Specificity of primary school students’ foreign language oral speech development | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №50 (549) декабрь 2024 г.

Дата публикации: 11.12.2024

Статья просмотрена: 8 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Давлетова, А. Д. Specificity of primary school students’ foreign language oral speech development / А. Д. Давлетова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2024. — № 50 (549). — С. 489-491. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/549/120458/ (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

The scientific work focuses on exploring the specificity of primary schoolchildren's oral speech skills development in foreign language classes. As it is well known, the English language holds a significant position in the global arena and is widely used in various industry fields. This fact elevates the problem of the development of oral English skills at primary school as an essential and relevant aspect of education. It is crucial to recognize that the quality of learning received during elementary school lays the foundation for the future academic, professional and personal growth of school students, emphasizing the enhancement of oral speech skills as a leading component of the communicative competence of future specialists.

Keywords: young learners, primary school students, oral speech communication, methodological techniques, language acquisition, early childhood education, classroom activities.

One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way.

Frank Smith

In recent decades, mastering foreign languages has become an essential element of the modern education system in Kazakhstan. It is not just a valuable skill; it is a window to a world of diverse cultures, global opportunities and engagement, a bridge to mutual understanding and a tool for navigating the diverse path throughout our interconnected planet. Various innovative programs and concepts have been introduced with the aim of enhancing and updating the teaching of foreign languages at schools. As a result, there has been an enhancement in the quality of foreign language education. It has been underscored in the Concept of Language Policy Development in the Republic of Kazakhstan the importance of studying a foreign language at an early age [1]. The ability to communicate in a foreign language offers profound insights into different aspects of our lives, traditions and worldviews. Beyond the interpersonal benefits, learning foreign languages equips students with cognitive advantages, enabling them to become more adaptable problem solvers and critical thinkers to the modern realities of our time and generation. In other words, proficiency in foreign languages is a passport to the international stage, opening doors to varied career possibilities and raising a sense of global citizenship. Early foreign language education, in particular, grants an advantage that can shape the direction of a young learner’s life, offering the capability to speak, connect and think like a native speaker.

Based on the above relevance on teaching foreign languages, we can add that there is a constant worldwide ongoing process of searсhing and self-improvement of the most popular and effective methodological techniques and various approaches in achieving the goal of competence in learning foreign languages. One of these approaches is emphasizing oral speech communication development in foreign language classes for primary school students [2].

Understanding these aspects is vital for teachers and educators to create a supportive and age-appropriate oral communication atmosphere for students, especially when teaching them oral speech in English lessons.

Developing oral speech skills for primary school students is a key element for building a strong foundation for language acquisition [8]. Here are some practical teaching strategies specifically tailored for this context:

  1. Storytelling: share stories suitable for the student’s age in the target language. Motivate students to retell the story, enhancing their speaking and listening abilities.
  2. Role-playing and dialogues: arrange role-playing scenarios and dialogues that simulate situations in real life, allowing students to practice their conversational skills.
  3. Language buddies: match students to be language companions. This enables them to practice speaking together, which results in acquiring new words, and phrases and in general developing team interaction.
  4. Guest Speakers. Invite native speakers or language experts to engage with students, providing authentic language exposure to real–world conversations in the target language [9].

These exercises focus on different aspects of oral speech development and can be adapted to suit the specific needs and proficiency levels of primary school students. Consistent practice of these activities can significantly boost their oral communication skills [10].

The given comprehensive exploration of the significance of oral speech development in primary school foreign language education implies that fostering these essential skills not only enriches the educational journey of young learners but also holds the promise of a brighter and more interconnected future. The key aspect of this work is that emphasizing oral speech development is essential for the development of effective communication skills, bolstering academic achievement and significantly cultivating lifelong foreign language learning and the rich window shade of global cultures. It equips young learners with a universal skill set and a profound understanding of the world’s diversity, empowering them to navigate the complexities of our interconnected world with confidence and empathy [11].

Primary school education plays a vital role in shaping the oral speech skills of young learners. It is during these early years that children are introduced to the fundamentals of effective verbal communication. Primary schools provide an environment where school students can develop their language skills, expand their vocabulary, build confidence in speaking and lay the foundation for lifelong communication abilities [12]. These formative years are instrumental in preparing students for future professional academic and personal success, making the cultivation of oral foreign language speech skills a fundamental of primary education.

In conclusion, we conclude that the significance of the development of foreign language skills in primary schools cannot be underestimated. The fundamentals established during these crucial years not only ensure students essential communication tools but also empower them to express their thoughts, connect with others and succeed in their academic journey.

As we acknowledge the crucial role of primary education in shaping the future, it becomes essential to create a supportive and nurturing environment where school students can continually enhance their foreign language oral speech skills, ensuring a brighter future for young communicators.


  1. Concept of Language Policy Development in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2023–2029, [ER].Access mode: https://www.gov.kz/memleket/entities/sko-sayasat/
  2. Modern Teaching methods of teaching foreign languages, [ER]. Access mode: https://infourok.ru/statya-modern-teacing-metods-of-teacing-foreign-languages-2761021
  3. Montessori approach and Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligencies, [ER].Access mode: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/328018591
  4. Ushinsky K. D. the formation of elementary school students, [ER]. Access mode: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/k-d-ushinskiy-ob-obrazovanii-uchaschihsya-nachalnoy-shkoly/viewer
  5. Makarenko A. S. Methods of organising the educational process, 1935–1936, p.49–51
  6. Bruner Jerome Child's talk: learning to use language,1983, p.43
  7. Karpova, S.N., Trouve E. I. Psychology of the child's speech development. / S. N. Karpova, E. I. Trouve. — Rostov — na-Donu, 2011, p.94
  8. Effective methods of teaching speaking in primary schools, [ER]. Access mode: https://infourok.ru/effective-metods-of-teacing-speaking-in-primary-scools-klass-3971992.html
  9. Skalkin V. L. Communicative exercises in English, the education publishing house,1983,128 p.
  10. Amonashvily Sh.A. Foreign languages at school,1986, p.52
  11. Specificity of a foreign language and psychological bases of teaching a foreign language at younger school ages, [ER]. Access mode: https://moluch.ru/archive/150/42484/
  12. Researching Oral Production Skills of Young Learners, [ER]. Access mode: https://yandex.kz/search/?text=Primary+school+education+plays+a+vital+role+in+shaping+the+oral+

Ключевые слова

young learners, language acquisition, Primary school students, oral speech communication, methodological techniques, early childhood education, classroom activities

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