High lag for the «Green Kazakhstan» project | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Нурлыбаев, Р. Е. High lag for the «Green Kazakhstan» project / Р. Е. Нурлыбаев, А. А. Бек, А. А. Ашимова, М. Б. Нурпеисова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2024. — № 48 (547). — С. Т.1. 39-43. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/547/119802/ (дата обращения: 07.03.2025).

Article examines the main trends in the implementation of the Green Kazakhstan project and the Concept of our state's transition to this economy.

Keywords: green Kazakhstan, sustainable development, mining and metallurgical complex, production waste, processing, new technologies, building materials.

В статье рассмотреныосновные тенденции реализации проекта «Зеленый Казахстан» и концепция перехода нашего государства к управлению отходами производства.

Ключевые слова: зеленый Казахстан, устойчивое развитие, горно-металлургический комплекс, отходы производств, переработка, новая технология, строительные материалы.

Introduction. «Green» does not mean the spring color of awakening nature, «green» is not a reminder of the national currency of the United States, casually called «green» by the people. Here, it seems, everything comes together — it means young. In fact, the «green» economy deserves other definitions, more responsible and balanced in spiritual and moral terms: clean, like a newborn child, wise, like a mature and useful scientist for society, and finally, its main advantage is seen in the fact that it is the most reliable friend and partner of the environment.

«Green Kazakhstan» basically raises issues of efficient use of natural resources and improving the well-being of citizens through diversifying economy, creating new jobs, including: improving air quality, effective management of production and consumption waste, increasing the area of green spaces, instilling careful attitudes towards nature and wildlife, as well as modernization of ecological consciousness of the population [1].

The maincontent. By destroying the environment, modern society is destroying its own future. To ensure environmentally sustainable future, we first need:

— monitoring the state of the natural environment;

— regulation and prevention of industrial emissions;

— development and implementation of waste-free and resource-saving technologies.

According to the «Green Kazakhstan» Project, the key direction of economic development in the republic is to improve management system of technogenic mineral formations (TMF).

On the territory of the Republic, according to the State Cadastre, about 30 billion tons are stored in dumps, tailings ponds and storage tanks of mining enterprises. industrial waste, including: 72 % — dump rocks of overburden and substandard ores, 20 % — dump tailings, 8 % — other waste. With annual output of industrial waste of 1 billion tons no more than 100 million tons are usefully used. The rest pollutes the environment, gradually accumulating in it.

According to the bodies of State Control and Supervision of Natural Resources, share of waste used in the republic is 18–20 %. For example, in 2007, the percentage of waste utilization was 16 %, in 2008–18.98 %, and in 2009. — 20 %. However, this figure in the recent past in the industry of the former USSR was 29 %. It remains extremely low compared to world practice. In Western Europe (France, Germany, Italy, England) this figure is up to 58 %, in North America (USA, Canada) — up to 63 %, in Japan — up to 87 %, China — up to 37 % [2].

Thus, accumulated waste is, on the one hand, the main environmental pollutant, and on the other hand, it represents valuable products that are potentially suitable for processing and reuse to produce commercial products with high added value. The main reason for progressive accumulation of waste in the country is the raw material orientation of our economy.

Currently, more than 22 billion tons of solid waste have been accumulated at 450 landfills in the country (Figure 1).

Fig. 1. Main indicators of solid waste accumulated in the Republic by 2024

Purpose of the work is to consider possibility of integrated use of TMF in areas where mining waste is located based on their integrated use as secondary raw materials. Integrated use of raw materials and industrial products progress of metallurgical, mining and construction enterprises is pressing problem not only in Kazakhstan, but also in any economically developed state. As practice has shown, waste from these particular industries is produced in small quantities and poses a serious economic threat. In these conditions, problem of environmentally rational use of industrial waste as secondary raw materials and development of scientific principles in the creation of new technological regulations for production of marketable products from industrial household waste becomes particularly acute. Thus, the introduction of environmentally friendly technology to produce building materials based on waste from mining and metallurgical complex is relevant for Kazakhstan.

To develop and implement effective environmental protection measures for waste management, it is necessary to have reliable information about their impact on natural ecosystems: surface, groundwater, air and land disturbance on an industry scale with increasing production volumes. The summarized materials will make it possible to obtain objective information about state of ecosystems in the region under study and to outline priority environmental protection measures, implementation of which will help reduce harmful impact on environment.

Intensification in this direction involves use of industrial waste instead of primary natural resources to reduce cost of building materials Project [3]. In this direction, Satbayev University employees are conducting a large amount of research on production of building materials based on ash and slag waste.

Purpose of the work is to consider possibility of integrated use of TMF in areas where mining waste is located based on their integrated use as secondary raw materials.

Job objectives:

— surveying of solid waste to create cadastral maps and determine their actual volumes;

— sampling of solid waste to study their composition with the participation of the customer;

— conducting research on solid waste in order to determine the direction of their disposal;

— improvement and implementation of technologies for the development of solid waste with complex extraction of valuable components.

— development of technology for producing effective building materials, such as: obtaining a silica component to produce р ortland cement; production of cinder blocks; production of cellular concrete; obtaining decorative and facing building materials; creation of foundations for highways .

By burning coal, thermal power plants receive thermal energy and generate electricity. Negative side of this process is formation of by-products of coal combustion — fly ash and slag [4].

