Business etiquette learning at EFL classes | Статья в журнале «Молодой ученый»

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Рубрика: Экономика и управление

Опубликовано в Молодой учёный №11 (91) июнь-1 2015 г.

Дата публикации: 29.05.2015

Статья просмотрена: 100 раз

Библиографическое описание:

Пронина, А. Е. Business etiquette learning at EFL classes / А. Е. Пронина, Н. А. Кобзева. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2015. — № 11 (91). — С. 950-952. — URL: (дата обращения: 16.10.2024).

Данная работа посвящена рассмотрению бизнес этикета и некоторых его типов, таких как деловой, интервью, мобильный, телефонный, управленческий, международный, а также правила делового дресс-кода.

Ключевые слова: этикет, деловой и бизнес этикет.



There is no doubt that the meaning of etiquette is well known. Etiquette is the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group. Etiquette is nothing but manners to be followed in a certain cultural environment. Any culture has its own etiquette. In general the etiquette is universal with specific characteristics and qualifications that run across all people like a common thread [1].

Business etiquette is also an etiquette that has to be adopted in every business keeping ethics and integrity in view. It varies from culture to culture and from country to country and from industry to industry.

The aim of this paper is to consider some types of business etiquette on the basis of authentic Internet resources, which may be used in the process of engineering students’ English Foreign Language learning.

Business etiquette includes good manners, loyalty and commitment towards organizations and important for positive future engineering students’ career growth.

The word etiquette refers to the norms and standards for behavior that control socially acceptable behavior in a given situation. Business etiquette focuses on actions deemed appropriate in professional settings. Business etiquette is basic in building relationships with partners, which provide essential social comfort and create business environment through better communication.

Business etiquette revolves around two things:

1)      thoughtful consideration of the interests and feelings of others;

2)      minimising misunderstandings [2].

Etiquettes are of different types. It is desirable to focus on a few basic etiquettes which collectively constitute the corporate etiquette. They are Hand shake, Interview etiquette, Mobile etiquette, Telephone etiquette, Office etiquette, Dress code, International business etiquette, etc.

1.      Hand shake.

When two men meet each other they shake their hands as a symbol and sign of meeting. There is a right manner in handshake. There has to be firm handshake that represents the confidence level of the persons. If a person presses down the palm of the other person and shakes his hand it indicates that the person is dominant in nature.

2.      Interview etiquette.

When going for an interview, the door is to be knocked, and after seeking the permission the person should enter the interview room. The person should greet the interview panel member like “Good morning Sir/Sirs” depending upon the time of interview and wait for the permission to be seated.

After getting the permission to sit, the person should sit straight and be alert by keeping both the legs together with both feet touching on the ground.

After listening questions carefully the person should analyze, process with in his mind and then should reply appropriately with clear cut thoughts. After the completion of the interview, thank them and exit the room smartly without any unnecessary noise.

3.      Mobile etiquette.

Whenever there is an engagement or any important activities are going on, the mobile should be kept in a silent mode. It is not proper to talk over the phone when important discussion or meeting is in progress. The best thing is to cut short such calls by saying, “I will get back to you” or “Can I call you back?”

Nowadays, mobiles have become both a boon and bane. When engagement or important activities are going on, the mobile should be kept in a silent mode. It is not proper to talk over the phone when discussion or meeting is in progress. After the completion of the meeting the calls can be attended as unattended calls are reflected in the handset. These days, marketing calls do come frequently and it disturbs the mood and also the precious time. These are known as unsolicited calls. The best thing is to cut short such calls by saying, “I will get back to you” or “Can I call you back?”

4.      Telephone etiquette.

It is more or less like mobile etiquette only. The caller has to identify himself first, and should start conversation. Even if the caller interrupts, it is necessary to exercise patience to the caller and respond.

5.      Office etiquette.

When visiting any office, do no roam around as though it is your own office. When you are a stranger to a place maintain and behave like a visitor or as a guest not like a host. Do not disturb the receptionist with too many queries. When you are asked to work in your cubicle stick to that only and do not encroach into others' cubicles.

