Role of the MATCHES project in NamEPI | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

Анваров, A. А. Role of the MATCHES project in NamEPI / A. А. Анваров, П. Х. Ботирова, М. М. Катаева, М. А. Кариева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2015. — № 8 (88). — С. 874-876. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

In the conditions of the reforms occurring in Uzbekistan’s higher education the necessity of improving the pedagogical potential of higher school arises that would increase the education quality, High Education Institutions integration in the international education space in accordance with the context of the Bologna declaration.


From the old times our forefathers considered upbringing of the rising generation to be the most important problem. People’s Pedagogics is envisaging early development of a personality with taking basic principles of teaching and education into account has created, developed and improved in the course of the centuries.

Uzbekistan was the first of the countries of the CIS to begin institutional reforms in the educational sector. Education is one of the most important components of human development; and it possesses a core role in solving fundamental challenges. As a key component of human development education determines a governing influence in solving of a number of social, economic, political and humane problems.

From my twelve years experience in higher education I can say that there are several problems need to be solved in our university as well as others in our country. We know that the higher education is the source of energy which activates the society development. All important persons for society gather knowledge and skills in this stage. The university life influences on the activity of person for future and determines its right role in a society. So, the positive and negative things at the university influence anyway to society.

For example, one of the problem is Master’s program. Our Master’s programs and curricula are badly developed, and they are inadequately related to the bachelor’s programs. There is a shortage of textbooks and manuals as well as instruction materials. The low level some of teachers’ qualifications who teach at this level is so far hindering the full implementation of the idea of a high-quality two-tier education.

Namangan Engineering Pedagogical Institute (NamEPI) is modern and dynamic developing and one of the leading Universities in Uzbekistan. The main purpose of NamEPI is training highly qualified specialists, which are to be able to get adaptation in the competition conditions of market, in submission of qualified educational programs, guided by energy, initiative, creation, professionalism and international cooperation of the professorial-pedagogical staff.

Our Namangan Engineering Pedagogical Institute is the one of the higher educational institutions in Uzbekistan which has a lot of international partnerships being a member of such as TEMPUS MATCHES project which gives chances for teachers & researchers to retraining at the universities of Europe on specialties Economical sciences, Accounting sciences, Pedagogical and Economical sciences”.

In the conditions of the reforms occurring in Uzbekistan’s higher education the necessity of improving the pedagogical potential of higher school arises that would increase the education quality, HEI integration in the international education space in accordance with the context of the Bologna declaration.

1.      Adopting and realization the plan-program of retraining and qualification improvement of HEI pedagogical staff on the following trends:

-        Information and innovation technologies of education

-        Pedagogy and psychology

-        Master-classes on economic profile subjects

-        Practical work of teachers directly at the venture

-        Quality management

2.      Working out modules and methodological complexes on improving the teach staff quality

3.      Carrying out trainings, seminars, experience exchange, round tables.

4.      Training of teachers-trainers on innovation informative technologies of education on the basis of the set centers.

The field of international relations of the NamEPI as well as the other Hig Education Universities activities has significantly changed since 1999. In comparison with the period before 1999, the changes in international relations have been linked especially to volume of relations, number of partners involved, reorientation of the international relations to the new geographical and also professional (pedagogical/research) areas. The International Relations main aim is to keep, develop and improve the current level of international relations in line with the Institution development goals. The starting point for the international relations is derived from the strategic NamEPI priorities and from the integrated shape of the activities within the institution, which both correspond with the ministry of High Education strategy.

Due to many different forms of international relations this has a good name and holds a prestigious position among the best high educational Universities in the Uzbekistan. In relation to NamEPI environment they take into account the complete socio-economic situation in Uzbekistan as well as the international atmosphere in the global environment, which still keeps its significant particular regional attributes. The aim of NamEPI international activities is to support international relations as a way to enhance the position and good name of the NamEPI within and also outside the Central Asian education area.

Key focus within the international relations has been changing from quantity to quality, which is just a continuation of the process started in the past. It means that they focus on those, which significantly help to enhance and improve the specific dimension given by study programmes. They offer several well established activities linked to the international education area.

The above information confirms that the key activities within international relations support the internationalization of studies and research. Such activities are as follows:

-        Students and Teachers mobility within the Erasmus Mundus Programme.

-        Participation in international research projects.

-        Support of the student organizations, which recruit more students into international.

-        Building a network with other similar universities and faculties with the aim of supporting and extending international cooperation.

Role of The International Cooperation In High Education System is very important in our lives. As for me I have my reasons why I want to participate in European MATCHES TEMPUS Project, as a researcher.

The first reason is to learn invaluable experience of European specialists (for example, Ruse University Bulgaria, Las Palmas De Gran De Canaria Spain, Yan Koxanovski University Poland) of higher education as much as possible during this short period of time with the help of proficient scientific advisors.

The second reason, Because European High Education international scientific atmosphere, there would play important role in providing the productivity of my research activity as well as successful accomplishment of it. For me very important thing is to talk with overseas students so that I can conduct some surveys for my research in order to compare our higher educational system with that of their countries. Moreover, European Universities itself is the most developed in the world which promise advancement opportunities for researchers/scientists.

The third reason, I can have an opportunity to use huge library resources (Research database of EU, E-books, so on.) and would like to investigate on new knowledge.

For example, this year I have been in Las Palmas De Gran De Canaria Spain, Yan Koxanovski University Poland.          

There are many kinds of positive aspects in MATCHES TEMPUS Project International Mobility. It can provide new experiences and widen the ways of thinking. When the exchange is organised in international groups they can familiarize themselves not only with the hosting country, but also with other cultures and systems of education.

They also have to learn to communicate and collaborate in a new group with people from different cultures. This opens a wide challenge: observing lessons, introducing small business & Technological Scientific Parks, learning and teaching abroad and acquiring new backgrounds.

Every partner university gains new knowledge and international atmosphere for their every-day lives.

For me, personally, it brought a lot of experience. I persuaded myself that it was also fun and joy for me! I got on very well with everybody, we have seen real education systems and culture events, we joined many interesting and long informal discussions not only on the Economical & educational topics. During this two-weeks period we made friends who we would miss. But we hope that I will see them once again!

We could also see and feel a little bit how the student life is in the Spain and Poland Republic. It was interesting and useful.

Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): MATCHES, TEMPUS, HEI, CIS.

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