Development of professional knowledge in foreign languages of medical institute students based on wiki technology | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №44 (543) ноябрь 2024 г.

Дата публикации: 04.11.2024

Статья просмотрена: 8 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Анваров, А. У. Development of professional knowledge in foreign languages of medical institute students based on wiki technology / А. У. Анваров. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2024. — № 44 (543). — С. 305-307. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

The article is devoted to the study of the didactic properties and functions of the wiki service, which is popular among foreign language teachers today. The ways of integrating this technology into the educational process for the development of writing skills, the organization of autonomous work of students, the creation of creative project work, etc. are considered.

Keywords : wiki technology, main component, modern education system, communication technologies, educational process, critical thinking.

Over the past few years, the development of information and communication technologies, as well as their use in the educational process, especially in English lessons, have led to changes in the education system.

These changes affected not only the structure, methodology and technology of the educational process, but also its strategic orientation.

The main goal of the modern education system, from school to higher education, is to provide quality education to the younger generation.

Repetition of the knowledge gained at the moment is no longer enough to develop independent critical thinking. Students need active cognitive, positive and independent activities. Therefore, the main emphasis in the development of pedagogical technologies is on teaching students to independently search for necessary information, identify problems and find ways to solve them, critically analyze and practically apply the knowledge gained. Wiki technology is one of the main components of Web 2.0. This technology has a unique potential for enriching and expanding forms of educational interaction through the social Internet and involving students in the process of independent learning.

Wiki technology, written in PHP [1] language, allows any user to edit the text of the site — write, make changes, delete, create links to new articles. Wiki is a freely distributed tool for the collective creation and editing, storage, structuring of hypertext, which helps to easily link pages or fragments of a database [2].

The term wiki (derived from the Hawaiian word wikiwiki “fast fast») was first used by W. Cunningham to describe the concept of a wikiwiki web environment for fast hypertext interaction. The first wiki site, which appeared in 1995, was the Portland Sample Repository, created by W. Cunningham. An example of using this technology is the online encyclopedia Wikipedia (, which Tim O'Reilly described as built «around the implausible idea that an encyclopedic article can be added by one user and edited by another» [3]. At That time American journalist Brian Lamb said that Wiki is already contributing to higher education, it can be used to solve absolutely any academic task [4].

Hypertext technologies help to formulate thoughts, and presentation technologies help to present them. When creating a presentation, the designer takes care first of all about how the existing content will look on the screen. At the same time, the designer really fully controls the appearance of the document on the screen. Font type, font size, and font color. When creating a web document, at least for HTML markup, the author may not particularly attach importance to this, since the reader always has a higher priority and can tell the browser how he wants to see the document on the screen. The purpose of the presentation is to make a message, convey information to listeners and viewers, influence them in a certain way, influence viewers and their choices. The content of the presentation is a value that we convey and transfer to the consciousness of the listeners. The purpose of hypertext is to establish and maintain various connections between different elements. In this regard, hypertext is always a network, not a hierarchy; a repository of texts and thoughts, not a message.

The wiki implements a radical model of collective hypertext, when the ability to create and edit any entry is provided to each member of the online community. This difference makes wiki the most promising tool for collective writing of hypertexts, a modern “electronic board” on which an entire group can write.

Thus, with the help of this technology, the user can:

— edit site/text pages directly in a web browser;

— maintain the relevance of hyperlinks between pages of the site/text;

— use simplified markup for text instead of HTML;

— store all changes that have occurred to wiki articles since their creation

Despite the fact that wiki technology was developed more than a decade ago, it still has not taken its proper place in educational practice [5] either as a research method or as a teaching method. However, the popularity of the wiki has attracted the attention of enthusiastic teachers, who see this technology as an opportunity not only to facilitate communication, but also to facilitate the process of searching, structuring and sharing knowledge [6].

Wiki allows you to master a very special culture of writing non-linear electronic documents, which is very poorly developed today. This concept promotes the development of learning in collaboration (cooperative learning, project-based learning, problem-based learning also belong to this category), stimulates communication and group work, facilitates the exchange of knowledge and experience, promotes the establishment of a spirit of cooperation rather than competition, since the radical model of collective hypertext implemented on the basis of this technology provides the opportunity to create and edit any record to each of the members of the online community: «Wiki creates a special space that teaches students how to work in a group, how to create virtual communities, how to act in a world where the accumulation of knowledge and information is increasingly becoming a collective matter» [7].

