The success of modernization provides partnership of business and the power | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Экономика и управление

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №8 (88) апрель-2 2015 г.

Дата публикации: 13.04.2015

Статья просмотрена: 13 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Сунакбаев, Ш. К. The success of modernization provides partnership of business and the power / Ш. К. Сунакбаев. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2015. — № 8 (88). — С. 659-661. — URL: (дата обращения: 21.02.2025).

Keywords: Industrial and innovative development, progress, modernization, mining complex


Movement of Kazakhstan in a global rating of competitiveness at once on the 21st position up — an event, undoubtedly, unique. It is a sign indicator of successful realization of a course of the Head of state on the forced industrialization of economy and social modernization of society.

Experts far not incidentally connect so impressive progress of Kazakhstan with achievements in spheres of macroeconomic and technological readiness. It is known that the World Economic Forum (WEF) by drawing up a global rating of competitiveness defines a stage of development of this or that country on the basis of two criteria: gross domestic product per capita (GDP) and shares of export of mineral resources. On these indicators the economy of Kazakhstan promoted very significantly. If in 2000 GDP per capita the republics made 5 871 dollars, already in the 2011th — 13 000 dollars. Such growth — more than twice — was substantially provided also with domestic mining and metallurgical complex.

The powerful contribution to these achievements is made by the enterprises of the Euroasian corporation of natural resources (ENRC) which work at full capacity today. We are adjusted to keep all advantages of the production in Kazakhstan: high efficiency, low prime cost, innovative technologies, high standards. It is expected that capital expenditure of corporation in the republic in 2012 will make about 2 billion dollars.

Experts of VEF noted the most significant progress of Kazakhstan on a factor of technological readiness. And it isn't casual: our country improved the rating here at once on 32 positions that is a consequence of effective realization of the State program of the forced industrial and innovative development. According to the Ministry of the industry and new technologies, within this program in mining and metallurgical complex it is planned to invest in total 16 billion dollars of which 85 % will make private investments.

Their considerable share — about 7 billion dollars — is the share of investments of corporation, the Card of industrialization included more than ten investment projects of group. Today, despite all volatility of the world market and decline in demand for production of mining and metallurgical complex, ENRC makes all efforts for successful implementation of the obligations for FIIR.

And didn't pass two years as we with pride presented to the President of the country Nursultan Nazarbayev our child — the Kazakhstan electrolysis plant which he called at a start ceremony «the breakthrough draft of the FIIR program, major for the country». And here quite recently at the same enterprise the Head of state gave start to balancing and commissioning of plant on production of the burned anodes. Its introduction in a system will allow not only to reduce prime cost of domestic aluminum, but also considerably will raise the Kazakhstan content of production, will eliminate dependence of the company on foreign suppliers.

The new plant — one of the largest drafts of the republican Map of industrialization — is included into the capital expenditure program of ENRC and has to become operational in December of this year. Production is equipped with the most modern equipment. With the scales the newest advanced furnace of roasting of anodes installed by the German experts — more than two hundred meters in length and about thirty in width, consisting of 50 cameras strikes. As well as at all our enterprises, the paramount attention at a choice of technology is paid to ecological aspects — all methods of protection allowing to catch more than 90 % of all emissions are provided here. Very strict requirements on safe operation of the equipment and labor protection are introduced: unloading of raw materials is most mechanized, full sealing is observed, and production rooms are equipped with a supply and exhaust ventilation.

At new plant about 500 workplaces are created, future workers already had training in basic educational institutions of corporation.

Modern productions of the enterprises of group come into operation almost annually, the equipment is updated, new workplaces are created, training of the personnel is conducted. All our work is directed on increase of competitiveness of the enterprises and preservation of leader positions in all directions: in production, social policy and environmental protection. Thereby the group successfully solves key problems of a sustainable development — from efficiency of use of resources to health of society. ENRC, became one of the Kazakhstan's first companies which issued the report on a sustainable development for 2011.

Breakthrough character of the project is also that here domestic materials will be widely used — for example, imported coke is planned to replace with shubarkulsky coal. Labor productivity due to application of innovative technologies which will allow to melt small fractions of chromic raw materials instead of lumpy breed now in use, will increase by 2–3 times. Mechanization of many key processes considerably will lower load of employees of the enterprise and will bring to naught risk of traumatism. Thus decrease in harmful emissions in the atmosphere will be reached together with full utilization of slags, that is impact of production on environment is minimized.

