Process automation of accounting and investigation of technological violations by software package “Accident rate” | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Авторы: ,

Рубрика: Технические науки

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №10 (90) май-2 2015 г.

Дата публикации: 18.05.2015

Статья просмотрена: 75 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Ромашкина, А. Ю. Process automation of accounting and investigation of technological violations by software package “Accident rate” / А. Ю. Ромашкина, Н. А. Дмитриенко. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2015. — № 10 (90). — С. 297-298. — URL: (дата обращения: 17.10.2024).

The article deals with special software designed to automate accounting processes and investigating technological violations in the electricity sector. It briefly describes the purpose of research, introduction, objectives, functions and features of the studied object.


In our time, the heads of leading companies have adopted the decision to implement workflow automation systems to self assess as the advantages of new technology to work with documents. In the field of electric power automation problem is particularly relevant in connection to the large amount of documentation and the need in accounting and controlling investigation process violations. One of the latest developments created to address the pressing issue is the software package “Accident rate” (the system). Its predecessor was the software SAF, but it let make a base power failure occurred without damaging equipment, economic damage, creating events for preventing such events, the possibility of creating acts of technological failures and others, they must have necessary parameters. The software package capabilities “Accident rate” has completely replaced the SAF. The system is used as part of a multi-level structure of the power facility. In this case, to exchange information between different departments of the company digital communication channels are used as being combined into the overall corporate information computer network.

Software package “Accident rate” is designed to automate the process of entering journal entries outages and acts of investigation, their adjustments and further in-depth analysis of the of investigation results of the accidents causes in accordance with the Rules of investigation into the causes of the power accidents (the Rules), approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in October 28, 2009.№ 846 [1] and department documents concerning the ability to produce reports and graphical output forms.

The system automates the following functions required in the process of accounting and analysis of accidents and equipment damage intended for technical specialists of auditing technical services:

1.      The administration function.

2.      The journaling outages.

3.      The function of conducting acts of investigation.

4.      The lock function changes the process of implementation of emergency arrangements.

5.      the transactional data storage and retrieval from storage.

6.      Functions for data consolidation for centralized storage — module «Integration Center».

7.      The function of data integration to interact with other automated information systems.

8.      The function to create output forms.

9.      The function block analysis.

The main purpose of the system is:

-        clarification of previously received timely information on the trip log;

-        clarification of previously received timely information on the acts of the investigation;

-        search and view the available data in order to analyze accidents, Statistics, risk identification reliability of the violation;

-        build reports on the trip log and acts in formats *.docx and *.xlsx, and visualization of statistical information through charts and bar graphs, as well as multiple images (*.pdf format and *.tif);

-        the ability to edit the built classifiers (plant and equipment, accounts of a violation, etc.), with the possibility of discharge or admission to (from) the format (s) *.xlsx;

-        unloading and receiving reference tables, profiles, security groups, system configuration, as well as acts of investigation as for backup purposes, and during the transfer of data between different installations of the product.

The system provides the possibility to receive acts of existing energy companies in the database using the data conversion mechanism. To transfer the investigation of acts of the Russian Ministry and the subject of operational dispatch management in the electric power provided unloading acts to the format of the System Operator Workstation «Base accidents in the electric power industry».

Moreover, this software is designed for the modern structure of the electricity sector, built on the basis of subordination. Within this framework, implemented access rights between users as to the various units of the program, as well as to the data store.

Search for documents is carried out at the expense of the filter mechanism on any information fields, and the unit of analysis allows you to create output forms of different configurations at the request of the user without programmers.

In the system provides access to an unlimited number of users. Access to applications and files is done through role-model in which each security group has a set of access rights to different blocks of the program needed to perform their tasks.

The system is a solution based on Web-based technologies, realizing the process of collecting evidence, the formation of consolidated reports, analytical reports on the trip and alarm in enterprises, measures to reduce accidents.

Thus, the studies above, led to the conclusion that one of the most important factors that enable to ensure smooth operation of the enterprise, is the operational management, accounting and control. This software allows you to monitor the progress of the investigation, draw up plans for the maintenance and repair, monitor the implementation of planned activities, monitoring of technological failures, to take timely measures to restore electricity.

Perhaps the only disadvantage of this software is scant number of classifiers technological failures, which creates inconvenience in selecting the staff responsible causes of violations of the existing database. Currently, however, the developers are working on supplement software package “Accident rate” all necessary parameters.




1.      Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 28.10.2009 № 846. — P. 1–7.

2.      Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [electronic resource] / American non-profit organization «Fund of Wikipedia». — United States, 2001. Access:

Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): SAF.

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