Psychological and pedagogical aspects of creative thinking development | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Авторы: ,

Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №4 (63) апрель 2014 г.

Дата публикации: 28.03.2014

Статья просмотрена: 806 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Сагимбаев, А. А. Psychological and pedagogical aspects of creative thinking development / А. А. Сагимбаев, Б. М. Моменов. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2014. — № 4 (63). — С. 1090-1092. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

Formation of the optimum of knowledge and skills, understanding of intellectual values, broadening of world-views, as well as development, self-determination, self-actualization, self-regulation and self-affirmation of a personality are among the main objectives and goals of the Concept of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which has been approved by the Government of the republic.

Keywords: pedagogics, psychology, visual art, creative thinking, process of teaching, interdisciplinary relation.

1.              INTRODUCTION

The article deals with the psychological and pedagogical aspects of development of creative abilities at initial schoolchildren at visual arts lessons.

Development of a personality is commensurate to cultural knowledge acquirement through learning and training, as well as to multiform relationship with the world around. Creativity is inherent in every person’s mind and can be revealed in his practical activities resulting as the «second nature» of the man, i.e. a cultural product.

According to an American scientist S. S. Smith (USA) the traditional scientific study covers only one isolated level of the structural organization, while the art itself is hierarchical and supposes simultaneous and successive perception of different levels, such as image, color, symmetry, resonance, scale, focus, contents and cultural context.

In early XX-th century psychologists and philosophers proposed a fruitful hypothesis of the single nature of productive thinking in all the spheres of art. This idea was first discussed in the periodical “Problems of Theory and Psychology of Creativity”. Further the hypothesis has underlain many psychological studies evolving, as the related task, development of the general theory of creative thinking based on the thesis of interacting inductive and discursive factors in all the kinds of heuristic activity. Mastering in visual arts is an important means for personality development, as it is conductive to man’s broad outlook, developed intellect, creativity, imagination, memorization, as well as emotional and aesthetic vision of the world.


Pedagogical influence promotes personal vision of a subject, consideration and understanding of its aesthetic value followed by the appropriate emotional estimation. Therefore, pedagogue’s attention should be focused on the process of creating an artwork. Although there is no doubt that the idea of concrete creative thinking is correct, it needs some clarity. The thing is that aesthetic activity employs, as specific interaction, both, abstract and concrete thinking. The thought can dissect the world into several levels and cognize them. However, holistic perception connected with creative thinking enlarges the human being’s abilities considerably.

The nature of an artist gives rise to his creative strength and goals, the goals are conductive to his achievements and creation of artworks, the artworks represent the logical result of the artist’s creative activity. This is the fact proven many times and excluding the problem of lack of perception and studying this phase of creative activity of the artist’s consciousness [2].

Since any thinking activity indisputably includes such operations as analysis and synthesis, then, the process of thinking represents the analytical and synthesizing activity of human brain. Analysis is a mental ability to fragmentation of a subject or a concept into its constituent parts, such as property, qualities and so on. Synthesis, on the contrary, is the mental holistic evaluation of the subject or concept [3]. Analysis and synthesis are indispensable elements in cognition processes including not only thinking activity but also sensing and perception.

Children’s ability to perception is one of the three elements of the unique creation. Looking at a true artwork one can see more than simply lines, color, sounds and image, but also the things they conceal and hide, i.e. the author’s thoughts and feelings shaped or formed in certain manner. The interdisciplinary connections play an important role in the development and formation of creative abilities at pupils, systematization of knowledge and its sound character. In the Pedagogical Dictionary the interdisciplinary approach is defined as «coordinated subjects teaching reasoned from the system of sciences and following the same didactic purposes». The importance of the interdisciplinary approach is proved by the researches L. S. Vygotsky P. G. Kulagin, K. M. Koroleva, N. A. Lokareva, and B. A. Almuhambetov. The term «Interdisciplinary approach» has two meanings, the theoretical, and the specific one. The theoretical knowledge implies the interdisciplinary approach as the principles of didactics, or as a didactic condition [4].


The specific meaning of the interdisciplinary approach lies in realization of real relations between different branches of learning established in the process of teaching or in the pupil’s mind.

