The possibility of innovation centers, formed on the basis of the shoe enterprises, north and southern regions on the effectiveness of the results of their work | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Библиографическое описание:

The possibility of innovation centers, formed on the basis of the shoe enterprises, north and southern regions on the effectiveness of the results of their work / С. О. Загребельный, Е. Н. Мелешко, Г. Ю. Волкова [и др.]. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2015. — № 8 (88). — С. 247-249. — URL: (дата обращения: 11.03.2025).

The article describes the state of the footwear industry in the regions of South of Russia, the formation of the innovative center was proposed as a variant of the resurgence of the footwear industry, the SOUTHERN regions of the NORTH and to ensure the relevance of domestic footwear. there are benefits adding an innovative centers in the SOUTHERN FEDERAL DISTRICT and the NORTH for the footwear industry. Proposed solution to the problem on the development of innovative technological processes of footwear production in enterprises situated in the regions of the SOUTHERN FEDERAL DISTRICT and the NORTH, formed at the expense of a multifunctional and universal equipment.

Keywords:Innovation Center, software, workflow, shoes, expenses, cash flows, preferences, competitiveness, cost, demand.


One of the options of the resurgence of domestic footwear industry is a dynamic and competitive innovation centers in the regions.

As a result of their creation on the base of the SOUTHERN FEDERAL DISTRICT and the NORTH shoe enterprises to achieve the effect, which is characterized by a decreasing expenses, stimulating the creation of logic within the framework of the Innovation Center for companies producing parts for using them in the shoes manufacturing, providing conditions for the replacement of imported shoes, despite the costs connected with the lease of land, installing communications, establishing infrastructure, equipment purchase and construction of social objects.

When calculating the performance of innovation centers it is necessary to consider and analyze the efficiency level and magnitude of all the tools and production parts. Determination of the innovation efficiency requires the application of quantitative analysis and indicators measurement system in close logical relationship to each other, the application of which is derived from the entity level, the complexity and volume of this notion.

At the current moment we developed the courage of the analysis methods of private indicators of effectiveness. At the same time, on the basis of the research on assessment development effectiveness, innovation center, you can conclude that low level objects using private indicators would be more appropriate to carry out a comprehensive analysis.

The turnover of the individual components of the capital in the turnover formula is the average cost of the respective asset or their sources for such decisions show the velocity of the analyzed elements or their sources and are expressed as the number. increased speed (number of revolutions) showed increasing turnover and as a consequence of the increasing efficiency of innovation centers.

Here is the methodology of calculation of other performance indicators innovation centers (fixed-asset turnover, capacity, productivity, profitability, etc.).

This coefficient characterizes the efficiency in the use of base capital. it is measured the size of sales per unit cost of equity capital.

Turnover Acceleration with lower returns on assets and non-current assets of scientific innovation centers indicates that their measure of irrationally, tools used ineffective or that it does not meet the requirements or conditions of the economic process.

More accurate conclusions on turnover indicators and capital base capital can be done on the basis of an integrated analytical accounting of the time of acquisition, the timing of the operation of non-current assets. Summarizing the economic criterion the efficiency of social production is the level of labour productivity.

The objectivity of the evaluation of innovation centers without calculation and analysis for dynamic indicators of profitability, reflecting the level of profitability of innovation centers.

In calculating the ROI for individual of capital (or their sources) can be used profits from sales, profit before tax, net profit.

The following indicators of profitability can be applied minimizing the effectiveness of resources innovation centers, that is, the financial returns on investment.

Therefore, the success of innovation centers depends on many conditions that can be reduced to the following activities, namely:

-          the need for the Federal Government;

-          efficiency factor conditions (people, capital, natural environment, quality of life);

-          the availability of scientific and educational organizations;

-          legalization of preferential taxation of producers;

-          the reduction of tariffs on import of components for shoes up to 2–3 %;

-          Cancel 5 % import duty on leather raw materials;

-          tax breaks for manufacturers of footwear, components and raw materials;

-          support the development of the resource base, including quality assurance of raw materials due to the vaccination of livestock;

-          subsidizing the participation of domestic manufacturers in major Russian and foreign exhibitions and fairs;

-          creation of the enterprises on production of components;

-          expansion of assortment of footwear;

-          improve the quality and design of the shoe;

-          creating an effective marketing system by improving the structure and content of the marketing function of the cluster service;

-          formation and use of range of competent socio-oriented managers, to ensure the efficiency of innovation centers.

Thus, regions in which organized innovation centres, including shoe, and become leaders of economic development, determine the competitiveness of the economies of these regions, provide social protection for the population of these regions through the new jobs.

In a global economy where cost competitiveness is the mark of competitiveness levels and quality that will enhance its relevance of Russia's entrance into the WTO. Increasing the quality factor of the production of domestic footwear in competitive strategy in world markets is a long-term period.

In the circumstances, footwear enterprises must deal with a competitive range of shoes based on the marketing information and studying regional features of consumer demand. Managing competitiveness of shoes at shoe factories in southern and North Caucasus Federal districts due to the frequent change of assortment and the growing influence of regional socio-economic factors. Improving the competitiveness of the shoes is possible due to the development of new models on the basis of marketing information and analyzing the preferences of specific groups of customers, accelerating the change of articles while maintaining or improving the efficiency of the production system. Management at shoe enterprises is being built very primitively, the head of the company combines the functions of General Director, a designer and a head of sales department. When small amounts of production of such a system justify, today, in the midst of growth-it becomes a hindrance. In order to give the producers a chance, they need to move away from price competition. And that means we need to do more varied collections, use higher quality materials, expanding markets, but this requires the use of innovative manufacturing technologies on the basis of universal and multifunctional equipment.

