Creativity in sublimation as a psychological resource for students with traumatic experience | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Психология

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №1 (552) январь 2025 г.

Дата публикации: 04.01.2025

Статья просмотрена: 3 раза

Библиографическое описание:

Мальгина, О. А. Creativity in sublimation as a psychological resource for students with traumatic experience / О. А. Мальгина. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2025. — № 1 (552). — С. 229-230. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

In the article, the author explores the communication channels of creative thinking among students through the traumatic experience of the environment.

Keywords: creativity, creative thinking, creative reasoning, traumatic experience.

The problem of traumatic experiences among students in the field of creativity and sublimation is currently of great interest in the field of education and personality formation in regions with high anxiety and hazard to life. Despite the peculiarities of the time and place, the education system focuses on preparing young people for real life conditions, no matter how simple they may seem. For greater demand in the employment market, a modern student needs to have creative abilities, creative thinking, and be able to obtain and analyze their own knowledge in the course of creative work.

Before talking about the ability of students to think creatively, to talk about the terms of creativity and sublimation, it is necessary to consider the concepts of a psychological resource and a resource in general. The definition of the term «resource» in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language is «Stocks, sources of something; the remedy that is used in the necessary case» [1] In other words, a resource refers to such components that can be used if necessary in certain situations. Based on the above, the concept of a psychological resource of a personality is formulated — these are the accumulated skills, abilities, beliefs that affect exactly how a person copes with stressful events, how a person can use their individual experience in a new psychologically unstable situation, how to demonstrate high achievements in professional activity in an unusual situation, and experience satisfaction from own activities. To use personal experience as a positive tool in personal activities, to expand opportunities for the fulfilment of one's own tasks, to increase value in the public’s eyes due to the features to be more resilient and productive.

Approaching the concept of creativity among students, let us consider a stable definition. «Creativity is an integrative quality of the human psychic that ensures productive transformations in the activity of a personality, allowing it to satisfy the need for research activity» [2, p. 9] Speaking of students' creative thinking as the ability to generate ideas, find non-standard solutions to solve the problems and create something new and original; some properties are determined. The first indicator is fluency, which shows the ability to produce a large number of diverse ideas in a short time. The second is flexibility — the ability to assess a problem from all sides and apply a variety of strategic solutions. The third indicator is originality, this is the ability to generate non–standard and unexpected ideas, deviating from generally accepted laws or patterns. The fourth indicator is working out — the ability to deepen and detail ideas. The fifth indicator is short-circuit resistance, that is, the ability to perceive new information constantly and consider it from different angles, without relying on any one aspect, even if it seems the most appropriate.

«It would be correct to consider one more important definition. Creativity is the process of creating something objectively or subjectively qualitatively new by a person through specific intellectual procedures that cannot be represented as precisely described and strictly regulated actions, therefore creative activity is an extremely complex phenomenon that manifests itself in an amazing variety of forms of human activity» [3]. «Creative thinking is a type of thinking that results in a person discovering something new or improving the solution to an existing problem» [4]. Creative activity involves the development of students' independence: the ability to move from one stage to another, set tasks independently, find ways to solve them through adequate actions, and find their own way when solving non–standard tasks.

The above-mentioned abilities of students are vividly revealed in ideal living conditions. But considering the conditions of anxiety, when the state of a person's psychic is experiencing excitement, anxiety (anxiety), fear in special social situations that are associated with increased physical or emotional stress, there are features or difficulties in the processes of socio-psychological adaptation and the formation of a normal image of oneself and one's personal qualities.

The events of recent years have shown how much the external world affects a person's psychoemotional and physical state. The first stage of the global alarming situation in Russia is the sudden COVID-19 pandemic, where there is a particularly high level of anxiety among people of all ages, emotional exhaustion of psychological resources, and significant physical strength of body related to health. The education system has not been stayed on the sidelines either. At this time, the question arises of a new format that has not been adjusted yet and has almost no network learning skills. The experience of network education is emerging, along with questions about understanding the technical capabilities of the new educational process.

The second stage of mass anxiety is revealed along with special military operation. It is especially acute in the regions close to the state border. Due to the work of military equipment, the loud sounds of heavy guns flying out, and the air-raid siren of rocket danger, a new form of fear and anxiety is being felt. The next reason for significant troubles was the arrival of long-range enemy shells in peaceful residential areas of villages, towns, and cities with the deaths of civilians. There is a new level of excitement among the population. Parents feel anxious for the lives of their children, the danger of being on the street and in transport. Once again, there is a need for network learning.

It took time to develop and implement educational applications and programs that allow remote interaction with the resources and portals of educational systems. The usual formula of teacher–student interaction in the classroom is changing to a new one — interaction at a distance through communication media. The introduction and study of new unusual techniques and methods of interaction is carried out, which causes the brain and neural connections to develop. It takes some time for teachers and students to master new experiences and new opportunities.

During the implementation and practical application of distance education, it becomes clear that the time that was previously used to move to and from an educational institution is being freed up. Students can and do use this time as new opportunities, and there is an interest in immerse in the subject. At this stage creativity manifests itself. New ideas are generated, non-standard and original solutio appear, and there is time to create something new and useful. More free time means more ideas, the opportunity to evaluate a task from all sides, apply a variety of solution methods, and generate non-standard and unexpected ideas with a deeper detail. Freed up time to review and assimilate new information and the opportunity to look at the problem from different angles, reflect and analyze the idea.

In conditions of instant remote access to the storage resources of information of interest, creative thinking is manifested among students. Ways to solve existing problems are being improved and there is a desire to consider new options or even create new methods. In other words, we can say that in solitude a person has a great opportunity to create. Thus, creative activity develops students' independence, the ability to set tasks, find the most rational and correct solutions on their own, and solve emerging issues or problems step by step.

The above-mentioned components make it possible to form a psychological resource for students with traumatic experiences. Young people, based on their personal traumatic experiences, relying on their individual and social accumulated skills and abilities to navigate a difficult situation, quickly make the right informed decision. We can conclude that the traumatic experience of students increases the level of responsibility, increases the level of opportunities to implement their own and social tasks. This experience gives you the opportunity to be more resilient and productive, and allows you to demonstrate a high level of achievement in your professional activities


  1. S. I. Ozhegov, Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian language, 1949.
  2. V. S. Merenkova, A. N. Pronina, O. E. Yelnikova, L. Y. Komlik, I. V. Faustova Dictionary of psychological terms.
  3. Bibliographic link to the article: Chernikovskaya M. V. Factors of the development of creative activity of Russian students during their studies at a higher educational institution // Humanitarian scientific research. 2015. No. 4. Part 2 [Electronic resource]. URL: (дата обращения: 01.11.2024).
  4. Glossary, dictionary of psychological terms used in the field of psychology, their interpretation and meaning.
  5. Journal, International Student Scientific Bulletin, 2016, No. 5 (part1), pp.96–97.
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): URL.

Ключевые слова

creative thinking, creativity, creative reasoning, traumatic experience

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