Standardization in the Digital World Conceptions | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Информационные технологии

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №9 (560) февраль 2025 г.

Дата публикации: 28.02.2025

Статья просмотрена: 1 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Бабаев, А. К. Standardization in the Digital World Conceptions / А. К. Бабаев, Н. Я. Оразгелдиева, Г. А. Дурдыева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2025. — № 9 (560). — С. 7-9. — URL: (дата обращения: 12.03.2025).

Standardization is one of the most important things that could make decisions, apply best researches, create new innovation ideas and do more efficient work for digitalization. In modern sciences, such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, cybersecurity and Internet of Things (IoT), have to work with principles of standardization, each scientific research will be able to work on standardization and its theoretical foundations.

Keywords: standardization, digital world, security, efficiency, innovation, data transfer protocols, wireless communications, cybersecurity, Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI).


The digital era has brought with its incredible opportunities for the development of technology, communications and business. However, the rapid growth of digital technologies has also revealed the need for unification and streamlining of processes to ensure compatibility, security and efficiency of interaction between different systems and devices. In this context, standardization plays a key role, becoming the basis for the sustainable development of the digital world.

1. The concept of standardization in the digital world [1]

Standardization [2] [3] is the process of developing and implementing uniform norms, rules and specifications that ensure the compatibility and interchangeability of products, services and technologies. In the digital world, standardization covers a wide range of areas, including software, hardware, data networks, cybersecurity, the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and more.

Digital standards can be both technical (e.g. data transfer protocols) and organizational (e.g. rules for processing personal data). They are developed by international organizations such as the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) [4], the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) [5], and national standardization bodies.

2. The Role of Standardization in Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is the process of integrating digital technologies into all aspects of society, business, and government. Standardization is an important tool that contributes to the successful implementation of this process.

— Compatibility and integration: Standards ensure the compatibility of various devices and systems, allowing them to interact with each other. For example, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth standards allow devices from different manufacturers to work together.

— Efficiency and savings: Unification of processes and technologies reduces the costs of developing and implementing solutions. Companies can use ready-made standards instead of creating their own solutions from scratch.

— Security and data protection: In the face of growing cyber threats, cybersecurity standards help protect data and ensure user privacy. For example, the AES data encryption standard is widely used to protect information.

— Innovation and development: Standards form the basis for the development of new technologies, as they provide predictability and stability. This is especially important in areas such as artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things.

Table 1

Examples of standards in the digital world

Year of creation

Application area





Internet and web technologies

TCP/IP [6]

Provides the functioning of the Internet and the creation of websites

Development of new versions of standards, adaptation to new technologies



C++ [7]

General purpose programming language

Development of new standards (C++11, C++14, etc.), adding new features


Mobile technologies


Second generation cellular standard



Python [8]

High-level programming language

Development of new versions, expansion of application areas


Digital photography


Lossy image compression format


Internet and web technologies


Hypertext markup language

Development of new versions, support for multimedia and interactivity


Digital audio


Audio compression format


Mobile technologies


Short-range wireless data transfer standard

Development of new versions, improved energy efficiency and data transfer speed




Programming language focused on creating cross-platform applications

Development of new versions, improved performance and security


Internet and web technologies


Style language for web page design

Development of new modules, improved capabilities for responsive design


Digital television

ATSC [10]

American digital television standard

Development of new generations (ATSC 3.0), support for 4K and 8K resolution


Digital photography


Lossless image compression format

Development of formats with higher resolution and editing capabilities (e.g., WebP)


Mobile technologies


Wireless data transfer standard

Development of new generations (Wi-Fi 6, Wi-Fi 6E), increased speed and bandwidth


Digital audio

AAC [11]

Lossy audio compression format

Development of formats with higher sound quality (e.g., FLAC)


Mobile technologies

3G [12]

Third generation cellular standard


Information security

PCI DSS [13]

Payment card data security

Regular standard updates, stricter security requirements


Information security

ISO 27001 [14]

Information security management system

Regular standard updates, adaptation to new threats


Mobile technologies


Fourth generation cellular standard


Mobile technologies


Fifth generation cellular standard

Development, increased data transfer speed, reduced latency

The years of creation of standards may refer to the time of the first publication or the beginning of development and the table provides only some examples of standards used in the digital world. There are a huge number of other standards that regulate various aspects of digital technologies.

3. Challenges and problems of standardization in the digital world

Despite the obvious advantages, standardization in the digital world faces a number of challenges:

— Rapid development of technologies: The pace of development of digital technologies is so high that standards can become obsolete even before their widespread implementation.

— Competing standards: In some areas, there are multiple competing standards, making unification difficult. For example, in the field of wireless charging, there are different standards (Qi, PMA), which creates inconvenience for users.

— Globalization and local requirements: In the context of globalization, it is important to take into account local requirements and regulations, which can complicate the standardization process.

— Ethical and legal aspects: Implementing standards in areas such as AI and big data requires taking into account ethical and legal norms, which can be a complex task.

4. The future of standardization in a digital world

Standardization will play an even more important role in the future, especially with the development of technologies such as quantum computing, blockchain, 6G and others. Here are some key trends:

— Hybrid standards: Future standards will combine technical, organizational and ethical aspects to take into account all aspects of the digital world.

— Automation of standardization: With the development of AI and machine learning, the processes of developing and implementing standards can be automated, which will accelerate their adoption.

— International cooperation: Successful standardization on a global scale requires increased international cooperation between countries, companies and organizations.

— Standards for sustainable development: In the context of climate change and environmental challenges, standards will play an important role in creating sustainable digital solutions.


Standardization in the digital world is not just a technical necessity, but an important element of the sustainable development of society. It ensures the compatibility, security and efficiency of digital technologies, facilitating their widespread adoption. However, for successful standardization it is necessary to take into account the rapid development of technologies, competition between standards and ethical aspects. In the future, standardization will become even more important, especially in the context of the development of new technologies and global challenges.


  1. Adler Yu.B. Standardization and certification in the digital economy: Monograph. — M.: Publishing house «Delo» RANEPA, 2018.
  2. Krylova G. D. Standardization and certification: Textbook for universities. — M.: UNITY-DANA, 2015.
  3. Lipatov V. M. Standardization and quality management: Textbook for bachelors. — M.: Publishing house Yurait, 2014.
  4. Official website of ITU:
  5. Official website of IEEE:
  6. TCP/IP: IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) —
  7. C++: ISO (International Organization for Standardization) — (стандарт ISO/IEC 14882)
Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ISO, ATSC, IEEE, ITU, TCP, AAC, AES, CSS, DSS, FLAC.

Ключевые слова

Innovation, efficiency, standardization, cybersecurity, security, digital world, data transfer protocols, wireless communications, Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI)

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