While addressing a woman if it is not clear whether she is married or unmarried, you can use Ms as that can convey politely for both married and unmarried woman.

Personal space from person to person needs to be maintained properly. It is known as proxemics. You should not behave with unknown people by being too close by maintaining intimate distance as it creates discomfort for others.

6.      Dress code.

For men the shirt should be in light color with a tie. The socks need to be changed regularly. Avoid wearing white socks. The body can be applied with light perfume. It is essential to wear tie for formal meetings. A few companies have separate and specific dress code to its employees on specific days. There is a traditional formula for male attire. BBTTSS is the acronym for Boot and Belt which must be of the same color, Tie and Trouser should preferably match with each other and Shirt and Socks should match with each other. Ultimately the dress code should be pleasing, neat and clean and presentable.

Dress code for women is a very complicated one. It differs from region to region and from country to country based on their cultural background. They should not dress like a Christmas tree. The dress should match as per the corporate culture and values of the organization. The clothes must be positive and presentable and not of tight fittings, no obscene clothes or revealing clothes etc.

7.      International business etiquette.

With the rapid growing technology the globe has become smaller. As a result, there are plenty of opportunities since the communication has become easier. Employers began thinking broadly and are trying to set up their ventures at the global level. Along with that the employees have opportunities to work with the people across the globe.

It is necessary to know the basics of international etiquette such as the multicultural issues, different time zones, different workings hours, holiday patterns, table manner and importance of multicultural issues so as to succeed in the international business [2].

Mastering business etiquette is a modern engineers’ crucial career survival strategy. Engineering students should not ignore it and take etiquette lessons to get job and also vastly improve chance of moving up in the organization.

Within English Foreign Language classes engineering students of Tomsk Polytechnic University learn and discuss the different types of business etiquette and good manners. Besides, they take tests business etiquette. Students are offered answer, and then discuss the test questions. For example, some questions from “The Business Etiquette Quiz” [3]:


The answer

1. When you bump into your supervisor in the elevator, he asks how your latest project is faring. It’s faltering. Do you tell him?

A. Yes. Honesty is the best policy.

B. No. There could be spies from a competitive company lurking in the elevator.

C. No. You promise him a conference report is in the works.

D. No. Worried that the truth will lower your marks on your upcoming performance evaluation, you spin the facts to make it sound like there is still hope.

You’re chatting with your boss at a networking event when you spot your ex-boss. They have never met before. Who do you introduce first?

A. Your boss.

B. Your ex-boss.

C. Neither. Instead, you say something genial to your former boss, such as, “So nice to see you, Carl,” and then let your current boss and ex-boss introduce themselves to each other.

D. Neither. You dive into the hors d’oeuvres, hoping that your former boss won’t notice you behind the crudités.

When two people are discussing business, how far apart should they stand?

And so on.

A. 10 feet. (Or even further— if one of them hasn’t showered.)

B. 7 feet.

C. 6 feet.

D. 3 feet.



Etiquette and business etiquette is essential to survive and succeed both at the personal and professional level. It has paramount significance and importance at the corporate world either to make or break the business deals. Therefore, it is mandatory to stick to the basics of all etiquettes to become a successful professional. To conclude, the business etiquette is essential from peon to principal and from employee to employer.




1.      International Business Etiquette — definition and tips // Passport to Trade 2.0, 2014, site. [Электронный ресурс]. Available at:

2.      Rao M. S. Corporate Etiquette/business Etiquette // [Электронный ресурс], 2008. Available at:

3.      How Smooth Are You? Take The Business Etiquette Quiz // Copyright © 2015 Business Insider Inc. [Электронный ресурс]. Available at:–9?op=1.

Основные термины (генерируются автоматически): Электронный ресурс, BBTTSS.

Ключевые слова

этикет, деловой и бизнес этикет

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