высшего профессионального образования в современных условиях. Материалы региональной научно-практической конференции. — 2009 г. — C. 129–133.

Ключевые слова

modeling, interactive learning, creative work, problem learning, case studies, blister request

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