The methods of using innovation technologies during literature classes | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Педагогика

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №4 (84) февраль-2 2015 г.

Дата публикации: 13.02.2015

Статья просмотрена: 66 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Зарипова, Д. Б. The methods of using innovation technologies during literature classes / Д. Б. Зарипова. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2015. — № 4 (84). — С. 566-568. — URL: (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).

This article looks at the issues of using innovation technologies in literature classes. The author explains how modern pedagogical technologies are effective and helpful in teaching. By using specific examples from her own experience and practice she demonstrates her points about interactive methods. Zaripova introduces some fruitful games, such as «Lottery», «Literary hockey» and «Fish skeleton» to support her ideas.


The public education system is playing an important role in the formation of national ideology and spirituality of independent Uzbekistan. In practice, it is proved that the innovation pedagogical technologies have their significant position in the organization of teaching literature, achieving improvement to master the subject of literature by the students of academic lyceum and in developing of their literary thoughts. Because being taught according to pedagogical technologies, students have opportunities to think independently about the essence of ideas of a certain literary work, to analyze the content of solution offered by the author which is based on the plot of the work and to be ready for independent life by taking part in the process of social relations expressed in the work.

Modern pedagogical technologies in teaching based on the following:

1.                 To secure the superiority of the learners who take part in the process of teaching.

2.                 To achieve the results according to the aim of teaching.

3.                 To achieve a venture management in the teaching process.

4.                 To make the only system of the technologies of means and supplying the content of teaching.

In the process of teaching every teacher can choose required types and methods according to the subject and the theme:

1.      Newspaper commentary

2.      Foundation

3.      Panorama

4.      Interview

5.      Detective

6.      Fair (Bazaar)

7.      Mutual control

8.      Short-term tournament

9.      Common bridge

10.  Mathematical hockey

11.  Lottery

12.  Literary hockey

We would like to give explanations for some methods that have already been tested during literature classes:


This method can be mostly used during literature classes in the process of analyzing the literary books (novel, story etc.). Connection among subjects are appeared by the using of this method.

For example: The readers of the story «A White Ship» by Chingiz Aytmatov are scholars of several fields of science and they give their reflections.

Geographer: Geographer speaks about the Lake Issikkul and the Yenisei River. Issikkul is a stagnant lake on the slopes of Tien Shan. It is situated in the northern-east of the Kyrgyz Republic. It is one of the biggest mines in the world. The area of the Issikkul province is 43.5 square kilometers. It has a population of over 472.000.

Ethnographer: Bughu (Deer) was the biggest Kyrgyz nomadic tribe. They lived together with the people of the nomadic Saribaghish tribe near the reservoir of the Aksu River, in the eastern coast of Issikkul, on the banks of the Norin, Kechin and Tekis rivers and in the Qarqara valley in the middle of the 19th century. Breeding and farming were their main occupations.

Biologist: Deer are even-toed mammals. Their tails are short, heads are long and narrow, legs are thin and they have comely figure. They have no incisors in their upper jaw. Their fangs are flat. Almost all deer have horns. They are widely spread in the continents of Europe, Asia and North America. They live in the flat grounds of mountains, in the forests, in the deserts and in the tundra. They reach maturity at the age of a year and a half. Some drugs are made from the «pants» (young horns) of a special kind of deer.

Naturalist: There are a lot of information about several types of plants in the story. E.g. «shiroljin»- grows at an edge of the forest and smells good like pine trees. Shiroljin grows high, it doesn’t blossom, but it is a fragrant plant.

Scholar of Literature: The novel has been researched by many scholars. It was translated by Asil Rashidov.

Linguist: There are some proverbs and legends in the novel.

For example:

1)        It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think that you see nothing

2)        What is done cannot be undone.

3)        Money makes the world go round. (Hey, my son, there is no place for beauty and good words when money rules everything.)

4)        It is the cloth of an orphan that is often given to the guest.

Psychologist: the child had been nurturing from the age of 2 until 5. The child suffered from mental anguish and the events happened around him influenced him very badly.

Artist. (Shows his or her own painting)

Mendeleev periodic table

On the basis of the Mendeleev periodic table students can find the names of the heroes of the novel which they are analyzing or the words belonging to the theme.

For example: the following words in the process of analyzing the Yusuf Khos Hojib’s novel «Qutadghu bilig»

The words «adolat» («the truth») and «bilig» («knowledge») will be found according to the first letters of the following chemical elements. The teacher writes the atomic numbers of chemical elements on the blackboard. The students who know the periodic table well can find these words easily.

13 — Al — aluminum

5 — B — boron

105 — Db — dubnium

77 — Ir — iridium

8 — O — Oxygen

3 — Li — lithium

57 — La — lanthanum

77 — Ir — iridium

89 — Ac — actinium

32 — Ge — germanium

22 — Ti — titanium

«Lottery» game

This game helps the students to strengthen the new theme. The students are distributed the lottery tickets. There are multiple choice questions drawn in the tickets. The tickets to which the students give correct answers are considered as winning tickets and their owners-students are marked at the end of the lesson.

Literary hockey

The students are divided into 3 sub-groups:

Group 1 — midfielders;

Group 2 — central forwards;

Group 3 — forwards;

The teacher is a goalkeeper.

Each group is given tasks according to their positions and functions.

For example:

a) question for the group 1: Why was Alexander the Great going to build a wall in the Qof land?

b) question for the group 2: What are the exact descriptions of Cyclops and ant-like creatures in the novel?

c) question for the group 3: How big was the Alexander’s wall?

After writing answers to the questions midfielders hand in their answer to central forwards, central forwards hand in theirs to forwards. And so does group 3 to the teacher-goalkeeper. If the answer is true, it means that they score a «goal». Groups are awarded with cards.


The technologies of graphical organizers in literature classes:

The analysis of the description of Andijan according to the classification in «Baburname».




Historical people









Alisher Navoi

Yusuf Khodja


The «Fish skeleton» pattern can be used for studying the works of Alisher Navoi




1.         Karimov I. A. «Well-developed generation is the foundation of the development of Uzbekistan». -Tashkent, Sharq,1997.

2.         Jurayev R. H., Tolipov U. Q. Pedagogical activities, technologies and skills. -Tashkent, 2003. -№ 2.

3.         Klarin M. V. Pedagogicheskaya tekhnologiya v uchebnom processe (Pedagogical technologies in teaching process). -Moscow, Znaniye, 1989

4.         Ochilov M. New pedagogical technologies.- Karshi, Nasaf, 2000.

5.         Bekova N., Boynazarov F. The basis of new pedagogical technologies (interactive lessons). -Tashkent, 2007.

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