Composition of ash and slag material was determined by quantitative ratio of its constituent minerals, which depend on mineralogical composition of original part of fuel. On the X-ray diffractometer DRON-3, X-ray diffraction pattern of the CHP-3 ash was obtained, which is shown in Fig. 2, а ) and b ).

Fig. 2, а ) X-ray ash CHP-3and b )мicrophotograph of ash fractions

As a result of the interpretation of this X-ray diffraction pattern, the following minerals were identified in the following amounts, in % of the crystalline phase: hematite - 12.1 %, quartz

— 32.4 %, sillimanite — 25.9 %, mullite — 29.6 %.

On fig. 2, b) shows electromicroscopic image of fly ash, from which one can see:

— that particles are spherical, vitreous and hollow, ranging in size from 1 µm to 50 µm;

— that large particles contain smaller spherical particles in their cavities (shown by arrow);

— that on the surface of large particles there are, as a rule, tightly «glued» tiny granular balls.

One of the main indicators of raw materials is their granulometric composition. Granulometric composition of the Ekibastuz SDPP by fractions is distributed as follows: up to 0.5 mm — 0.14 %; 0.45 mm — 2.26 %; 0.25 mm — 3.6 %; 0.1 mm — 25.8 %; 0.09 mm — 0.84 %; 0.08 mm — 12.12 %; 0.06 mm — 4.5 %; 0.05 mm — 21.46 %; 0.045 mm — 21.38 %; 0.04 mm — 7.9 %. In this case, piercing loss (LPP) is about 3 % [7]. Table shows distribution of phase composition of fly ash depending on its fractional composition.

Table 1

Distribution of phase composition of fly ash depending on its fractional composition

Grid number sieves

Particle size, µm

Fraction maintenance on a sieve, %

Distribution of phase composition depending on fraction, %


α- quartz



glass phase (occupied area, сm 2 )



































































Analysis of chemical composition of Ekibastuz ash gives idea of composition of mineral substances of coal, which is necessary to resolve issue of possibility of using it in various sectors of national economy. Data obtained indicate that ash and slag wastes belong to acidic type of ash. Acid ash has unstable chemical composition. They also do not have independent astringent properties, but when hardening intensifiers are added, they become astringent. Conducted studies confirmed production of ash-containing binder in the following content of ingredients, wt. %: Portland cement — 70–30, fly ash — 30–70, NeoLit-400 superplasticizer (top) — 0.3 %.

Invention relates to building materials and can be used as inorganic binder with a mineral additive in production of Portland ash cement from acid ash from thermal power plants [5, 6].

Thus, the processing and disposal of mining and metallurgical waste into construction materials is aimed at solving technological, environmental, social and economic problems in regions with developed mining and metallurgical industries. The development of technologies for the production of building materials based on technogenic waste, contributing to the development of the industrial and innovative potential of the state, careful attitude towards natural resources and the environment, should be considered as the most important scientific and practical task, the solution of which is directly related to environmental safety when disposing of billions of tons of waste in industrial regions [7].

Conclusions. Thus, it can be argued that utilization of technogenic waste from mining and metallurgical industries into construction materials is aimed at solving environmental and social problems in regions with developed mining and metallurgical industries. Rational organization of waste recycling process in combination with efficient modern equipment makes it possible to obtain products from secondary raw materials at a cost 2–2,5 times lower than for similar products from primary raw materials, with comparable product quality.

Acknowledgments. This study was carried out within framework of grant funding from the Ministry of Science and of Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan BR21882292 — «Integrated development of sustainable construction industries: innovative technologies, production optimization, effective use of resources and creation of technological park».


  1. National project «Green Kazakhstan» Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 12, 2021 № 73.
  2. Kuldeev E. I. Prospects for processing technogenic waste for the production of building materials / Kuldeev E. I., Nurpeissova M. B., Vek A. A., Ashimova A. A. // Mining Journal of Kazakhstan No. 1, 2023.-B.57–64. ISSN 2227–4766.
  3. BR21882292 — «Integrated development of sustainable construction industries: innovative technologies, production optimization, effective use of resources and creation of technological park».
  4. А.Ashimova, E. Y. Kyldeyev, М.B Nurpeisova. Processing of ash and slag waste from thermal power plants with production of building materials// the 18th International Congress for Mine Surveying in Xuzhou, China from October 24th till October 29th 2023 China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing).рр.248–252.
  5. Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 8579 for the utility model «Method for producing ash-containing binder» (authors: Kuldeev E. I., Nurpeisova M. B., Estemesov Z. A., Lozinsky V. G., Bek A. A., Ashimova A. A.). dated October 27, 2023.
  6. Patent No. 8580 of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the utility model «Composition and method of producing non-autoclaved ash concrete (authors: Kuldeev E. I., Nurpeisova M. B., Estemesov Z. A., Lozinsky V. G., Bek A. A., Ashimova A..A) from October 27, 2023/
  7. Kuldeyev E. I., Nurpeisova М. B., FedorovE. V., Аshimova А. А. Study of aggloporite producibility from the ekibaztuz coal ashes//Eurasian Mining, 2023 № 2 pp. 85–88
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): TMF, ISSN, LPP, SDPP, USA, USSR.

Ключевые слова

sustainable development, Processing, new technologies, building materials, green Kazakhstan, mining and metallurgical complex, production waste

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