-       justification of the research problem, scientific apparatus and the main provisions of hypotheses of the study;

-       implementation Defect developed training materials;

-       Analysis of students' mastery of the material and content of educational material adjustment and the time spent in the study (particular attention is paid to perform any different creative tasks) or parts of programs;

-       conducting surveys of students in order to clarify the problems and difficulties, their causes in the study of the subject;

-       content profiles and tasks to achieve the desired level of Learning.

A characteristic feature of all students enrolled in the experimental classes, was that they were active in the studied material, tried to perform the task independently and creatively to realize their dreams, trying to critically analyze the material under study, asking probing questions, trying to present the problem from the other side, etc.

Fig. 1 Teaching system to visual art activity.

In the course of our experimental work was carried out to examine the levels of assimilation and self-paced content developed and forming qualities of the creative personality. As indicators of the success of Learning results were different creative tasks, tests and various projects. It should be noted that during the whole period of experimental work, all students have been trained and successfully cope with the tasks of a creative nature, and furthermore, it should be noted that in these groups there was not achievers. The table shows the success of the Learning by developed materials, programs and technologies. Assessing the level of formation of knowledge and skills different number of students having good and excellent marks.

According to I. I. Petrova the relations should be established not only between the interconnected disciplines but among all the disciplines studied at school [6].

Visual perception of the shape, proportion, perspective shrinkage and color while drawing a subject helps to analyze, compare and generalize the subject’s properties. Hence, mastering in fine arts can speed the thinking ability. Though quite specific and logically antithetic the analysis and synthesis, nevertheless, are inseparable from each other. There is no educational activity without close interrelation of analysis and synthesis. In visual arts mastering the optimal ratio of analysis and synthesis is an indispensable condition: in the first stage synthesis prevails, in the next analysis and synthesis are important. This law is effective for long-time (thematic drawing, portraits, etc.) and short-term (one-séance sketches, sketches and studies) work.

The kind of purposeful mastering in fine arts has been conducted in the schools of Almaty (school No. 148), Semey and Aktobe. The teachers of visual art took into consideration such personality qualities, as impellent motive, memory and thinking mode. Much attention was paid to pupils’ interpersonal communication, their knowledge, skills and habits in different drawings, the analysis and synthesis they make, and their creative thinking as well. Attention is an important factor in cognitive processes and a serious condition for success. It is responsible for deep and comprehensive visual perception, creativity and will to strive for study and knowledge.

The table shows the success of the Learning by developed materials, programs and technologies. Assessing the level of formation of knowledge and skills different number of students having good and excellent marks.

Table 1

Results success Learning students in the educational field «Art and Design»


% of students who have mastered the content at different levels of creative activity





4 class





5 class





6 class




4.              CONCLUSIONS

As a result of observation of the creative activity of students and showed changes of value orientation, improve the relationship between students and teachers, increased interest in the learning material.

We observed during the experiment dynamics improve performance binds us in connection with the growth of the methodological validity of studies, organization of workshops, students independently perform various creative tasks.


1.      Viyuzhek T. Memory, attention, intellect. Moscow: Exmo press, 2002,- 295 p.

2.      Tassimova A. A. Language and culture are the basis of positive ethnic identity, Journal of International scientific publications: language, individual and society, Volume 5, part 1, 2013, 10–11 p.

3.      Rostovtsev N. N. Academic drawing, Moscow: Prosveshcheniye, 1989,- 263 p.

4.      Almuhambetov B. A. Development and problems of pupils-deficient schools. Initial school: Republican scientifically-methodical pedagogical journal, Almaty, 2002,-48 p.

5.      Golovin S. Practicing psychologist’s dictionary. Minsk: Khorvest, 2001, -129 p.

6.      Petrova I. I. Pedagogical basis of interdisciplinary approach, Moscow: Vysshaya school, 1989.-79 p.

7.      Vigotsky L. S. Psychology. Publishing. — Spb. Print-in «Peter», 2000, -381 p.

8.      Bordovskaya N. V., Rean A. A. Pedagogics — Spb. Print-in «Peter», 2000, -304 p.

9.      Tarde G. Opinion and crowd // Psychology of crowd, Moscow, Institute of psychology of Russian Academy of sciences, KSP, 1998–416 p.

10.  Bedrnova E., Novy I. Psychologie a sociologie rizeni, Praha: Management Press, 2002–586 p.


Ключевые слова

педагогика, психология, visual art, креативное мышление, Процесса преподавания, Междисциплинарное отношение, psychology, pedagogics, creative thinking, process of teaching, interdisciplinary relation

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