The composition of the field of linguistic terminology in the dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Филология, лингвистика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №48 (547) ноябрь 2024 г.

Дата публикации: 30.11.2024

Статья просмотрена: 13 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Зубкова, В. В. The composition of the field of linguistic terminology in the dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov / В. В. Зубкова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2024. — № 48 (547). — С. 51-52. — URL: (дата обращения: 07.03.2025).

The article examines the linguistic terminology, which is presented in the dictionary of S. I. Оzhegov. The article considers the commonly used and special vocabulary presented in the dictionary, the features of the litter and the structure of the dictionary entry by the dictionary. The author also speaks about the unambiguity of narrow terms and provides examples.

Keywords: linguistics, dictionary, terminology, S. I. Оzhegov.

Any science is characterized by its own lexicographic coverage of the terminological apparatus. However, professional concepts are often interpreted in classical explanatory dictionaries, which are used not only by scientists, but also by ordinary people, while most of the highly specialized lexemes do not fall here, as a rule. It is important for us to consider the composition of the field of linguistic terminology in non-branch dictionaries in order to understand which part of scientific concepts is available to schoolchildren and elementary students who are only in the process of studying linguistics.

For the analysis, we used the «Dictionary of the Russian language» by S. I. Ozhegov. This source is a normative dictionary of common vocabulary. In the Preface, the compilers write the following:: «The dictionary entry includes an interpretation of the meaning, a description of the structure of a polysemous word, usage examples, information about the compatibility of the word, grammatical and accentological (if necessary, also orthoepic) characteristics of the word». Therefore, we note at once that we will not find the etymology of words, as we were convinced in the process of studying the composition dictionary entries. [2]

About 160 linguistic terms were found in the dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov, their selection is a painstaking task that took quite a lot of time. When separating them from the bulk of the lexemes, we relied on the dictionary of O. S. Akhmanova, since it is one of the most popular scientific lexicographic sources. It is worth noting that among the terms we found, there are both commonly used and highly specialized ones. By commonly used, or, better to say, interscientific, we will understand these names of basic concepts common to a certain complex of sciences. There are no special marks that indicate that the definition belongs to a particular field in the submitted dictionary, however, in the very interpretation of each scientific concept proper there is a reference «in linguistics», «in grammar», etc. For example:

ANTONYMY, -and, J. In linguistics: the relations existing between antonyms. II adj. the antonymic, -th, -th. [3, с.28]

ABBREVIATION, -s, g. In word formation: a noun formed from truncated segments of words (e.g., executive committee, Komsomol), from the same segments in combination with the whole word (e.g., maternity hospital, spare parts), as well as from the initial sounds of words or the names of their initial letters (e.g., university, PBX, Moscow Art Theater, computer, SLE), a compound word. II adj. abbreviated, -th,-th. [3, с. 45]

The presence of highly professional terms is undoubtedly the advantage of this source, since such narrow and proper linguistic definitions are not so often found in ordinary explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language, because, as a rule, definitions are given there to those words that a person uses most often in speech. Although commonly used terms benefit in their quantitative composition, which is not surprising, because in the comments from the compilers we were clearly told which tokens are represented here.

It is important that some terms still have a special mark, however, there is no indication of belonging to a particular science. For example:

TOPONYM, -a, M. (spec.). The proper name of a particular geographical place (locality, rivers, lands, etc. [3, с. 953]

If we look at the conventional abbreviations, the list of which is presented in the dictionary, we will not find any marks that would help us attribute this or that word to linguistics and its levels.

The dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov contains linguistic terms that cover all levels of the language. When determining whether a particular term belongs to a certain area of linguistics, it is useful to refer to references in the definition text, for example, as in the previously mentioned definition of an abbreviation (reference «in word formation»).

Of course, the differentiation of linguistic terms in this dictionary into highly professional and commonly used ones requires more detailed study, involving modern works and scientific dictionaries, since the boundaries between highly specialized and commonly used terms are changeable. There is a constant movement of some highly specialized words into common ones, which may no longer be recognized by non-specialists as terminological (although they remain terms in one or another special area, in one or another terminological system).

The next thing you should pay attention to is unambiguity and ambiguity. It is generally believed that highly specialized terms belonging to a certain field of human activity are always unambiguous, since, according to D. S. Lotte, these concepts are members of one specific terminological system, therefore, they can be used in isolation, without requiring context. [1, с. 30]

For example:

SEMASIOLOGY, -and, g. The section of linguistics dealing with the meanings of linguistic units. II adj. semasiological, -th, -th. [3, с. 947]

This definition has only one meaning, and the phrase «section of linguistics» makes us understand that this is a highly specialized term, since it is one of the parts of science. Many lexicographers say that if a word has many meanings, then the special meaning should come first. However, S. I. Ozhegov does not adhere to such a rule when compiling his dictionary entries. So in the interpretation of the basis, the meaning with the reference «in grammar» is already in fifth place.

THE BASE, -s, w. 1. The supporting part of the object; the skeleton. Reinforced concrete structure structure. 2. The source, the main thing, on which something is built, which is the essence of something. Economic policy of the society. 3. mm. The initial, main provisions of what-n. Fundamentals of economic knowledge. Fundamentals of morality. 4. Longitudinal threads of fabric intertwined with a weft (spec.). 5. In grammar: the entire part of the word before the end. Non-derivative of O. (equal to the root). The derivative of O.(the root along with the suffixes). * On the basis of what, in the meaning of the preposition from the genus. p. -based on what-n., in accordance with what-n., having what-n. as a starting point. Act on the basis of the instructions. To be at the heart of something is to be the main thing, the main thing in something. To base what, to take as a basis what — to use as the main thing, the main thing. II adj. basic, -th,-th (to 4 and 5 digits). [3, с. 534]

In addition, speaking about the unambiguity of terms, in this case we will need a context to understand exactly what interpretation of the basis we are talking about, how we understand this word. Which already gives us the right to attribute this definition to the commonly used one.

Thus, we can conclude that, indeed, in the dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov there is a significant amount of linguistic terminology, both commonly used and narrower. It will be interesting to compare this source with more modern explanatory dictionaries in order to trace the dynamics in the composition of the terminological system of linguistics. In addition, as mentioned earlier, it is the differentiation of terms into common and highly specialized ones that deserves special attention, since quite a long time has passed since the publication of the first dictionary of S. I. Ozhegova, there have been many changes in the language. In general, this lexicographic source gives us a huge layer for studying linguistic terminology. We can say about the value of this dictionary for both a scientist and a student, since it contains all the basic, basic concepts of linguistics that form the basis of the idea of language and its components.


  1. Barkhudarov L. S. Language and translation: Issues of general and particular theory of translation — 2nd ed. — M.: LKI, 2008. — p. 30.
  2. Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary. — M.: The Soviet Encyclopedia, edited by V. N. Yartsev. 1990.
  3. Ozhegov, S. I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language / S. I. Ozhegov, N. Y. Shvedova. — M.: Azbukovnik, 2000. — p. 28.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ABBREVIATION, ANTONYMY, BASE, LKI, PBX, SEMASIOLOGY, SLE, THE, TOPONYM.

Ключевые слова

linguistics, dictionary, terminology, S. I. Оzhegov

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