The most common pedagogical application of wiki today is the use of technology to develop writing skills. Wiki ideally serves as a tool for improving writing due to the fact that students are provided with additional opportunities for reflection, verification, publication and analysis of the creative process at all its stages. The attractiveness of this technology also lies in the fact that it best contributes, due to a number of didactic properties, to the organization of autonomous work of students: «Using a wiki, a teacher can set a direction or initiate a discussion, but the technology works more effectively when students have conscious autonomy over the process. This does not mean at all that an authoritative opinion cannot be present in the wiki, but it can undermine the effectiveness of this tool». [8] B. Lam also notes the five main advantages of using wiki technology to develop writing skills:

— stimulates the written expression of thoughts;

— provides a low-budget and effective tool for teamwork;

— promotes a more attentive attitude to the text — additional verification, editing and reference to previously completed work;

— focuses on writing as a process rather than creating the final product;

— allows students to find a readership [9].

This social service can also be used in pedagogical practice for the presentation, expansion and annotation of educational materials; joint creation of virtual excursions by students; group creation of creative works — essays, projects; joint creation of teachers' and students' encyclopedias; professional communication between teachers and students and improvement of their professional competence.

E. Tonikin identifies four types of educational wikis:

— Individual wikis where the user saves and edits their thoughts;

— laboratory wikis that allow you to keep current records, as well as provide additional opportunities for peer review and editing by classmates;

— wiki for group writing;

— group repositories of knowledge [10].

Thus, this social service has a unique range of didactic properties that allow you to create and store educational databases and materials (educational sites, encyclopedias, curricula, annotated bibliographies, etc.); organize joint work on collective web projects; hold discussions with specialists from domestic and foreign universities; organize network seminars or webinars; administer the learning process, etc.


  1. Patarakin E. D. Social services Web 2.0. to help the teacher: Practice. manual. M., 2007.
  2. Chao J. Student Project Collaboration Using Wikis // Proceedings of the 20th Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training. Dublin, 2007
  3. Bowen J. Wiki Software and Facilities for Museums. 2008. URL: http://
  4. Кошеляева Е. Д. Методика развития социокультурных умений студентов посредством социального сервиса вики: Автореф. дисс. … канд. пед. наук. М., 2010.
  5. Doyle B. When to Wiki, When to Blog. 2006. URL: Articles/ArticlePrint.aspx? ArticleID=16900
  6. Duffy P., Bruns A. The Use of Blogs, Wikis and RSS in Education: a Conversation of Possibilities // Proceedings Online Learning and Teaching Conference. Brisbane. 2006. URL: gen/static/papers/Duffy_OLT2006_paper.pdf
  7. Evans P. The Wiki Factor. 2006. URL: Archives/JanFeb06/p28–33.pdf
  8. Richardson W. Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts and Other Powerful Webtools for Classroom. Corwin Company, California, 2010
  9. Schaffert S., Bischof D., Buerger T. et al. Learning with Semantic Wikis // Proceedings of the First Workshop on Semantic Wikis — From Wiki to Semantics. Budva, 2006. URL: Schaffert06_SemWikiLearning.pdf
  10. Schwartz L., Clark S., Cossarin M., Rudolph J. Educational Wikis: Features and Selection Criteria // International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning. 2004. Vol. 5. N 1. URL: php/irrodl/article/view/163/692.
  11. Анваров, А. (2022). Modern requirements for teachers of foreign languages to improve professional skills and personal qualities. Общество и инновации, 3(2/S), 300–303.
  12. Anvarov, A. U. (2021). The role of information technologies in the study of foreign languages. Young scientist, 14, 356.
  13. Анваров, А. У. (2021). Роль информационных технологий в изучении иностранных языков. Молодой ученый, (14), 115–117.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): URL, HTML, PHP, RSS.

Ключевые слова

educational process, critical thinking, wiki technology, main component, modern education system, communication technologies

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