Обычаи и традиции Великобритании | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №16 (75) октябрь-1 2014 г.

Дата публикации: 01.10.2014

Статья просмотрена: 261 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Далалишвили, Л. А. Обычаи и традиции Великобритании / Л. А. Далалишвили. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2014. — № 16 (75). — С. 331-334. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/75/12808/ (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).


Teacher: Good morning, children! I am glad to see you. Today we have a revision- lesson.

Today we will speak with you about the most famous holidays and customs of Great Britain. We also will revise lexical and grammar structures. I hope that it will be interesting for you during our lesson.

Активизация грамматического материала

Работа с презентацией № 1

Teacher: слайд № 1: я хочу напомнить, что Futuresimple. Простое будущее время — выражает действие, которое должно совершиться в будущем. Образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола will.

В предложениях в этом времени вы часто встретите указание на точное время (дата, часы), а также слова, такие как:

-       tomorrow (завтра)

-       the day after tomorrow (послезавтра)

-       next week (на следующей неделе)

-       in an hour (через час) и т. д.

-       They will join us in an hour (они присоединятся к нам через час).

-       We’ll see our friends tomorrow (мы увидим наших друзей завтра).

Вопросительная форма глаголов в будущем простом времени образуется с помощью перестановки: вспомогательный глагол ставится перед подлежащим.

-        Will you work (ты будешь работать?)

-        Will they come (они придут?)

Отрицательная форма глаголов в Future Simple образуется с помощью not, которое ставится между вспомогательным и смысловым глаголами.

-        He will not do this (он этого не сделает).

-        I will not see it (я этого не увижу).

Слайд № 2: Future Continuous — Будущее продолженное время означает действие, которое будет совершаться в процессе в будущем неопределенном промежутке времени. Образуется: will be verb+ ing.

Утвердительная форма

Вопросительная форма

Отрицательная форма

I will be working

Youwill beworking

He, she, it will be working

We will beworking

They will be working

Willbe working?

Willyou be working?

Willhe,she,it be working?

Willwe be working?

Will they be working?

I won’t be working

You won’t be working

He, she, it won’t beworking

We won’t be working

They won’t be working

Card № 1

Teacher:Now, let's take the cards and see how these verbs are used in sentences.

Future Simple

Future Continuous







He will work.

He will not work.

Will he work?

I'll be doing it.

 I won't be doing it.

Will you be doing it?

You will come to my place next Sunday.

You will not come to my place next Sunday.

Will you come to my place next Sunday?

You will be driving.

You will not be driving.

Will you be driving?

I will see him tomorrow.

 I will not see him tomorrow.

Will I see him tomorrow?

 He will be working.

He won’t be working.

Will be he working?

You will eat apples tomorrow.

You will not eat apples tomorrow.

Will you eat apples tomorrow?

She will be sleeping.

She won’t be sleeping.

Will she be sleeping?

He will go to the theatre tomorrow.

He will not go to the theatre tomorrow.

Will he go to the theatre tomorrow?

Mike will be writing.

Mike won’t be writing.

Will Mike be writing?


Card № 2

Teacher: I think you will need some new words. Look at the screen and repeat the words after me.

Holidays UK

Праздники Великобритании

UK traditions

Традиции Великобритании

St. Patrick's Day

День Святого Патрика

Easter Monday

Светлый понедельник

Good Friday

Великая пятница

«Glorious 12 July»

«Славное двенадцатое июля»

unusual traditions

Необычные традиции

Tradition of the royal court

Традиции королевского двора

Christmas traditions

Новогодние традиции

Christmas traditions

Рождественские традиции

culinary Traditions

Кулинарные традиции

musical traditions

Музыкальные традиции

Wedding Traditions

Свадебные традиции

UK royal traditions

Королевские традиции Великобритании

Receptions in the royal garden

Приемы в королевском саду

tea traditions

Чайные традиции

The tradition of celebrating Easter

Традиции празднования пасхи

chocolate eggs

Шоколадные яйца

Easter day

Пасхальный день

blue tablecloth

Синяя скатерть

white tablecloth

Белая скатерть

White Wedding Dress

Белое свадебное платье

Работа с презентацией № 2

«Праздники и традиции страны изучаемого языка»

Слайд № 1:

Holidays and traditions of Great Britain

Студент 1. Слайд № 2:

Being a country of traditions, Great Britain represents modern civilization and a long history.