With input in a system of this production the export potential of Kazakhstan will significantly grow. Its value for the country was emphasized by the President of Kazakhstan, having personally put in the base a symbolical capsule: «Old plant too good, but in new conditions new technologies are necessary, — the Head of state noted then. — It is cardinal other production. For Aktobe and for Kazakhstan this new word in equipment …"

According to data of the World economic forum, indicators of Kazakhstan on such major indicators as «Development of the financial market» and «Business development» are improved. We see that in the republic the methodology of collection of taxes is constantly improved, the legislation gradually moves towards rapprochement tax and accounting. It considerably facilitates life to the companies subsoil users, allowing to meet established periods by drawing up the tax reporting. Besides, a number of legislative norms significantly stimulate investments into production. In particular, it is possible to return the spent funds for acquisition of fixed assets to rather short terms. There are also other preferences. For example, for the mountain equipment the double norm of depreciation in the first year of operation is provided.

Improvements in the legislation allow our enterprises to carry out consecutive modernization. So, on the East Ayatsky field of JSC Aluminium of Kazakhstan the powerful electrohydraulic HITACHI excavator with a capacity of ladle of 15 cubic meters is recently brought into operation. The new walking excavator on Belinsky a field is ready to work. Instead of the dump trucks which fulfilled the term the BelAZ with a loading capacity of 45 tons in Torgaysky boksitovy mine administration four new 60-tonnnik of HITACHI got to work. The park of automotive equipment continues the updating.

Initiatives of the state of introduction of limit tariffs for the electric power gave a powerful impulse of full-scale modernization of the power making enterprises. Within policy «a tariff in exchange for investments» they had an opportunity annually to establish limit tariffs with one condition: the profit got as a result goes for modernization of stations.

On such conditions at the Pavlodar combined heat and power plant which is a part of JSC Aluminium of Kazakhstan 1 three large-scale projects on modernization are realized by a total cost of 5,5 billion tenges. Funds are allocated for dismantle of the cooling tower which fulfilled more than 40 years and construction new with a pressure head water distributor, and also for replacement of ash-collecting installation of the package boiler No. 8 and reconstruction of a path of fuel feeding. Benefit is received by both the enterprise, and citizens: The combined heat and power plant provides plant with steam and the electric power, and residents of Pavlodar — hot water and heat.

The Eurasian Energy Corporation last year put into operation the power unit No. 2 of Aksusky thermal power plant. The project worth 250 million dollars included in the FIIR program was implemented within two years. As a result the power of the power unit increased by 25 MW and made 325 MW that allows to bring the general power of thermal power plant to the level of 2 425 MW. And its restoration is carried out and within the large-scale program of stage-by-stage reconstruction of all eight power units of the power plant realized since 2001.

Strengthening of cooperation of universities and business became the effective engine of competitiveness of the country. And it is also well visible on the example of activity of our corporation. ENRC plays an important role in a hardware of the higher education institutions which are in regions of a dislocation of our enterprises, increase of their scientific potential, connection of science and production.

Today the enterprises of corporation cooperate with 63 educational institutions of Kazakhstan, the near and far abroad. On our initiative in 14 colleges and professional lyceums of the republic new programs of preparation on the basis of multimedia tutorials which development was also sponsored by ENRC take root. The corporation invested in research and developmental works for the last five years about 56 million dollars. Technological processes in the field of mining, enrichments, metallurgy and power are as a result improved …

Thus, on the example of only one corporation it is possible to see that efficiency of industrial and innovative development in many respects depends on collaboration of business and the state. Especially pleases us that this partnership bears the real fruits, the certificate to that is successful advance of Kazakhstan in number of leaders of the international ratings. It is sure that cooperation will become stronger and further — potential at us huge.




1.      Kazakhstan truth No. 348–349 11 of October, 2012.

Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): ENRC, FIIR, GDP, HITACHI, JSC, VEF, WEF.

Ключевые слова

Промышленное и инновационное развитие, прогресс, модернизация, Горнодобывающий комплекс, Industrial and innovative development, progress, modernization, mining complex

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