Particular relevance of enhancing competitiveness of shoe companies that due to external factors (increased competition due to globalization, the global financial crisis) and internal (inefficient management) they have lost their competitive position in the domestic and foreign markets. In response to negative trends in the external environment we should strengthen the processes of regionalization and create different network structures, one of which is the Union of the commodity and the State.

The work is aimed at solving urgent problems of development of innovative technological processes of production of footwear in enterprises situated in the regions of the SOUTHERN FEDERAL DISTRICT and the NORTH.

Software has been developed to form the shoe Assembly process and determine the cost per unit, representing the total sum of operating costs (cost) and capital investment, compared to regulatory factor of efficiency, taking into account the production programme. Conducted policy based on calculations of static parameters of technological assembling shoes process at various forms of organization of production. Developed software for the calculation of cash flow from operating activities of footwear enterprises on the basis of an assessment of the extent compliance and the dynamics of production and sales, determining factors effect on the change of the value of these indicators, identification of internal reserves and the development of activities for their development, aimed at speeding up the turnover of products and reducing losses, which guarantees businesses resuscitation, obtaining stable TEP and warns them from bankruptcy. The developed software allows manufacturers based on innovative technological process using a generic and multifunctional equipment to produce the whole range of shoe production articles with minimum, medium and maximum costs, thus providing a basis for varying the price niche gradually increasing the share of domestic components in the production of leather goods with a considerable reduction in the production costs. However, as the criteria to make informed choices when forming algorithm optimal power justified it is necessary to choose the criteria that have the greatest impact on the cost of finished products, namely:

-          the load factor of working, %;

-          the productivity of a pair;

-          loss of wages per unit of product, rub;

-          the unit cost of the 100 pairs of shoes, rub.

Among four following criteria the most significant is the productivity of work and the cost unit.

A worker’s productivity is a critical indicator of employment. The level and dynamics of the productivity depend to one degree or another, all the main indicators of the efficiency of production and all employment indicators: production, number of employees, the expenditure of wages, salaries, etc.

The cost includes the cost of production, and time capital investment, the compared with current cost to be achieved by multiplying them by the regulatory efficiency of capital investments. Calculations were made for optimal power range from 300 to 900 pairs for men's and women's shoes for the entire range of shoes. The analysis of characteristics for the three options given in the technological process of manufacturing the entire assortment of footwear has confirmed the effectiveness of the software product for evaluating the proposed innovative technological process using a generic and multifunctional equipment. So when the range of 300–900 pairs the best criteria is the volume of 889 pairs (for male) and 847 pairs (for female). If proposed by the regional and municipal authorities of two districts of the SOUTHERN FEDERAL DISTRICT and the NORTH industrial area using the standard indicators would realize the calculated levels of production, then we select the optimum capacity option that is acceptable, for example for the output of 556 pairs corresponding to normative indicators for the proposed production area and is characterized by the best values of designated criteria forming the total cost range of shoes. The authors developed the combined technological processes on both the side of the workpiece top and shoe Assembly, respectively for 12 models of men's and 12 women's shoe models. This is due to the fact that in a competition of geo-economic regions are competing for investment, people, political influence, external relations, property, trade and financial flows. To make centers for plant management, commodity and financial flows and flows of investing outside of the boundaries of «Administrative» regions proved a new regionalization of Russia, now no longer in the administrative and cultural and economic fundamentals. Regional policy ceases to be only compensating objective territorial imbalances. It is increasingly becoming oriented to the development of promising domestic production, starting new activities, creating modern infrastructures, a change of the territorial structure of the economy and settlement systems. And with this need to be considered.




1.                   Prokhorov V., Romanov L. a., L.b. Tomilina, OsackaâN.v., MeleshkoE.n., TikhonovNvOn the impact of the efficiency of the core enterprises, located in the SOUTHERN regions and the NORTH, shaping their social well-being, part 1. Bulletin of the Kazan University. 2013.-v. 16. — No. 15. -S. 173–178.

2.                   ProkhorovV., Romanovl.a., L.b. Tomilina, Osackaâ n. v., Meleshkoe.n., TikhonovN.v. On the impact of the efficiency of the core enterprises, located in the SOUTHERN regions and the NORTH, on the formation of the social well-being of 2. Bulletin of the Kazan University by 2013. -TN 16. — No. 22. -C. 405–409.

3.                   Restructuring-as one of the most efficient forms of enterprise competitiveness in markets with volatile demand: monograph/N. Balanduk [et al.]; under Gen. Ed. Dr. Sci., Prof. V. Prokhorov. RUSSIAN STATE UNIVERSITY Of The South Was Growing Up. GOS. University of Economics and service. " -Mine: RUSSIAN SEI HPE «YURGUES SHAKHTY ", 2012. -347 c.

4.                   Synergetics of competitive range of domestic footwear: monograph/V.t. Prokhorov [et al.]; under Gen. Ed. Dr. Sci., Prof. V. Prokhorov; ISOiP (branch) DSTU. Mine is: ISOiP (branch) DSTU, 2013. -194 with.

Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): NORTH, SOUTHERN, DISTRICT, FEDERAL, DSTU, RUSSIAN, GOS, HPE, ROI, SEI.

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