Студент 2. Слайд № 3:

-       On the 1th,2d of January the British celebrate the New Year

-       On March, 17 in Ireland they celebrate St. Patrick's Day

-       The first day after Easter is Easter Monday

-       Holy Week — Good Friday

-       On the 25th and 26th of December they celebrate Christmas Other holidays are:

-       the last Monday of August or the first Monday in September — Day of Summer

-       «Glorious July 12" — Day of the Battle of the Boyne -

Студент 3. Слайд № 4:

Unusual traditions UK

-       ability to pose face — based on the ability to make ugly grimaces;

-       races with a rolling cheese — last Monday of May;

-       dancing around the maypole;

-       nacreous king and queen — one of charity cultural traditions of labor class in London.

Студент 4. Слайд № 5:

UK Christmas traditions

England. As soon as the clock strikes twelve, the British run to open the back door of the house (the old year goes out) and open the front door entrance– to enter and please the whole year — New Year's Eve.

Студент 5. Слайд № 6:

UK Christmas traditions

Scotland. New Year is called here — Hogmanay. Locals very tenderly treat the 1st guest on January 1. They necessarily wine and dine him.

Студент 6. Слайд № 7:

UK Christmas traditions

Wales. Over the New Year's table local farmers invite all those who worked well and did his best during harvest.

Студент 7. Слайд № 8:

Christmas traditions in the UK

All windows of rural homes in the UK at Christmas are lighted with candles. As a tradition of celebrating Christmas they also relate the Christmas dinner, which includes traditional dishes such as roast goose (in Wales, Ireland), stuffed turkey (the British) or Plum — pudding. They still preserve an ancient custom of decorating the house for Christmas with evergreen branches.

Студент 8. Слайд № 9:

Culinary traditions of Great Britain

A peculiarity of the national cuisine is that natural features of food are only emphasized and not changed beyond recognition.

Студент 9. Слайд № 10:

Musical traditions of Great Britain

The musical culture of the United Kingdom was created due to various nations of this country. Jazz, folk music became very popular.

In England each year they organize the Opera Festival.

British traditions are displayed in bright festivals.


1.      What religious holidays do you know?

2.      How do they greet the New Year in England?

3.      How do they celebrate the New Year in Scotland?

4.      How do they celebrate New Year in Wales?

5.      Which plants are made to gift for Christmas?

Teachr: Read and translate the text

Customs and traditions of Great Britain

Britons are proud that they differ significantly from the other nations of the world. They still adhere strictly to such practices as: a game of cricket or left-hand traffic.

Britons still, unlike the rest of Europe, do not measure the distance in kilometers, but miles. British tradition manifested in restraint of judgment, as a mark of respect to his companion. Hence, they have a tendency to avoid denial, using «may», «I think ", etc.

By lunchtime, the British change into some other clothes. Holidays, customs and traditions of all UK residents try to adhere to.

By the traditions and customs of the British include numerous festivals. The most popular of them is held in May in Chelsea. Most solemn and grand celebration of the country is the Queen's Birthday.

Sport also referred to the traditions — «Boat Race» (held in late March), soccer, tennis tournaments, yachting.

Проверка понимания прочитанного (общий смысл и содержание, специальная информация).

Answer the questions:

-       What are proud of the British?

-       In what manifestations the British traditions?

-       Which celebration is the Most solemn and grand of the country?


Trip to London

Hello! My name is Lika. I'm from Moscow. In late December, I visited the UK as tourists.

The UK has old cultural traditions to which its residents are trying to adhere to.

I was lucky enough to visit several traditional festivals UK: wedding ceremony, a traditional tea party and the celebration of Christmas. It was unforgettable.

Modern traditions are very bright, cheerful, happy and colorful. I was particularly impressed by the tea traditions. But to understand what Englishmen feel it is necessary to participate in a tea ceremony and meet them personally.

Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): слайд, студент, традиция, вспомогательный глагол.

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