Children with special educational needs: inclusive education | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №43 (542) октябрь 2024 г.

Дата публикации: 27.10.2024

Статья просмотрена: 10 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Ивашина, Т. В. Children with special educational needs: inclusive education / Т. В. Ивашина. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2024. — № 43 (542). — С. 307-309. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

This article discusses the problem of the formation of inclusive education. Special attention is paid to the regulatory framework for the education of a child with disabilities. Views are presented on the formation of the modern educational process in Russia. The necessary conditions for the successful education of a child with special educational needs are highlighted.

Keywords: adaptation, adapted educational program, children with disabilities, individual route, inclusion, digital educational space, special educational needs, tutor.

Currently, inclusion is being actively introduced into general education schools and children with special educational needs study together with normally developing peers. Inclusion is based on the ideas of a single educational space for students with special educational needs and for children without developmental disabilities (mental or physical), in which there are various educational routes for certain students [2, p. 112].

Children with special educational needs are a heterogeneous group, as it includes children with various (mental or physical) disabilities. These are children with impaired auditory, visual functions, speech disorders, musculoskeletal system, intellectual disability, mental retardation, severe disorders of the emotional and volitional sphere, autistic spectrum disorders, as well as children with complex developmental disorders [3, p. 24]. A special federal state educational standard (FSES for students with disabilities) has been created for such children, which presents the requirements for the assimilation of adapted educational programs within the framework of general education. This standard describes each adapted program, that is, what subjects a particular category of children should have, what knowledge and skills they should acquire while studying under this program.

An inclusive educational space, according to I. N. Simaeva, V. V. Khitryuk, is defined as «an integrative unit of social space represented by a system of structural components and blocks defining the specifics of its content, in which educational and interpersonal relations are implemented in a format accessible to each participant, opportunities for personal and social development, socialization, self-development and self-change». It has both general characteristics: organization, length in time and space, content and structure, and specific ones: accessibility, polysubjectivity, variability (meaningful, temporary, organizational) [5, p. 32].

For children with special educational needs studying in mass schools, not just safe conditions for successful learning and socialization should be created, but conditions within the digital educational space. The technology industry offers various modifications of keyboards and manipulators for people with disabilities of the musculoskeletal system, tactile and audio displays for blind users, Braille monitors, specialized mice for people with hearing and speech impairments. The 3D printing industry is actively used in typhlotechnics. And the latest technology is tactile holograms to create three–dimensional objects that are tangible to the touch.

It should be noted that today in educational organizations, including specialized educational institutions, teachers create a special educational environment through the use of information and communication technologies, including digital educational resources, distance learning, the use of special educational platforms and portals, etc.

Also, an important point in the organization of an inclusive educational space is the direct interaction of specialists with the parents of a child with disabilities, with the parents of children without developmental disabilities studying in the same class, because it is in the family that the child learns certain behavioral skills, ideas about himself and others, about the world as a whole [6].

In accordance with their professional training and responsibilities, specialists carry out the following types of activities: advisory, educational, correctional and developmental, preventive, educational, etc. At the same time, the activities of all specialists working in an educational institution implementing inclusive practice acquire their own specifics, as well as this group of specialists is related to the development and implementation of a correctional work program as part of the basic general education program in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of a new generation, an individual educational program (plan) for a child with special educational needs [4, p. 22].

An analysis of foreign and domestic practice shows that children with special educational needs require special care and attention from adults, and a subject teacher cannot pay sufficient attention to each student during the lesson and extracurricular activities. The participation of a tutor in the educational process can make it more effective. A tutor, or a teacher's assistant, is a specialist who directly accompanies a child with an OOP during the school day — in classes (frontal and individual), during recess and when performing certain routine moments. [4, p. 26].

Thus, the formation of an inclusive space is based on the availability of the necessary regulatory and legal documents, methodological base, psychological and pedagogical support specialists in general education schools, as well as on the interaction of specialists with parents and with each other. Thanks to this, a child with special educational needs will feel comfortable in the team, and the socialization of such a child will be much more successful.


  1. Batalov A. S. Functioning of the speech therapy service in the inclusive space of an educational institution during the transition of primary schools to the educational standards of a new generation // Bulletin of the M. A. Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities. The series «Pedagogy and psychology». — 2009. — No. 2. — pp. 55–59.
  2. Kozyreva O. A. Creation of an inclusive educational environment as a socio-pedagogical problem // Bulletin of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University — 2014. — № 1 (142). — Pp. 112–115.
  3. Malofeev N. N., Goncharova E. L., Nikolskaya O. S., Kukushkina O. I. Special federal state standard of general education for children with disabilities: the main provisions of the concept // Defectology. — 2009. — No. 1.- pp. 5–19.
  4. Samsonova E. V. Organization of special educational conditions for children with disabilities in general education institutions: Methodological recommendations. / Ed. Alyokhina S. V., Arkelian A. S., Dmitrieva T. P., Sabelnikova S. I., Semago M.: MGPPU, 2012. — 92 p.
  5. Simaeva I. N., Khitryuk V. V. Inclusive educational space // Bulletin of the Baltic Federal University named after I. Kant. — 2014. — No.5. pp. 31–39. 6
  6. . Solodyankina O. V. Education of a child with disabilities in the family. / M.: ARKTI. — 2007. — 80 p.
  7. Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 «On Education in the Russian Federation».
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ARKTI, FSES, MGPPU, OOP.

Ключевые слова

children with disabilities, adaptation, inclusion, special educational needs, adapted educational program, individual route, digital educational space, tutor

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